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24 декабря 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru> 5.52-alt0.M24.1
- backport to ALT Linux M24
- new version (5.52)
- iconv patch updated
- ddottrav patch disabled
- added iconv patch (by Dmitry Vukolov <dav@altlinux.org>)
[fixes #4871]
- Fixed '../' directory traversal for filenames which include
quote and/or control characters. - Spec cleanup.
- Fixed summaries, description and url.
- Fixed build to:
+ honor $RPM_OPT_FLAGS properly, define _GNU_SOURCE;
+ avoid implicit strip during buiuld. - Enabled "unshrinking" algorithm (i.e. LZW decompression).
- Build without assembly, it doesn't seem to increase performance.
- 5.50
- 5.42
- RE adaptions.
- FHSification.
- Fandra adaptions.
- non-intel adaptation (thanks to Stefan van der Eijk)
- cleanup (was it really mandrake adapted?!)
- build release.
- 5.40
- ix86 optimizations and various spec cleanings
- Mandrake adaptions
- handle RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 5)
- built for 6.0
- build root
- translations modified for de, fr, tr
- builds on non i386 platforms
- updated the version
- built against glibc