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Патч: vimrc_hebrew.patch
diff -Nru vim-5.6.orig/vimrc_hebrew vim-5.6/vimrc_hebrew
--- vim-5.6.orig/vimrc_hebrew Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ vim-5.6/vimrc_hebrew Mon Jan 31 17:28:47 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+" vimrc_hebrew - some settings for hebrew vim support
+" to use those settings - add the following file to the end of your
+" .vimrc (in your home directory)
+" select hebrew font for gvim
+set guifont=heb8x13
+" some key bindings
+" Allow revins (CTRL-_) - toggles visual hebrew editing at insert mode
+" note that I put here a key mapping for F10 to do that (and also not
+" in insert mode)
+set allowrevins
+" toggle both direction and hebrew keyboard mapping
+" this is useful for logical-order hebrew editing
+map <F9> :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+" do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
+imap <F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>a
+" toggle both reverse insertion and hebrew keyboard mapping
+" this is useful for visual-order hebrew editing
+map <F10> :set invrevins<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+" do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
+"imap <F10> <Esc>:set invrevins<CR>:set invhk<CR>a
+imap <F10> <C-_>
+"toggle comand line language
+cmap <S-F9> <C-_>
+" toggle language and add at EOL
+map <C-F9> :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+" do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
+imap <C-F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>A
+" some key bindings
+" Allow revins (CTRL-_)
+" (for some reason I can't get Ctrl+Shift+\- to work for me)
+set allowrevins
+" toggle both direction and hebrew keyboard mapping
+map <F9> :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+" do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
+imap <F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>a
+map <C-B><C-l> <F9>
+"toggle comand line language
+cmap <S-F9> <C-_>
+" toggle language and add at EOL
+map <C-F9> :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+" do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
+imap <C-F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>A
+" TODO: condition this with the availability of bidi support
+nmenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) :set invrightleft<CR>:set hkmap<CR>
+vmenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) <ESC>:set invrightleft<CR><ESC>:set hkmap<CR>
+imenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) <C-O>:set invrightleft<CR><C-O>:set hkmap<CR>
+cmenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) <C-C>:set invrightleft<CR><C-C>:set hkmap<CR>
+omenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) <ESC>:set invrightleft<CR><ESC>:set hkmap<CR>
+tmenu Heb&rew.&Toggle\ Heb<->Eng\ \(F9\) Switch between english mode and hebrew mode
+nmenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ &Visual\ \(F10\) :set invrevins<CR>:set invhk<CR>
+imenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ &Visual\ \(F10\) <C-_>
+amenu Heb&rew.-sep1- <nul>
+" The follwing can serve to demonstrate exactly what can be done,
+" but it is quite useless...
+" note that "rl" can be a shorthand for "rightleft"
+amenu Heb&rew.RTL\ Display :set rightleft<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.LTR\ Display :set norightleft<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ RTL-LTR\ &Display :set invrightleft<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.-sep2- <nul>
+" note that "hk" can be a shorthand for "hkmap"
+amenu Heb&rew.Hebrew\ Keyboard :set hkmap<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.English\ Keyboard :set nohkmap<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ &Keyboard :set invhkmap<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.-sep3- <nul>
+" useful for editing visual-hebrew texts:
+" note that "ri" can be a shorthand for "revins"
+amenu Heb&rew.Inverted\ Keyboard :set revins<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Normal\ Keyboard :set norevins<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ &Inverted\ Keyboard :set invrevins<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.-sep4- <nul>
+" note that "ari" can be a shorthand for "allowrevins"
+amenu Heb&rew.Enable\ ^-_ :set allowrevins<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Disable\ ^-_ :set noallowrevins<CR>
+amenu Heb&rew.Toggle\ ^-_ :set invallowrevins<CR>
+" I'm not sure that the following is needed(or maybe only leave the
+" "toggle" button), and if it is there bound to be a way to make it more
+" elegant. Anyway - I have not bothered to create icons yet...
+" Add heb&rew buttons to the toolbar
+nmenu 1.1000 ToolBar.English :set norightleft<CR>:set nohkmap<CR>
+vmenu 1.1000 ToolBar.English <Esc>:set norightleft<CR><Esc>:set nohkmap<CR>
+imenu 1.1000 ToolBar.English <C-O>:set norightleft<CR><C-O>:set nohkmap<CR>
+cmenu 1.1000 ToolBar.English <C-C>:set norightleft<CR><C-C>:set nohkmap<CR>
+omenu 1.1000 ToolBar.English <Esc>:set norightleft<CR><Esc>:set nohkmap<CR>
+tmenu ToolBar.English Switch to English
+" the following item does not seem to work. I can't figure out why
+amenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb <C-_>
+"nmenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb :set invrightleft<CR>:set invhkmap<CR>
+"vmenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb <Esc>:set invrightleft<CR><Esc>:set invhkmap<CR>
+"imenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb <C-O>:set invrightleft<CR><C-O>:set invhkmap<CR>
+"cmenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb <C-C>:set invrightleft<CR><C-C>:set invhkmap<CR>
+"omenu 1.1010 ToolBar.TogHeb <Esc>:set invrightleft<CR><Esc>:set invhkmap<CR><Esc>
+tmenu ToolBar.TogHeb Toggle Hebrew <-> English
+nmenu 1.1020 ToolBar.TogHeb :set rightleft<CR>:set hkmap<CR>
+vmenu 1.1020 ToolBar.Hebrew <Esc>:set rightleft<CR><Esc>:set hkmap<CR>
+imenu 1.1020 ToolBar.Hebrew <C-O>:set rightleft<CR><C-O>:set hkmap<CR>
+cmenu 1.1020 ToolBar.Hebrew <C-C>:set rightleft<CR><C-C>:set hkmap<CR>
+omenu 1.1020 ToolBar.Hebrew <Esc>:set rightleft<CR><Esc>:set hkmap<CR><Esc>
+tmenu ToolBar.Hebrew Switch to Hebrew
+" add a hebrew help item (:help hebrew) to the help menu
+amenu 9999.25 &Help.He&brew :help hebrew<CR>