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Пакет: sgauth
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12 октября 2006 Motsyo Gennadi <drool at altlinux.ru> 2.12.6-alt0.M24.1
- new version
- fix URL
- change spec to Backports Policy
- fix rpm_opt_flags
- modify description
- modify daemon
- modify readme
- rename bin-file to sgauth.bin
- move bin-file to /usr/bin/sgauth
- modify init file to daemon style and move to /etc/rc.d/init.d/sgauth
- add /usr/share/doc/sgauth-2.12.6/Readme_ALT_CP1251.txt
- move bin-file to /usr/share/sgauth
- modification description
- fix spec-file
- fix BuildRequires
- added russian description
- initial build for ALT Linux