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Группа :: Графические оболочки/KDE
Пакет: kdeedu

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%undefine __libtoolize
%define unstable 0

%define qtdir /usr/lib/qt3
%define cvsdate 20020401
%add_findprov_lib_path %_libdir/kde3

Name: kdeedu
Version: 3.3.2
Release: alt2.9.M24

Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Summary: K Desktop Environment - kdeedu
URL: http://www.kde.org/
License: GPL

Source: kdeedu-%version.tar.bz2
#Source: kdeedu-3.0.98.tar.bz2
Source1: admin.tar.bz2
Patch10: 3.2.0-flags.patch
Patch11: kstars-3.2.2-fix-compile.patch
Patch10000: post-3.3.2-kdeedu-kstars.diff

#Requires: %name-flashkard = %version-%release

Requires: %name-kalzium = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kbruch = %version-%release
Requires: %name-keduca = %version-%release
Requires: %name-khangman = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kig = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kiten = %version-%release
Requires: %name-klettres = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmessedwords = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmplot = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kpercentage = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kstars = %version-%release
Requires: %name-ktouch = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kverbos = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kvoctrain = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kturtle = %version-%release
Requires: %name-klatin = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kwordquiz = %version-%release

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Apr 08 2002

#BuildRequires: XFree86-devel XFree86-libs freetype2 gcc-c++ kde-common kdebase kdelibs-devel libarts-devel libjpeg-devel liblcms libmng libpng-devel libqt3-devel libstdc++-devel zlib-devel

BuildRequires: XFree86-devel XFree86-libs freetype2 gcc-c++
BuildRequires: kde-common libarts-devel libart_lgpl-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel liblcms libmng libpng-devel
BuildRequires: libqt3-devel libstdc++-devel zlib-devel libpcre-devel
BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel-cxx = %__gcc_version_base
BuildRequires: kdelibs > 3.0 kdelibs-devel > 3.0


%package common
Summary: Common empty package for %name
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: kde-common >= 3.2
Conflicts: kdeedu <= 3.0.1
%description common
Common empty package for %name

%package klatin
Summary: Program to help revise Latin
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description klatin
KLatin is a program to help revise Latin

%package kwordquiz
Summary: Tool to master new vocabularies.
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kwordquiz
KWordquiz is a tool that gives you a powerful way to master new vocabularies.
It may be a language or any other kind of terminology.

%package kturtle
Summary: LOGO programming language for KDE
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kturtle
KTurtle is an educational programming environment
using the LOGO programming language.

%package kbruch
Summary: Fraction calculation teaching tool
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kbruch
KBruch  is  a program that generate tasks with fractions.
The user has to solve the given task by entering the right value
for numerator and denominator. The program checks the user's solution
and gives feedback.

%package khangman
Summary: Classical hangman game
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description khangman
KHangMan  is  a game based on the well known hangman game.
It is aimed for children aged 6 and above. It has four levels
of difficulty.

%package kig
Summary: Interactive geometry program
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
Obsoletes: kdeedu-kgeo
%description kig
Kig is an application for interactive geometry. It is intended to
serve two purposes:
 - to allow students to interactively explore mathematical figures and
   concepts using the computer;
 - to serve as a WYSIWYG tool for drawing mathematical figures and
   including them in other documents.

%package libs
Summary: Base library for kdeedu programs
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description libs
Base library for kdeedu programs

%package devel
Summary: Development files for %name-libs
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
Requires: %name-libs %name-kstars
%description devel
Development files for %name-libs

%package flashkard
Summary: Questions on cards
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description flashkard
FlashKard is based on a rather old learning method
used to teach children facts. The teacher will present
a number of cards with questions on it, on which the
pupil will write down the answers on the back of the cards,
which will be checked later on by the teacher.
The cards with the correct answers will be removed
from the pile and the incorrectly answered question
will be repeated over and over again, until the answer
is drilled into the memory.

%package kalzium
Summary: Information about the PSE
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kalzium
Information about the PSE (Periodic System of Elements).

%package kiten
Summary: Japanese Reference/Study Tool
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kiten
Japanese Reference/Study Tool

%package kmplot
Summary: Function Plotter
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmplot
Kmplot supports functions with parameters
and functions in polar coordinates.
Several grid modes are possible.
Plots may be printed with high precision
in correct scale.

%package kpercentage
Summary: Calculating percentages
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kpercentage
Small math application that will help pupils
to improve their skills in calculating percentages.

