Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
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Пакет: dosbox

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Name: dosbox
Version: 0.72
Release: alt1.M24.1

Summary: i8086/DOS/VGA software emulator for running old games
License: GPL
Group: Emulators

Url: http://dosbox.sf.net

%define conf_sample %name.conf.sample
%define lang_sample %name.lang.en
%define myicon      %name.xpm
%define mygroup     dosgamer
%define alt_weight  10

%define docbook_man %_datadir/xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/manpages/docbook.xsl
%define _desktopdir %_datadir/applications

Source0: http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/dosbox/%name-%version.tar.gz
Source1: %name-genconf
Source2: %conf_sample-header
Source3: %conf_sample
Source4: %lang_sample
Source7: %name-wrapper
Source8: %name-install
Source9: %name-install.xml

Source10: %name.xpm.gz
Source11: %name-mini.xpm.gz
Source12: %name-large.xpm.bz2

Patch0: %name-0.65-loadfont-base.patch
Patch1: %name-0.65-alt-compile-fixes.patch

Requires(pre): shadow-utils

Summary(ru_RU.UTF8): п÷я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪п╫я▀п╧ я█п╪я┐п╩я▐я┌п╬я─ i8086/DOS/VGA п╢п╩я▐ п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╟ я│я┌п╟я─я▀я┘ п╦пЁя─

BuildPreReq: docbook-dtds docbook-style-xsl gcc-c++ libalsa-devel libpng-devel libSDL-devel libSDL_net-devel glibc-kernheaders xsltproc
BuildPreReq: libglut-devel libGLU-devel libSDL_mixer-devel

DOSBox is graphical application that provides rich programming emulation
of Intel 8086 real-mode, SVGA and DOS with XMS/EMS (but no DPMI!).

This is very useful for running old good DOS games written for PC/XT/AT
that's impossible directly on modern Pentiums, SUN's, PowerPC & etc.
At least PII 400MHz is required for comfortable running.

Full list of tested games successfully supported by DOSBox
is published on the http://dosbox.sourceforge.net site.

Run it as following:
 * dosbox /path/to/game.exe
 * dosbox /path/to/gamedir
 * dosbox /tmp/old-games/ugh.exe
   ...maps given directory to drive C: and start given EXE/COM/BAT-file
 * dosbox /usr/local/games
   ...maps given directory to drive C: and start built-in COMMAND.COM

%description -l ru_RU.UTF8
DOSBox - я█я┌п╬ пЁя─п╟я└п╦я┤п╣я│п╨п╬п╣ п©я─п╦п╩п╬п╤п╣п╫п╦п╣, п©я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪п╫п╬ я█п╪я┐п╩п╦я─я┐я▌я┴п╣п╣
п©я─п╬я├п╣я│я│п╬я─ Intel 8086, пЁя─п╟я└п╦я┤п╣я│п╨п╦п╧ п╟п╢п╟п©я┌п╣я─ SVGA
п╦ п╬п©п╣я─п╟я├п╦п╬п╫п╫я┐я▌ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪я┐ DOS я│ п©п╬п╢п╢п╣я─п╤п╨п╬п╧ XMS п╦ EMS, п╫п╬ п╠п╣п╥ DPMI.

DOSBox п©п╬п╥п╡п╬п╩я▐п╣я┌ п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╟я┌я▄ п╫п╟ я│п╬п╡я─п╣п╪п╣п╫п╫п╬п╪ п╨п╬п╪п©я▄я▌я┌п╣я─п╣ я│я┌п╟я─я▀п╣ п╦пЁя─я▀,
я│п╬п╥п╢п╟п╫п╫я▀п╣ п╢п╩я▐ XT п╦ AT, п╦ п╫п╣ я─п╟п╠п╬я┌п╟я▌я┴п╦п╣ п╫п╟ п╠п╬п╩п╣п╣ п╫п╬п╡я▀я┘ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪п╟я┘.
п■п╩я▐ п╨п╬п╪я└п╬я─я┌п╫п╬п╧ я─п╟п╠п╬я┌я▀ я┌я─п╣п╠я┐п╣я┌я│я▐ PII 400MHz п╦п╩п╦ я│я─п╟п╡п╫п╦п╪я▀п╧ я│ п╫п╦п╪
п©п╬ я│п╨п╬я─п╬я│я┌п╦ п©я─п╬я├п╣я│я│п╬я─ п╩я▌п╠п╬п╧ п╟я─я┘п╦я┌п╣п╨я┌я┐я─я▀ (SUN, PowerPC п╦ я┌.п╢.).

