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Патч: catdoc-fix-broken-formatting.patch

diff -uNr catdoc/src/xls.h catdoc-devel/src/xls.h
--- catdoc/src/xls.h	2004-10-18 21:12:36 +0300
+++ catdoc/src/xls.h	2004-10-19 18:14:48 +0300
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
 void do_table(FILE *input,char *filename);
 char *mark_string(char *instr);
+/* ---- added by Igor ---- */
+void SetFormatIdxUsed(int format_code);
+/* -- end added by Igor -- */
 #ifdef __TURBOC__
 #define rint(x) floor((x+0.5))
diff -uNr catdoc/src/xlsparse.c catdoc-devel/src/xlsparse.c
--- catdoc/src/xlsparse.c	2004-10-18 21:12:36 +0300
+++ catdoc/src/xlsparse.c	2004-10-19 18:47:21 +0300
@@ -151,19 +151,25 @@
 		case FORMAT: {
-						 /*     int i;
-								char *ptr;
-								printf( "Format %x \"",getshort(rec,0));	 
-								if (rec[2] == reclen - 3 && rec[3] != 0) {
-								for (i=0,ptr=rec+3;i<rec[2];i++,ptr++) {
-								fputc(*ptr,stdout);
-								}
-								} else {
-								for (i=0,ptr=rec+5;i<rec[2];i++,ptr+=2) {
-								fputc(*ptr,stdout);
-								}    
-								}	 
-								printf ("\"\n"); */
+						      int format_code;
+						      format_code=getshort(rec,0);
+						      SetFormatIdxUsed(format_code);
+ 						     /* this debug code prints format string */
+						      int i;
+						      char *ptr;
+ 						      printf( "Format %x \"",format_code);
+ 						      if (rec[2] == reclen - 3 && rec[3] != 0) {
+ 							for (i=0,ptr=rec+3;i<rec[2];i++,ptr++) {
+ 							  fputc(*ptr,stdout);
+ 							}
+ 						      } else {
+ 							for (i=0,ptr=rec+5;i<rec[2];i++,ptr+=2) {
+ 							  fputc(*ptr,stdout);
+ 							}
+ 						      }
+ 						      printf ("\"\n");
 		case SST: {
@@ -506,6 +512,102 @@
 	return dest;
+ * Format code is index into format table (which is list of XF records
+ * in the file 
+ * Second word of XF record is format type idnex 
+ * format index between 0x0E and 0x16 also between 0x2D and ox2F denotes
+ * date if it is not used for explicitly stored formats.
+ * BuiltInDateFormatIdx converts format index into index of explicit
+ * built-in date formats sutable for strftime.
+ */
+int BuiltInDateFormatIdx (int index) {
+	int offset;
+	offset=1; /* offset of date formats */
+	/* 0 is used as false -- format not found */
+	if ((index>= 0x0E) && (index<=0x16)) {
+			return offset+index-0x0E;
+	} else 	
+	if ((index>=0x2d) && (index<=0x2F)) {
+		return offset+index-0x2d+9;
+	} else if (index==0xa4) {	
+		return 12+offset;
+	} else 	
+	return 0;
+ * GetBuiltInDateFormat stores and returns
+ * built in xls2csv strftime formats.
+ */
+char *GetBuiltInDateFormat(int dateindex) {
+	static char *formats[]={
+	/* reserved  */ NULL, /* BuiltInDateFormatIdx use dateindex=0 as flag format not found */
+	/* 0x0E */ "%m-%d-%y",		/* 01 */
+	/* 0x0F */ "%d-%b-%y",		/* 02 */
+	/* 0x10 */ "%d-%b",		/* 03 */
+	/* 0x11 */ "%b-%d",	 	/* 04 */
+	/* 0x12 */ "%l:%M %p",		/* 05 */
+	/* 0x13 */ "%l:%M:%S %p",		/* 06 */
+	/* 0x14 */ "%H:%M",		/* 07 */
+	/* 0x15 */ "%H:%M:%S",		/* 08 */
+	/* 0x16 */ "%m-%d-%y %H:%M",	/* 09 */
+	/* 0x2d */ "%M:%S",		/* 10 */
+	/* 0x2e */ "%H:%M:%S",		/* 11 */
+	/* 0x2f */ "%M:%S",		/* 12 */
+	/* 0xa4 */ "%m.%d.%Y %l:%M:%S %p"	/* 13 */
+	};
+	if (dateindex>0 && dateindex <= NUMOFDATEFORMATS) {
+	  return formats[dateindex];
+	} else 	
+	return NULL;
+static char FormatIdxUsed[NUMOFDATEFORMATS];
+ * format index between 0x0E and 0x16 also between 0x2D and ox2F denotes
+ * date in case when they are built-in Excel97 formats.
