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Пакет: thunderbird
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Патч: thunderbird-1.0-20050201-alt-nox.patch
--- mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in.nox 2005-02-01 12:50:53 +0300
+++ mozilla/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in 2005-02-01 13:03:08 +0300
@@ -238,16 +238,24 @@ function stripPrefix(aURI, aItemType)
return val;
function stripPropertyPrefix(aProperty, aPrefix)
return aProperty.substr(aPrefix.length, aProperty.length);
+function getFileFromURLSpec(aURLStr)
+ var ioServ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+ var fph = ioServ.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
+ return fph.getFileFromURLSpec(aURLStr);
function getURLSpecFromFile(aFile)
var ioServ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var fph = ioServ.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
return fph.getURLSpecFromFile(aFile);
@@ -889,49 +897,54 @@ nsExtensionInstaller.prototype = {
// Utility services and helpers
_rdf : null,
_writer : null,
// Extension metadata
_extensionID : null,
_isProfile : true,
+ // legion: if this set to true, do only update all meta information
+ _isUpdateOnly : false,
// Source and target datasources
_metadataDS : null,
_extensionDS : null,
// RDF objects and properties
_provTypePackage : null,
_provTypeSkin : null,
_provTypeLocale : null,
_sourceResource : null,
_fileProperty : null,
- install: function nsExtensionInstaller_install (aExtensionID, aIsProfile)
+ install: function nsExtensionInstaller_install (aExtensionID, aIsProfile, aUpdateOnly)
// Initialize the installer for this extension
this._extensionID = aExtensionID;
this._isProfile = aIsProfile;
+ this._isUpdateOnly = aUpdateOnly;
this._extDirKey = getDirKey(this._isProfile);
// Create a logger to log install operations for uninstall
this._writer = new nsInstallLogWriter(this._extensionID, this._isProfile);
// Move files from the staging dir into the extension's final home.
// This function generates uninstall log files and creates backups of
// existing files.
// XXXben - would like to add exception handling here to test for file
// I/O failures on uninstall log so that if there's a crash
// and the uninstall log is incorrectly/incompletely written
// we can roll back. It's not critical that we do so right now
// since if this throws the extension's chrome is never
// registered.
- this._installExtensionFiles();
+ if (!this._isUpdateOnly)
+ this._installExtensionFiles();
// Load the metadata datasource
var metadataFile = getFile(this._extDirKey,
this._metadataDS = getInstallManifest(metadataFile);
if (!this._metadataDS) return;
@@ -1451,16 +1464,70 @@ nsThemeInstaller.prototype = {
else if (this._themeID == 0)
+ },
+ // legion: This function must refresh all the metadata for already installed theme.
+ updateMetadata: function nsThemeInstaller_updateMetadata (aThemeID)
+ {
+ this._themeID = aThemeID;
+ var isProfile = this._extensionDS.isProfileItem(this._themeID);
+ var extDirKey = isProfile ? KEY_PROFILEDIR : KEY_APPDIR;
+ var chromeDir = getDir(extDirKey, [DIR_EXTENSIONS, this._themeID, DIR_CHROME]);
+ var zipReader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
+ .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIZipReader);
+ var jarFile = null;
+ if (chromeDir.directoryEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
+ jarFile = chromeDir.directoryEntries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
+ if (jarFile.exists()) {
+ zipReader.init(jarFile);
+ zipReader.open();
+ try {
+ zipReader.getEntry(FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ dump("*** nsThemeInstaller::updateMetadata() - Not found JAR file for: " + this._themeID + "\n");
+ }
+ zipReader.close();
+ }
+ }
+ if (jarFile && jarFile.exists()) {
+ var destinationFile = getFile(extDirKey, [DIR_EXTENSIONS, this._themeID, DIR_CHROME, jarFile.leafName]);
+ var themeManifest = getFile(extDirKey,
+ [DIR_EXTENSIONS, DIR_TEMP, getRandomFileName("install", "rdf")]);
+ zipReader.init(jarFile);
+ zipReader.open();
+ zipReader.extract(FILE_INSTALL_MANIFEST, themeManifest);
+ var themeMetadata = getInstallManifest(themeManifest);
+ // Use the Chrome Registry API to install the theme there
+ var filePath = "jar:" + getURLSpecFromFile(destinationFile) + "!/";
+ var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULChromeRegistry);
+ cr.installSkin(filePath, isProfile, false);
+ // Insert the theme into the theme list.
