Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1618358
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Группа :: Система/Серверы
Пакет: squid

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Патч: squid-2.5.STABLE10-internal_date.patch

Index: squid/include/Array.h
diff -c squid/include/Array.h:1.6 squid/include/Array.h:
*** squid/include/Array.h:1.6	Mon Oct  8 10:18:31 2001
--- squid/include/Array.h	Thu Jun  9 01:51:46 2005
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  extern void arrayClean(Array * s);
  extern void arrayDestroy(Array * s);
  extern void arrayAppend(Array * s, void *obj);
+ extern void arrayInsert(Array * s, void *obj, int position);
  extern void arrayPreAppend(Array * s, int app_count);
Index: squid/lib/Array.c
diff -c squid/lib/Array.c:1.7 squid/lib/Array.c:
*** squid/lib/Array.c:1.7	Wed Feb  7 11:56:50 2001
--- squid/lib/Array.c	Thu Jun  9 01:51:46 2005
*** 95,100 ****
--- 95,113 ----
      a->items[a->count++] = obj;
+ void arrayInsert(Array *a, void *obj, int position)
+ {
+     assert(a);
+     if (a->count >= a->capacity)
+ 	arrayGrow(a, a->count + 1);
+     if (position > a->count)
+ 	position = a->count;
+     if (position < a->count)
+ 	memmove(&a->items[position + 1], &a->items[position], (a->count - position) * sizeof(void *));
+     a->items[position] = obj;
+     a->count++;
+ }
  /* if you are going to append a known and large number of items, call this first */
  arrayPreAppend(Array * a, int app_count)
Index: squid/src/HttpHeader.c
diff -c squid/src/HttpHeader.c: squid/src/HttpHeader.c:
*** squid/src/HttpHeader.c:	Wed May 25 16:57:33 2005
--- squid/src/HttpHeader.c	Thu Jun  9 01:51:46 2005
*** 680,685 ****
--- 680,705 ----
      hdr->len += strLen(e->name) + 2 + strLen(e->value) + 2;
+ /* inserts an entry at the given position; 
+  * does not call httpHeaderEntryClone() so one should not reuse "*e"
+  */
+ void
+ httpHeaderInsertEntry(HttpHeader * hdr, HttpHeaderEntry * e, int pos)
+ {
+     assert(hdr && e);
+     assert_eid(e->id);
+     debug(55, 7) ("%p adding entry: %d at %d\n",
+ 	hdr, e->id, hdr->entries.count);
+     if (CBIT_TEST(hdr->mask, e->id))
+ 	Headers[e->id].stat.repCount++;
+     else
+ 	CBIT_SET(hdr->mask, e->id);
+     arrayInsert(&hdr->entries, e, pos);
+     /* increment header length, allow for ": " and crlf */
+     hdr->len += strLen(e->name) + 2 + strLen(e->value) + 2;
+ }
  /* return a list of entries with the same id separated by ',' and ws */
  httpHeaderGetList(const HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type id)
*** 850,855 ****
--- 870,884 ----
+ httpHeaderInsertTime(HttpHeader * hdr, int pos, http_hdr_type id, time_t htime)
+ {
+     assert_eid(id);
+     assert(Headers[id].type == ftDate_1123);	/* must be of an appropriate type */
+     assert(htime >= 0);
+     httpHeaderInsertEntry(hdr, httpHeaderEntryCreate(id, NULL, mkrfc1123(htime)), pos);
+ }
+ void
  httpHeaderPutStr(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type id, const char *str)
Index: squid/src/cf.data.pre
diff -c squid/src/cf.data.pre: squid/src/cf.data.pre:
*** squid/src/cf.data.pre:	Tue May 10 17:08:40 2005
--- squid/src/cf.data.pre	Thu Jun  9 01:51:46 2005
*** 3241,3246 ****
--- 3241,3260 ----
+ NAME: global_internal_static
+ TYPE: onoff
+ LOC: Config.onoff.global_internal_static
+ 	This directive controls is Squid should intercept all requests for
+ 	/squid-internal-static/ no matter which host the URL is requesting
+ 	(default on setting), or if nothing special should be done for
+ 	such URLs (off setting). The purpose of this directive is to make
+ 	icons etc work better in complex cache hierarchies where it may
+ 	not always be possible for all corners in the cache mesh to reach
+ 	the server generating a directory listing.
