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5 сентября 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru> 0.93.4-alt0.M24.1
- backports to ALT Linux Master 2.4
- add patches (bug #6993): added -p option, fixed bad formatting as date
- fixed bugs #5793, #5794
- new version
- fix path to url_handler in xlsview
- cleanup spec
- New version, many improvments
- New version
- Fixing url's in spec
- New release
- rebuilt with gcc-3.2
- Fixed xlsview (#0000020, #0000021).
- Specfile cleanup.
- typo in xlsview fixed
- new version
- xlsview rewritten
- 0.91.4
- RE adaptation
- rebuild
- BM
- macros
- fix group
- fix files section
- First spec file for Mandrake distribution.