Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1632983
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Группа :: Графические оболочки/KDE
Пакет: kdebase

 Главная   Изменения   Спек   Патчи   Загрузить   Bugs and FR 

Текущая версия: 3.3.2-alt2.12.M24
Время сборки: 8 сентября 2005, 01:59 ( 1018.1 недели назад )
Размер архива: 17.46 Mb

Домашняя страница:   http://www.kde.org/

Лицензия: GPL
О пакете: K Desktop Environment - Core files

Core applications for the K Desktop Environment.
Here is an overview of the directories:

- drkonqi: if ever an app crashes (heaven forbid!) then Dr.Konqi will be so
         kind and make a stack trace. This is a great help for the
         developers to fix the bug.
- kappfinder: searches your hard disk for non-KDE applications, e.g. Acrobat
            Reader (tm) and installs those apps under the K start button
- kate: a fast and advanced text editor with nice plugins
- kcheckpass: small program to enter and check passwords, only to be used by
            other programs
- kcontrol: the KDE Control Center allows you to tweak the KDE settings
- kdcop: GUI app to browse for DCOP interfaces, can also execute them
- kdebugdialog: allows you to specify which debug messages you want to see
- kdeprint: the KDE printing system
- kdesktop: you guessed it: the desktop above the panel
- kdesu: a graphical front end to "su"
- kdm: replacement for XDM, for those people that like graphical logins
- kfind: find files
- khelpcenter: the app to read all great documentation about KDE
- khotkeys: intercepts keys and can call applications
- kicker: the panel at the botton with the K start button and the
taskbar etc
- kioslave: infrastructure that helps make every application internet
enabled e.g. to directly save a
file to ftp://place.org/dir/file.txt
- klipper: enhances and extenses the X clipboard
- kmenuedit: edit for the menu below the K start button
- konqueror: the file manager and web browser you get easily used to
- konsole: a shell program similar to xterm
- kpager: applet to show the contents of the virtual desktops
- kpersonalizer: the customization wizard you get when you first start KDE
- kreadconfig: a tool for shell scripts to get info from KDE's config files
- kscreensaver: the KDE screensaver environment and lot's of savers
- ksmserver: the KDE session manager (saves program status on login,
restarts those program at the next login)
- ksplash: the screen displayed while KDE starts
- kstart: to launch applications with special window properties
        such as iconified etc
- ksysguard: task manager and system monitor, even for remote systems
- ksystraycmd: allows to run any application in the system tray
- ktip: gives you tips how to use KDE
- kwin: the KDE window manager
- kxkb: a keyboard map tool
- libkonq: some libraries needed by Konqueror
- nsplugins: together with OSF/Motif or Lesstif allows you to use Netscape
(tm) plugins in Konqueror

Текущий майнтейнер: ZerG

Список всех майнтейнеров, принимавших участие
в данной и/или предыдущих сборках пакета:

Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемый данным srpm-пакетом:

  • kdebase
  • kdebase-common
  • kdebase-devel
  • kdebase-kcmshell
  • kdebase-kcontrol
  • kdebase-kdeprint
  • kdebase-kdm
  • kdebase-kio
  • kdebase-kio-samba
  • kdebase-konqueror
  • kdebase-libkonq
  • kdebase-libs
  • kdebase-wm
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005