  NAME: short_icon_urls
  TYPE: onoff
  LOC: Config.icons.use_short_names
Index: squid/src/client_side.c
diff -c squid/src/client_side.c:1.561.2.76 squid/src/client_side.c:1.561.2.77
*** squid/src/client_side.c:1.561.2.76	Wed Apr 20 15:46:06 2005
--- squid/src/client_side.c	Thu Jun  9 01:51:47 2005
*** 1404,1410 ****
  	    (void) 0;
  	else if (http->entry->timestamp < 0)
  	    (void) 0;
! 	else if (http->entry->timestamp < squid_curtime)
  	    httpHeaderPutInt(hdr, HDR_AGE,
  		squid_curtime - http->entry->timestamp);
--- 1404,1413 ----
  	    (void) 0;
  	else if (http->entry->timestamp < 0)
  	    (void) 0;
! 	if (EBIT_TEST(http->entry->flags, ENTRY_SPECIAL)) {
! 	    httpHeaderDelById(hdr, HDR_DATE);
! 	    httpHeaderInsertTime(hdr, 0, HDR_DATE, squid_curtime);
! 	} else if (http->entry->timestamp < squid_curtime)
  	    httpHeaderPutInt(hdr, HDR_AGE,
  		squid_curtime - http->entry->timestamp);
*** 2719,2729 ****
  	*t = '\0';
!     /* handle internal objects */
!     if (internalCheck(url)) {
  	/* prepend our name & port */
  	http->uri = xstrdup(internalLocalUri(NULL, url));
- 	http->flags.internal = 1;
  	http->flags.accel = 1;
      /* see if we running in Config2.Accel.on, if so got to convert it to URL */
--- 2722,2731 ----
  	*t = '\0';
!     /* handle direct internal objects */
!     if (!Config2.Accel.on && internalCheck(url)) {
  	/* prepend our name & port */
  	http->uri = xstrdup(internalLocalUri(NULL, url));
  	http->flags.accel = 1;
      /* see if we running in Config2.Accel.on, if so got to convert it to URL */
*** 3099,3105 ****
  		    if (internalHostnameIs(request->host) &&
  			request->port == ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port)) {
  			http->flags.internal = 1;
! 		    } else if (internalStaticCheck(strBuf(request->urlpath))) {
  			xstrncpy(request->host, internalHostname(), SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN);
  			request->port = ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port);
  			http->flags.internal = 1;
--- 3101,3107 ----
  		    if (internalHostnameIs(request->host) &&
  			request->port == ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port)) {
  			http->flags.internal = 1;
! 		    } else if (Config.onoff.global_internal_static && internalStaticCheck(strBuf(request->urlpath))) {
  			xstrncpy(request->host, internalHostname(), SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN);
  			request->port = ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port);
  			http->flags.internal = 1;
Index: squid/src/protos.h
diff -c squid/src/protos.h:1.420.2.35 squid/src/protos.h:1.420.2.36
*** squid/src/protos.h:1.420.2.35	Wed May 18 09:28:32 2005
--- squid/src/protos.h	Thu Jun  9 01:51:47 2005
*** 424,429 ****
--- 424,430 ----
  extern void httpHeaderPutInt(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type type, int number);
  extern void httpHeaderPutSize(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type type, squid_off_t number);
  extern void httpHeaderPutTime(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type type, time_t htime);
+ extern void httpHeaderInsertTime(HttpHeader * hdr, int pos, http_hdr_type type, time_t htime);
  extern void httpHeaderPutStr(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type type, const char *str);
  extern void httpHeaderPutAuth(HttpHeader * hdr, const char *auth_scheme, const char *realm);
  extern void httpHeaderPutCc(HttpHeader * hdr, const HttpHdrCc * cc);
*** 453,458 ****
--- 454,460 ----
  extern HttpHeaderEntry *httpHeaderGetEntry(const HttpHeader * hdr, HttpHeaderPos * pos);
  extern HttpHeaderEntry *httpHeaderFindEntry(const HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type id);
  extern void httpHeaderAddEntry(HttpHeader * hdr, HttpHeaderEntry * e);
+ extern void httpHeaderInsertEntry(HttpHeader * hdr, HttpHeaderEntry * e, int pos);
  extern HttpHeaderEntry *httpHeaderEntryClone(const HttpHeaderEntry * e);
  extern void httpHeaderEntryPackInto(const HttpHeaderEntry * e, Packer * p);
  /* store report about current header usage and other stats */
Index: squid/src/structs.h
diff -c squid/src/structs.h:1.408.2.43 squid/src/structs.h:1.408.2.44
*** squid/src/structs.h:1.408.2.43	Wed May  4 12:03:47 2005
--- squid/src/structs.h	Thu Jun  9 01:51:47 2005
*** 609,614 ****
--- 609,615 ----
  	int relaxed_header_parser;
  	int accel_uses_host_header;
  	int accel_no_pmtu_disc;
+ 	int global_internal_static;
      } onoff;
      acl *aclList;
      struct {
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005