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Пакет: smb4k
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24 ноября 2005 Alexey Borovskoy <alb at altlinux.ru> 0.6.4-alt0.M24.1
- Based on version 0.6.4-alt1 from Sisyphus.
- Add Patch6 to replace patch-by-find-sed.
- Backport to Master 2.4
- Build dependencies optimization
- README.ALT reformat
- Add information about konqueror to README.ALT
- 0.5.1
- removed alt-smb4k_umount-execvp patch (fixed in upstream)
- 0.5.0
- removed pl.po-UTF-8 patch (fixed in upstream)
- removed alt-client_side_cp1251 patch (merged upstream)
- worked around broken findprog() function in utilities/smb4k_umount.cpp
- /etc/sudoers editing by smb4k was considered insecure and harmful, so
super user actions, which depend on sudo, should be activated in
/etc/sudo.d/smb4k via visudo so far (see README.ALT); thanks to Nick S.
Grechukh (gns@) for a patch and suggestions
- Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6.
- added Russian summary and description
- added cp1251 charset support on client side
- initial build for ALT Linux; based on specfile by Marcin Garski