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Пакет: dosbox
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21 апреля 2008 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> 0.72-alt1.M24.1
- built for M24
- dropped alternatives support: dosbox-russian is unmaintained
- backported mesa, sdl buildreqs
- add requires on shadow-utils (#13136)
- 0.72
- 0.71
- 0.70
- 0.65
- massive spec cleanup
- Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6.
- updated to version 0.63 containing multiple bugfixes
- bugfix: /usr/share/dosbox was not owned by package
- new alternatives scheme used in ALTLinux 2.4
- fixed spec bug with macro man1dir -> _man1dir
- official 0.62 release
- added 'BuildPreReq: gcc-c++' for building in ALTLinux hasher environment
- added --no-main switch to wrapper for running it as subroutines container only
- /usr/bin/dosbox is managed by alternatives, by default is assigned to wrapper
- small spec cleanups
- russian support is completely moved to separate spec-file
- conform to ALTLinux Specfile conventions
- simplify "%prep" and "%install" sections
- add support of /etc/dosbox/runargs directory to wrapper and spec
- updated to version 0.62 from CVS
- added dosbox-install script
- added support of loadable fonts
- add dosbox-russian package with manuals, cyrillic fonts,
configuration and language file - added dosbox-apps package
- fixed bug with creating group on installation stage,
split installation: create group before, update menus after - removed Packager record from spec-file
- added patch for loading user-defined fonts to Video-BIOS ROM on startup
- article removed from packaged stuff and will be managed separately
- updated to version 0.61
- manpage and langfile are translated to Russian
- added script for running binary with global/localized settings
- added introduction article (in Russian)
- added menu item and icons for X, taken from DosEmu package
- added script for downloading/extracting/menu adding DOS executables
- initial RPM build, rpmbuild -ba --target i586 dosbox.spec