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29 августа 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> 1.10.1-alt1
- 1.10.1 (#7789, #7512)
- removed patch3 (merged upstream with minor changes)
- built for ALM2.4
- 1.10 (thanks Grigory Fateyev <greg anastasia.ru> for testing)
- merged description translations from PLD's 1.9.1-19 spec
- updated buildrequires
- Rebuilt with openssl-0.9.7d.
- new version released
- remove unneeded putches due changes in release
- updated rh-filename patch.
- fixup wrong fix for directory traversal bug
- fixed buffer overflow (rh-segv patch)
- Merged RH patches:
* Sat Oct 05 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.de> 1.8.2-5 - fix directory traversal bug
* Thu Jul 25 2002 Trond Eivind GlomsrЬd <teg@redhat.com> 1.8.2-3 - Don't segfault when downloading URLs A-B-A (A-A-B worked) #49859
- rebuild
- 1.8.2
- Fixed .netrc quotation parsing (mdk).
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- 1.7.1
- Shutup output to screen when using quiet with batch mode (rh).
- 1.7
- Merged some MDK and RH paches.
- Resurrected manpage.
- New version 1.6
- Fixed texinfo.patch
- Fixed encdec.patch
- Fixed i18n
- Fixed texinfo documentation.
- Fix bug: the characters ";/?=&+" must retain their encoded/decodedstatus.
(from Anon Sricharoenchai <ans@beethoven.cpe.ku.ac.th>)
- RE and Fandra adaptions.
- included some stuff from CVS tree
- HTTPS support
- don't permit chmod 777 on symlinks (#4725).
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4)
- build for 6.0 tree
- add Provides
- strip binaries
- version 1.5.3
- updated to 1.5.2
- modified group to Applications/Networking
- upgraded to 1.5.0
- they removed the man page from the distribution (Duh!) and I added it back
from 1.4.5. Hey, removing the man page is DUMB!
- first build against glibc