+ this._extensionDS.insertForthcomingItem(this._themeID, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME,
+ isProfile);
+ // Add metadata for the extension to the global extension metadata set
+ this._extensionDS.addItemMetadata(this._themeID, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME,
+ themeMetadata, isProfile);
+ zipReader.close();
+ themeManifest.remove(false);
+ }
// nsThemeUninstaller
function nsThemeUninstaller(aExtensionDS)
@@ -1707,23 +1774,40 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
return needsRestart;
handleCommandLineArgs: function nsExtensionManager_handleCommandLineArgs ()
var cmdLineSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/commandLineService;1"]
var globalExtension = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-install-global-extension");
- if (globalExtension)
- this._checkForGlobalInstalls(globalExtension, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION);
+ if (globalExtension) {
+ var extensionFile = getFileFromURLSpec(globalExtension).path;
+ this._checkForGlobalInstalls(extensionFile, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION);
+ }
+ var extensionID = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-uninstall-global-extension");
+ if (extensionID) {
+ this._checkForGlobalUnInstalls(extensionID, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION);
+ }
var globalTheme = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-install-global-theme");
- if (globalTheme)
- this._checkForGlobalInstalls(globalTheme, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME);
+ if (globalTheme) {
+ var themeFile = getFileFromURLSpec(globalTheme).path;
+ this._checkForGlobalInstalls(themeFile, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME);
+ }
+ var themeID = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-uninstall-global-theme");
+ if (themeID)
+ this._checkForGlobalUnInstalls(themeID, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME);
+ var update = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-update-register");
+ if (update)
+ this.updateRegister();
var showList = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-list-global-items");
if (showList)
var locked = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-lock-item");
if (locked) {
this._ds.lockUnlockItem(locked, true);
@@ -1732,16 +1816,45 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
var unlocked = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-unlock-item");
if (unlocked) {
this._ds.lockUnlockItem(unlocked, false);
+ // legion: function fix broken metadata. Its may happen,
+ // if the user execute regchome or for some other reasons.
+ updateRegister: function nsExtensionManager_updateRegister ()
+ {
+ this._ensureDS();
+ var items = null;
+ // Update extensions
+ try {
+ items = this.getItemList(null, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION, {});
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
+ this._finalizeInstall(items[i].id, true);
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ dump("*** nsExtensionManager::updateRegister() - Update extensions faild: " + e + "\n");
+ }
+ // Update themes
+ try {
+ var installer = new nsThemeInstaller(this._ds, this);
+ items = this.getItemList(null, nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME, {});
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
+ installer.updateMetadata(items[i].id);
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ dump("*** nsExtensionManager::updateRegister() - Update themes faild: " + e + "\n");
+ }
+ },
register: function nsExtensionManager_register ()
if (!this._started) {
// Loads the datasource and installs any pre-configured items.
this._ds = new nsExtensionsDataSource();
@@ -1874,17 +1987,33 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
if (aItemType & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION)
this.installExtension(file, nsIExtensionManager.FLAG_INSTALL_GLOBAL);
else if (aItemType & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
this.installTheme(file, nsIExtensionManager.FLAG_INSTALL_GLOBAL);
dump("Invalid XPI/JAR Path: " + aPath + "\n");
+ _checkForGlobalUnInstalls: function nsExtensionManager__checkForGlobalUnInstalls (aItemID, aItemType)
+ {
+ this._ensureDS();
+ // We must make this hack to upgrade Components Manifest.
+ this._ds.setItemProperty(aItemID,
+ this._ds._emR("downloadURL"),
+ null, this._isProfile,
+ aItemType);
+ if (aItemType & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION)
+ this.uninstallExtension(aItemID);
+ else if (aItemType & nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_THEME)
+ this.uninstallTheme(aItemID);
+ },
_showGlobalItemList: function nsExtensionManager__showGlobalItemList ()
var sbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
var bundle = sbs.createBundle("chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties");
@@ -1898,17 +2027,22 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
dump(" " + items[i].id + " " + items[i].name + " " + items[i].version + "\n");
_finishOperations: function nsExtensionManager__finishOperations ()
- var win = this._showProgressWindow();
+ var win;
+ var cmdLineSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/commandLineService;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsICmdLineService);
+ var nox = cmdLineSvc.getCmdLineValue("-nox");
+ if (!nox)
+ win = this._showProgressWindow();
try {
// An existing autoreg file is an indication that something major has
// happened to the extensions datasource (install/uninstall/enable/disable)
// and as such we must load it now and see what needs to happen.
// Look for items that need to be installed
@@ -1946,17 +2080,18 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
// If no additional restart is required, it implies that there are
// no new components that need registering so we can inform the app
// not to do any extra startup checking next time round.
catch (e) {
dump("*** nsExtensionManager::_finishOperations - failure, catching exception so finalize window can close " + e +"\n");
- win.close();
+ if (!nox)
+ win.close();
return needsRestart;
// XXXben - this is actually a cheap stunt to load all the chrome registry
// services required to register/unregister packages... the synchronous
// nature of this code ensures the window will never actually appear
// on screen.
