Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1584244
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Группа :: Система/Основа
Пакет: xinetd

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Патч: xinetd-2.3.12-alt-skipfiles.patch

diff -uprk.orig xinetd-2.3.12.orig/xinetd/includedir.c xinetd-2.3.12/xinetd/includedir.c
--- xinetd-2.3.12.orig/xinetd/includedir.c	2003-08-25 14:15:45 +0400
+++ xinetd-2.3.12/xinetd/includedir.c	2003-08-25 14:15:58 +0400
@@ -94,13 +94,14 @@ void handle_includedir(const char *servi
    for( u = 0; (unsigned)u < pset_count(dir_list); u++ ) {
       storename = pset_pointer(dir_list, u);
-      /* Don't try to parse any files containing a dot ('.')
-      * or ending with a tilde ('~'). This catches the case of 
-      * '.' and '..', as well as preventing the parsing of 
-      * many editor files, temporary files and those saved by RPM
-      * package upgrades.
+      /* Don't try to parse any files containing a dot ('.'),
+      * starting with hash ('#') or ending with a tilde ('~').
+      * This catches the case of '.' and '..', as well as preventing
+      * the parsing of many editor files, temporary files and those
+      * saved by RPM package upgrades.
       if ( !storename[0] /* Shouldn't happen */ || 
+                      storename[0] == '#' ||
                       strchr(storename, '.') ||
                       storename[strlen(storename)-1] == '~') {
          pset_remove(dir_list, storename);
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005