+ * Nevertheless, those indexes can be used for explicitly stored formats,
+ * which are not dates in general.
+ * SetFormatIdxUsed marks this formats as already used 
+ * and excludes them from list of built-in formats 
+ * preventing misformatting of corresponding data.
+ */
+void SetFormatIdxUsed(int format_code) {
+	int dateindex;
+/* 	fprintf(stderr,"Format idx %x to be set to dirty\n",format_code); */
+        dateindex=BuiltInDateFormatIdx(format_code);
+	if (dateindex) {
+	  FormatIdxUsed[dateindex]=1;
+/* 	  fprintf(stderr,"Date idx %d is set to be dirty\n",dateindex); */
+	}
+ * format index between 0x0E and 0x16 also between 0x2D and ox2F denotes
+ * date in case when they are built-in Excel97 formats.
+ * Nevertheless, those indexes can be used for explicitly stored formats,
+ * which are not dates in general.
+ * SetFormatIdxUsed marks this formats as already used 
+ * and excludes them from list of built-in formats 
+ * preventing misformatting of corresponding data.
+ * IsFormatIdxUsed tests this case.
+ */
+char IsFormatIdxUsed(int format_code) {
+	int dateindex;
+        dateindex=BuiltInDateFormatIdx(format_code);
+	if (dateindex) {
+/* 	  fprintf(stderr,"Date idx %d is dirty\n",dateindex); */
+	  return FormatIdxUsed[dateindex]=1;
+	}
+	else return 0;
 /* Checks if format denoted by given code is date
  * Format code is index into format table (which is list of XF records
  * in the file 
@@ -517,39 +619,28 @@
 char *isDateFormat(int format_code) {
 	int index;
-static char *formats[]={
-	/* 0x0E */ "%m-%d-%y",
-	/* 0x0F */ "%d-%b-%y",
-	/* 0x10 */ "%d-%b",
-	/* 0x11 */ "%b-%d", 
-	/* 0x12 */ "%l:%M %p",
-	/* 0x13 */ "%l:%M:%S %p",
-	/* 0x14 */ "%H:%M",
-	/* 0x15 */ "%H:%M:%S",
-	/* 0x16 */ "%m-%d-%y %H:%M",
-	/* 0x2d */ "%M:%S",
-	/* 0x2e */ "%H:%M:%S",
-	/* 0x2f */ "%M:%S",
-	/* 0xa4 */ "%m.%d.%Y %l:%M:%S %p"
+	int dateindex;
+	//	int format_code;
 	if (format_code>=formatTableIndex) {
 		fprintf(stderr,"Format code %d is used before definition\n",format_code);
 		return NULL;
 	index = formatTable[format_code];
-	if ((index>= 0x0E) && (index<=0x16)) {
-		if (forced_date_format) return forced_date_format;
-			return formats[index-0x0E];
-	} else 	
-	if ((index>=0x2d) && (index<=0x2F)) {
-		if (forced_date_format) return forced_date_format;
-		return formats[index-0x2d+9];
-	} else if (index==0xa4) {	
-		if (forced_date_format) return forced_date_format;
-		return formats[12];
+	if (IsFormatIdxUsed(index)) {
+	  /* this format is something user-defined --- not a standard built-in date*/
+	  return NULL;
+	}
+        dateindex=BuiltInDateFormatIdx(index);
+	if (dateindex) {
+	  if (forced_date_format) return forced_date_format;
+			return GetBuiltInDateFormat(dateindex);
 	} else 	
 	return NULL;
 time_t float2date(double d);
  * Extracts floating point value and formats it 
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005