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Пакет: netpbm
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25 ноября 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> 10.20-alt1.M24.1
- sync patches with RHEL4 updates package; particularly:
+ fix CAN-2005-2471 (unsafe gs calls from pstopnm, RH #165354)
+ fix segfault in pnmtopng caused by usage of uninitialized variables
(RH #168278) - changed to UP build
- 9.24 -> 10.20, major revision
- old patches dropped; sh-syntax.patch: fixed missing `fi'
- reworked %build and %install; buildtools/ avoided whenever possible
- libnetpbm-devel-static not packaged by default; librle.a not packaged
- #define COMPILED_BY "ALT Linux Team"
- deb-tmp.patch: secure temporary files (CAN-2003-0924)
- Specfile cleanup.
- Removed /usr/bin/pcdindex (never worked anyway).
- Reenabled standard dependencies calculation method.
- patch #3 from RH
- 9.24
- spec changed, thnx to MDK & RH
- security patch (#4)
- rebuilt with gcc-3.2
- rebuilt with libpng.so.3
- Specfile cleanup (still requires more cleanup).
- Fixed pnmindex script syntax.
- first build for Sisyphus
- static package
- added a builrequires to zlib-devel (Buchan Milne <bgmilne@cae.co.za>)
- corrected the 4 no-ldconfig-symlink errors (thx titi)
- added patch2 to fix bad include netpbm-shhopt.h
- added provides libgr
- added missing obsoletes on libgr1-progs
- first MandrakeSoft package (stolen from d3bi4n and PLD)
Obsoletes libgr libgr-progs libgr-devel