%package kverbos
Summary: Learn the forms of Spanish verbs
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kverbos
Learn the forms of Spanish verbs

%package keduca
Summary: Tests and Exams
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description keduca
Tests and Exams

%package klettres
Summary: French alphabet tutor
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description klettres
French alphabet tutor

%package kmessedwords
Summary: Letter Order Game
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmessedwords
Letter Order Game

%package kstars
Summary: Desktop Planetarium
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kstars
Desktop Planetarium

%package ktouch
Summary: Touch Typing Tutor
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description ktouch
Touch Typing Tutor

%package kvoctrain
Summary: Vocabulary Trainer
Group: Education
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kvoctrain
Vocabulary Trainer

%setup -q -n %name-%version
#%setup -q -n %name-3.0.98
[ -d admin ] || tar xfj %SOURCE1
%patch10 -p1
#%patch11 -p1

pushd kstars/kstars
%patch10000 -p0

subst "s/\(Wl,--no-undefined\)/-Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols \1/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\-lkdeui/-lkdeui -lpthread/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\.la/.so/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs ||:

rm -rf %buildroot
export QTDIR=%qtdir
export KDEDIR=%prefix

export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH

export LDFLAGS="-L%buildroot/%_libdir -L%buildroot/%_libdir/kde3 -L%_libdir"

%configure \
%if %unstable
--enable-debug=full \
--disable-debug \
                   --enable-final \
                   --enable-shared \
                   --disable-static \
   --disable-embedded \
   --disable-qtopia \
   --disable-rpath \
   --with-gnu-ld \
   --with-pic \
   --program-transform-name="" \


%if %unstable
%set_strip_method none
export PATH=%_bindir:$PATH

%make_build DESTDIR=%buildroot install
#%%make_build \
#    DESTDIR=%buildroot \
#    prefix=%prefix \
#    exec_prefix=%prefix \


chmod a-s %buildroot/%_bindir/*

#mv %buildroot/%_datadir/applnk/klettres/level*.txt %buildroot/%_datadir/apps/klettres

# Create LMDK menu entries

install -d %buildroot/%_menudir/

%Kd2m %name-kiten Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/kiten.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kiten
%Kd2m %name-klettres Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/klettres.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-klettres
%Kd2m %name-kmessedwords Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/kmessedwords.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmessedwords
%Kd2m %name-kverbos Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/kverbos.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kverbos
%Kd2m %name-kvoctrain Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/kvoctrain.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kvoctrain

%Kd2m %name-kmplot Applications/Edutainment/Mathematics %Kbmenudir/kmplot.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmplot
%Kd2m %name-kpercentage Applications/Edutainment/Mathematics %Kbmenudir/kpercentage.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kpercentage

#%Kd2m %name-flashkard Applications/Edutainment/Other %Kbmenudir/flashkard.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-flashkard

%Kd2m %name-ktouch Applications/Edutainment/Other %Kbmenudir/ktouch.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-ktouch

%Kd2m %name-kalzium Applications/Edutainment/Science %Kbmenudir/kalzium.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kalzium
%Kd2m %name-kstars Applications/Edutainment/Science %Kbmenudir/kstars.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kstars

%Kd2m %name-keduca Applications/Edutainment/Other %Kbmenudir/keduca.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-keduca
%Kd2m %name-keduca Applications/Edutainment/Tools %Kbmenudir/keducabuilder.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-keducabuilder

%Kd2m %name-kig Applications/Edutainment/Mathematics %Kbmenudir/kig.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kig
%Kd2m %name-khangman Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/khangman.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-khangman
%Kd2m %name-kbruch Applications/Edutainment/Mathematics %Kbmenudir/kbruch.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kbruch

%Kd2m %name-kturtle Applications/Edutainment/Other %Kbmenudir/kturtle.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kturtle
%Kd2m %name-klatin Applications/Edutainment/Languages %Kbmenudir/klatin.desktop %Kb_menudir/kdeedu-klatin
%Kd2m %name-kwordquiz Applications/Edutainment/Tools %Kbapplnk/Edutainment/Miscellaneous/kwordquiz.desktop %Kb_menudir/kdeedu-kwordquiz

%post kturtle
%postun kturtle

%post keduca
%postun keduca

%post klettres
%postun klettres

%post kmessedwords
%postun kmessedwords

%post kstars
%postun kstars

%post ktouch
%postun ktouch

%post kvoctrain
%postun kvoctrain

%post libs
%postun libs

#%post flashkard

#%postun flashkard

%post kalzium
%postun kalzium

%post kiten
%postun kiten

%post kmplot
%postun kmplot

%post kpercentage
%postun kpercentage

%post kverbos
%postun kverbos

%post kbruch
%postun kbruch

%post khangman
%postun khangman

%post kig
%postun kig

%post klatin
%postun klatin

%post kwordquiz
%postun kwordquiz

%files common

%files klatin

%files kwordquiz

%files kturtle

%files kbruch

%files khangman

%files kig
# kfile

%files keduca

%files kiten

%files kverbos

%files kmplot

#%files flashkard


%files kpercentage

%files kalzium

%files klettres
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/klettres

%files kmessedwords
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmessedwords

%files kstars
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kstars

%files ktouch
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/ktouch

%files kvoctrain
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kvoctrain

%files libs

%files devel


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005