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Патч: netpbm-10.23-pngtopnm.patch
--- netpbm-10.23/converter/other/pngtopnm.c.pngtopnm 2004-08-05 10:48:22.000000000 +0200
+++ netpbm-10.23/converter/other/pngtopnm.c 2004-08-05 12:44:31.179933480 +0200
@@ -887,11 +887,12 @@
- if ((pnm_type == PGM_TYPE) && (maxval > PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL))
- maxmaxval = PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL;
- else if ((pnm_type == PPM_TYPE) && (maxval > PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL))
- maxmaxval = PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL;
- else maxmaxval = maxval;
+ /*
+ * The conditions maxval > [PGM,PPM]_OVERALL removed because
+ * [PGM,PPM]_OVERALL == 0xffff and maxval is png_uint_16, so
+ * the condition can never be true.
+ */
+ maxmaxval = maxval;
writePnm(stdout, maxval, pnm_type, info_ptr, png_image);