п÷п╬п╩п╫я▀п╧ я│п©п╦я│п╬п╨ п©я─п╬я┌п╣я│я┌п╦я─п╬п╡п╟п╫п╫я▀я┘ п╦пЁя─ (Tower, Wings of Fury, Dune, ...)
п╫п╟я┘п╬п╢п╦я┌я│я▐ п╫п╟ п╬я└п╦я├п╦п╟п╩я▄п╫п╬п╪ я│п╟п╧я┌п╣ п©я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪я▀: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net.

п≈п╟п©я┐я│п╨ я█п╪я┐п╩я▐я┌п╬я─п╟ п©я─п╬п╦п╥п╡п╬п╢п╦я┌я│я▐ я│п╩п╣п╢я┐я▌я┴п╦п╪ п╬п╠я─п╟п╥п╬п╪:
 * dosbox /п©я┐я┌я▄/п╨/п╦пЁя─п╣/game.exe
 * dosbox /п©я┐я┌я▄/п╨/п╦пЁя─п╣
 * dosbox /tmp/old-games/ugh.exe
   ...п╬я┌п╬п╠я─п╟п╥п╦я┌ п╨п╟я┌п╟п╩п╬пЁ п╦пЁя─я▀ п╫п╟ п╢п╦я│п╨ C: п╦ п╥п╟п©я┐я│я┌п╦я┌ я┐п╨п╟п╥п╟п╫п╫я▀п╧ EXE/COM/BAT-я└п╟п╧п╩
 * dosbox /usr/local/games
   ...п╬я┌п╬п╠я─п╟п╥п╦я┌ я┐п╨п╟п╥п╟п╫п╫я▀п╧ п╨п╟я┌п╟п╩п╬пЁ п╫п╟ п╢п╦я│п╨ C: п╦ п╥п╟п©я┐я│я┌п╦я┌ п╡я│я┌я─п╬п╣п╫п╫я▀п╧ COMMAND.COM

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

%configure \


#-  This command cannot be executed from spec-file

#-  because rpmbuild prohibites console access required for executing DOSBox:
#- DOSBOX=<path-to-dosbox-binary> ./dosbox-genconf
#-  You should use %conf_sample and %lang_sample already generated
#-  by manual call of dosbox-genconf and included to src.rpm:

# configuration

mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name  # /{runargs,autoexec}
install -pm644 %_sourcedir/{%conf_sample,%lang_sample} %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name

# binaries

pushd %buildroot%_bindir; mv %name %name.bin; touch %name; popd
install -p %_sourcedir/%name-{wrapper,install} %buildroot%_bindir/

# manual pages

mkdir -p %buildroot%_man1dir
pushd %buildroot%_man1dir
xsltproc %docbook_man %_sourcedir/%name-install.xml

# create directory for data files and for placing games

mkdir -p %buildroot{%_datadir/%name,%_gamesbindir/%name}

# icons

mkdir -p %buildroot{%_iconsdir,%_liconsdir,%_miconsdir}
gzip -cd %SOURCE10 > %buildroot%_iconsdir/%myicon
gzip -cd %SOURCE11 > %buildroot%_miconsdir/%myicon
bzip2 -cd %SOURCE12 > %buildroot%_liconsdir/%myicon

mkdir -p %buildroot%_desktopdir
cat > %buildroot%_desktopdir/%name << __EOF__
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=DOS/8086/VGA software emulator running under X
Comment[ru]=DOS/8086/VGA п©я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪п╫я▀п╧ я█п╪я┐п╩я▐я┌п╬я─ п╢п╩я▐ п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╟ п╡ X

%_sbindir/groupadd -r -f %mygroup &>/dev/null



%ghost %_bindir/%name
%config %_sysconfdir/%name
%dir %_datadir/%name
%dir %attr(2755,root,%mygroup) %_gamesbindir/%name


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005