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Пакет: squid

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Патч: squid-2.5.STABLE10-cache_dir_change.patch

Index: squid/src/cache_cf.c
diff -c squid/src/cache_cf.c:1.396.2.27 squid/src/cache_cf.c:1.396.2.28
*** squid/src/cache_cf.c:1.396.2.27	Mon Jun 13 16:26:21 2005
--- squid/src/cache_cf.c	Sun Jun 19 03:36:33 2005
*** 1300,1344 ****
      if ((path_str = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL)
!     /*
!      * This bit of code is a little strange.
!      * See, if we find a path and type match for a given line, then
!      * as long as we're reconfiguring, we can just call its reconfigure
!      * function. No harm there.
!      *
!      * Trouble is, if we find a path match, but not a type match, we have
!      * a dilemma - we could gracefully shut down the fs, kill it, and
!      * create a new one of a new type in its place, BUT at this stage the
!      * fs is meant to be the *NEW* one, and so things go very strange. :-)
!      *
!      * So, we'll assume the person isn't going to change the fs type for now,
!      * and XXX later on we will make sure that its picked up.
!      *
!      * (moving around cache_dir lines will be looked at later in a little
!      * more sane detail..)
!      */
      for (i = 0; i < swap->n_configured; i++) {
! 	if (0 == strcasecmp(path_str, swap->swapDirs[i].path)) {
! 	    /* This is a little weird, you'll appreciate it later */
! 	    fs = find_fstype(type_str);
! 	    if (fs < 0) {
! 		fatalf("Unknown cache_dir type '%s'\n", type_str);
! 	    }
  	    sd = swap->swapDirs + i;
  	    storefs_list[fs].reconfigurefunc(sd, i, path_str);
      assert(swap->n_configured < 63);	/* 7 bits, signed */
-     fs = find_fstype(type_str);
-     if (fs < 0) {
- 	/* If we get here, we didn't find a matching cache_dir type */
- 	fatalf("Unknown cache_dir type '%s'\n", type_str);
-     }
      sd = swap->swapDirs + swap->n_configured;
      sd->type = storefs_list[fs].typestr;
--- 1300,1326 ----
      if ((path_str = strtok(NULL, w_space)) == NULL)
!     fs = find_fstype(type_str);
!     if (fs < 0)
! 	self_destruct();
+     /* reconfigure existing dir */
      for (i = 0; i < swap->n_configured; i++) {
! 	if ((strcasecmp(path_str, swap->swapDirs[i].path) == 0)) {
  	    sd = swap->swapDirs + i;
+ 	    if (sd->type != storefs_list[fs].typestr) {
+ 		debug(3, 0) ("ERROR: Can't change type of existing cache_dir %s %s to %s. Restart required\n", sd->type, sd->path, type_str);
+ 		return;
+ 	    }
  	    storefs_list[fs].reconfigurefunc(sd, i, path_str);
+     /* new cache_dir */
      assert(swap->n_configured < 63);	/* 7 bits, signed */
      sd = swap->swapDirs + swap->n_configured;
      sd->type = storefs_list[fs].typestr;
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005