@@ -2512,30 +2647,30 @@ nsExtensionManager.prototype = {
// if the source file was readonly, fix the permissions
if (!extensionFile.isWritable()) {
extensionFile.permissions = 0644;
// This function is called on the next startup
- _finalizeInstall: function nsExtensionManager__finalizeInstall (aExtensionID)
+ _finalizeInstall: function nsExtensionManager__finalizeInstall (aExtensionID, aUpdateOnly)
var isProfile = this._ds.isProfileItem(aExtensionID);
if (aExtensionID == 0 || aExtensionID == -1) {
if (!this._extInstaller)
this._extInstaller = new nsExtensionInstaller(this._ds);
- this._extInstaller.install(aExtensionID, isProfile);
+ this._extInstaller.install(aExtensionID, isProfile, aUpdateOnly);
// Update the Components Manifest
// Update the Defaults Manifest
--- mozilla/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp.nox 2004-11-03 02:27:24 +0300
+++ mozilla/toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp 2005-02-01 13:05:30 +0300
@@ -33,17 +33,16 @@
* use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "nsAppRunner.h"
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
#include "MacLaunchHelper.h"
#ifdef XP_OS2
#include "private/pprthred.h"
@@ -1399,16 +1398,17 @@ SelectProfile(nsIProfileLock* *aResult,
return rv;
PRUint32 count;
rv = profileSvc->GetProfileCount(&count);
+ if (!CheckArg("nox")) {
if (!count && (!arg || !*arg)) {
return ImportProfiles(profileSvc, aNative);
ar = CheckArg("p", &arg);
if (ar == ARG_BAD) {
return ShowProfileManager(profileSvc, aNative);
@@ -1424,17 +1424,17 @@ SelectProfile(nsIProfileLock* *aResult,
return ShowProfileManager(profileSvc, aNative);
if (CheckArg("profilemanager")) {
return ShowProfileManager(profileSvc, aNative);
+ } // ! CheckArg("nox")
if (!count) {
gDoMigration = PR_TRUE;
// create a default profile
nsCOMPtr<nsIToolkitProfile> profile;
nsresult rv = profileSvc->CreateProfile(nsnull, // choose a default dir for us
@@ -1457,16 +1457,21 @@ SelectProfile(nsIProfileLock* *aResult,
if (profile) {
rv = profile->Lock(aResult);
return NS_OK;
+ if (CheckArg("nox")) {
+ PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Error: can't select profile.\n");
+ return NS_ERROR_ABORT;
+ }
return ShowProfileManager(profileSvc, aNative);
static void GetVersion(nsIFile* aProfileDir, char* aVersion, int aVersionLength)
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> compatibilityFile;
@@ -1632,50 +1637,53 @@ int xre_main(int argc, char* argv[], con
return 0;
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK2)
+ if (!CheckArg("nox")) {
// setup for private colormap. Ideally we'd like to do this
// in nsAppShell::Create, but we need to get in before gtk
// has been initialized to make sure everything is running
// consistently.
if (CheckArg("install"))
// Initialize GTK+1/2 here for splash
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
gtk_init(&gArgc, &gArgv);
+ } // !CheckArg("nox")
// Call the code to install our handler
#ifdef MOZ_JPROF
// Try to allocate "native app support."
nsCOMPtr<nsINativeAppSupport> nativeApp;
+ if (!CheckArg("nox")) {
rv = NS_CreateNativeAppSupport(getter_AddRefs(nativeApp));
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return 1;
PRBool canRun = PR_FALSE;
rv = nativeApp->Start(&canRun);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !canRun) {
return 1;
+ } // !CheckArg("nox")
// We need to check if a previous installation occured and
// if so, make sure it finished and cleaned up correctly.
// If there is an xpicleanup.dat file left around, that means the
// previous installation did not finish correctly. We must cleanup
// before a valid mozilla can run.
@@ -1766,16 +1774,53 @@ int xre_main(int argc, char* argv[], con
// Extensions and re-write the Components manifest ("components.ini")
// with a list of XPCOM components for compatible extensions
upgraded = PR_TRUE;
// The Extension Manager will write the Compatibility manifest with
// the current app version.
+ if (CheckArg("nox")) {
+ // XPCOM
+ ScopedXPCOMStartup xpcom;
+ rv = xpcom.Initialize();
+ rv |= xpcom.DoAutoreg();
+ rv |= xpcom.InitEventQueue();
+ dirProvider.Initialize();
+ dirProvider.DoStartup();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICmdLineService> cmdLineArgs
+ (do_GetService("@mozilla.org/appshell/commandLineService;1"));
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(cmdLineArgs, 1);
+ rv = cmdLineArgs->Initialize(gArgc, gArgv);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ DumpHelp();
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Extension Compatibility Checking and Startup
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIExtensionManager> em(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"));
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(em, 1);
+ if (CheckArg("install-global-extension") || CheckArg("uninstall-global-extension") ||
+ CheckArg("install-global-theme") || CheckArg("uninstall-global-theme") ||
+ CheckArg("lock-item") || CheckArg("unlock-item") ||
+ CheckArg("list-global-items") || CheckArg("update-register")) {
+ // Do the required processing and then shut down.
+ em->HandleCommandLineArgs();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
PRBool needsRestart = PR_FALSE;
// Allows the user to forcefully bypass the restart process at their
// own risk. Useful for debugging or for tinderboxes where child
// processes can be problematic.
PRBool noRestart = PR_FALSE;
// Start the real application