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26 января 2006 Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru> 1.4-alt2
- spec fixes: add Url, change Source, some cleanup
- add russian summary & description (from PLD)
- backport to ALT Linux M24
- build with 1.4
- rebuild
- Merged RH patches.
- RE adaptions.
- change copyright to public domain
- BM
- use new macros
- let spec-helper compress man-pages and strip binaries : i'm getting bored
to do a mdk7.1 job :-(
- updated 1.0
- changed group to new groups
- Rewrite the stinking thing due to license worries (bug #8619)
- Mandrake release
- Mandrake adaptions
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 8)
- build root
- translations modified for de, fr, tr
- fixed the url to the source
- built against glibc