Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1584432
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Группа :: Система/Основа
Пакет: util-linux

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Патч: util-linux-2.11y-rh-mountman-90588.patch

--- util-linux-2.11y/mount/mount.8.sopwith	2003-10-24 14:47:42.000000000 -0400
+++ util-linux-2.11y/mount/mount.8	2003-10-24 14:54:31.000000000 -0400
@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@
 .\" available since Linux 2.4.11.
+Note the filesystem mount options will remain the same as those on 
+the original mount point, and cannot be changed by passing the -o 
+option along with --bind/--rbind.
 Since Linux 2.5.1 it is possible to atomically move a subtree
 to another place. The call is
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005