Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1625325
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5042 normal P2 CLOSED   aris at altlinux.org п²п╣ п╢п╬п╨п╟я┤п╦п╡п╟п╣я┌ я└п╟п╧п╩я▀
13241 critical P2 CLOSED FIXED inger at altlinux.org п╫п╣п╡п╣я─п╫я▀п╣ п╥п╟п╡п╦я│п╦п╪п╬я│я┌п╦
5043 critical P5 CLOSED FIXED aris at altlinux.org Often doesn't download the whole file.
5151 major P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org big trouble (tm): non-LFS-compliant
14239 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED misha at altlinux.org Crashing while working with ru_RU.UTF-8 locale
11848 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED naf at altlinux.org Incomplete locale specification in Summary tag
7934 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED greycat at altlinux.org glibc reports double free or corruption
7604 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED eugvv at altlinux.ru xmalloc.c:190: checking_free: Assertion `ptr != ((void *)0)' failed
5579 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED gorev at sitronicsts.com -X & [] brackets broken
5241 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED algor at altlinux.org wget could not retreive files larger than 2 Gb.
3836 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED Vital at belexpo.by It is now possible to specify that POST method be used for HTTP and lots of other important improvements in version 1.9+.
5478 normal P3 CLOSED FIXED gorev at sitronicsts.com ftp & -X erratically
7512 trivial P5 CLOSED FIXED naf at altlinux.org п⌠я─п╟п╪п╪п╟я┌п╦я┤п╣я│п╨п╦п╣ п╬я┬п╦п╠п╨п╦ п╡ ru.po
7855 normal P2 CLOSED DUPLICATE gns at altlinux.org misspell in .ru locale
5686 normal P2 CLOSED DUPLICATE rom_as at fromru.com п²п╣ п©п╬п╢п╢п╣я─п╤п╦п╡п╟п╣я┌ п╡я▀п╨п╟я┤п╨я┐ я└п╟п╧п╩п╬п╡ я─п╟п╥п╪п╣я─п╬п╪ п╠п╬п╩п╣п╣ 2G
7789 minor P2 CLOSED DUPLICATE lav at altlinux.org п╔п╬я┤я┐ п╫п╬п╡я┐я▌ п╡п╣я─я│п╦я▌
13234 normal P2 CLOSED WORKSFORME lav at altlinux.org п÷п╟п╢п╟п╣я┌ я│ SegFault п©я─п╦ wget -m
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