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Пакет: smartsieve
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%define post_apacheconf /sbin/service httpd condreload
%define postun_apacheconf /sbin/service httpd condreload
%define appname smartsieve
%define appvers 0.5.2
%define appcvs 20051129
Name: %appname
Version: %appvers.%appcvs
#for Sisyphus:
#Release: alt1
#for Backports M2.4:
Release: alt0.M24.1
#for Backports M3.0:
#Release: alt0.M30.1
Summary: %appname - a web based graphical user interface for creating and managing Sieve scripts on a Cyrus-imap mail server.
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): %appname - веб интерфейс управления Sieve скриптами Cyrus-imap сервера.
License: GNU
Group: Networking/Mail
%define daname %name
%define apache_group apache
%define webmaster_group webmaster
%define webmaster_user root
%define apache_home %_var/www/html
%define appdir %apache_home/%daname
Prefix: %apache_home
URL: http://smartsieve.sourceforge.net
Source0: %appname-%version.tar.bz2
Requires: apache-common, php-mcrypt
BuildArch: noarch
%name - a web based graphical user interface for creating and
managing Sieve scripts on a Cyrus imap mail server. It provides a
way for non-technical Cyrus imap users to generate Sieve rules for
mail filtering and vacation messaging without prior knowledge of the
Sieve scripting language. SmartSieve is written in PHP and is
intended to be intuitive to use, and simple to configure.
SmartSieve will be of interest to institutions running Cyrus imapd
to provide imap based mail access and who require a user-friendly
way for users to manage mail filtering and vacation messaging. It
will be of particular interest to those currently deploying Websieve
for this purpose. SmartSieve is compatible with Websieve in that
Sieve scripts created using Websieve can be read and modified using
SmartSieve, and visa-versa.
SmartSieve is not a Sieve script 'parser'. It cannot directly read
and understand the Sieve language itself. For this reason, the GUI
will only work for Sieve scripts created by SmartSieve. Other
non-SmartSieve scripts can be edited in SmartSieve's direct edit
%setup -q -n %appname
# Any files
%__install -pd -m3770 %buildroot%appdir
#__cp -aRf css %buildroot%appdir/
%__install -m644 *.php %buildroot%appdir/
%__cp -aRf conf images include lib scripts %buildroot%appdir/
%defattr(644, %webmaster_user, %webmaster_group,755)
%config(noreplace) %appdir/conf/*.php
%attr(755, %webmaster_user, %webmaster_group) %appdir/scripts/*.pl
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь
%define postun_apacheconf /sbin/service httpd condreload
%define appname smartsieve
%define appvers 0.5.2
%define appcvs 20051129
Name: %appname
Version: %appvers.%appcvs
#for Sisyphus:
#Release: alt1
#for Backports M2.4:
Release: alt0.M24.1
#for Backports M3.0:
#Release: alt0.M30.1
Summary: %appname - a web based graphical user interface for creating and managing Sieve scripts on a Cyrus-imap mail server.
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): %appname - веб интерфейс управления Sieve скриптами Cyrus-imap сервера.
License: GNU
Group: Networking/Mail
%define daname %name
%define apache_group apache
%define webmaster_group webmaster
%define webmaster_user root
%define apache_home %_var/www/html
%define appdir %apache_home/%daname
Prefix: %apache_home
URL: http://smartsieve.sourceforge.net
Source0: %appname-%version.tar.bz2
Requires: apache-common, php-mcrypt
BuildArch: noarch
%name - a web based graphical user interface for creating and
managing Sieve scripts on a Cyrus imap mail server. It provides a
way for non-technical Cyrus imap users to generate Sieve rules for
mail filtering and vacation messaging without prior knowledge of the
Sieve scripting language. SmartSieve is written in PHP and is
intended to be intuitive to use, and simple to configure.
SmartSieve will be of interest to institutions running Cyrus imapd
to provide imap based mail access and who require a user-friendly
way for users to manage mail filtering and vacation messaging. It
will be of particular interest to those currently deploying Websieve
for this purpose. SmartSieve is compatible with Websieve in that
Sieve scripts created using Websieve can be read and modified using
SmartSieve, and visa-versa.
SmartSieve is not a Sieve script 'parser'. It cannot directly read
and understand the Sieve language itself. For this reason, the GUI
will only work for Sieve scripts created by SmartSieve. Other
non-SmartSieve scripts can be edited in SmartSieve's direct edit
%setup -q -n %appname
# Any files
%__install -pd -m3770 %buildroot%appdir
#__cp -aRf css %buildroot%appdir/
%__install -m644 *.php %buildroot%appdir/
%__cp -aRf conf images include lib scripts %buildroot%appdir/
%defattr(644, %webmaster_user, %webmaster_group,755)
%config(noreplace) %appdir/conf/*.php
%attr(755, %webmaster_user, %webmaster_group) %appdir/scripts/*.pl
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь