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Пакет: qemu
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%define kmodule_name kqemu
%define kqemuver 0.7.2
%define gtkver 20050716
Name: qemu
Version: 0.8.0
Release: alt1.M24.1
Summary: QEMU CPU Emulator
Group: Emulators
URL: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/
Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1: kqemu-%kqemuver.tar.gz
Source2: kqemu-permission
Patch: %name-0.7.1-alt-makefile.patch
Patch1: %name-0.6.2-alt-hdtrans.patch
Patch2: %name-0.8.0-alt-kqemu.patch
# for %_bindir/qemu*
%set_verify_elf_method textrel=relaxed
# for proll.elf
%add_strip_skiplist *%_datadir/*
BuildRequires: libSDL-devel XFree86-devel
BuildRequires: glibc-devel zlib-devel
BuildRequires: libaudiofile-devel esound-devel libalsa-devel
BuildRequires: tetex-core libgtk+2-devel
QEMU is a fast processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve
good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes:
* Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system
(for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials.
It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting
the PC or to debug system code.
* User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch
Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used
to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation
and cross-debugging.
As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy
to use.
%package -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
Summary: Linux %kmodule_name modules sources
License: EULA
Group: Development/Kernel
%description -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
%kmodule_name modules sources for Linux kernel
%setup -q -a1
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p0
%__cp -a kqemu kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
%__cp -a %SOURCE2 kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver/PERMISSION
%__tar -cjf %_builddir/%name-%version/kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver.tar.bz2 kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
./configure --prefix=%_prefix --enable-adlib --with-kqemu --enable-gtk
# XXX asm error with CFLAGS='%optflags'
# XXX segfault with LDFLAGS=
%ifarch %ix86
cd tests
%__subst -p s/-static//g Makefile
%make_install install DESTDIR=%buildroot
%__install -m644 -D %_builddir/%name-%version/kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver.tar.bz2 \
%doc Changelog README TODO qemu-doc.html qemu-tech.html
%files -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь
%define kqemuver 0.7.2
%define gtkver 20050716
Name: qemu
Version: 0.8.0
Release: alt1.M24.1
Summary: QEMU CPU Emulator
Group: Emulators
URL: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/
Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1: kqemu-%kqemuver.tar.gz
Source2: kqemu-permission
Patch: %name-0.7.1-alt-makefile.patch
Patch1: %name-0.6.2-alt-hdtrans.patch
Patch2: %name-0.8.0-alt-kqemu.patch
# for %_bindir/qemu*
%set_verify_elf_method textrel=relaxed
# for proll.elf
%add_strip_skiplist *%_datadir/*
BuildRequires: libSDL-devel XFree86-devel
BuildRequires: glibc-devel zlib-devel
BuildRequires: libaudiofile-devel esound-devel libalsa-devel
BuildRequires: tetex-core libgtk+2-devel
QEMU is a fast processor emulator using dynamic translation to achieve
good emulation speed. QEMU has two operating modes:
* Full system emulation. In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system
(for example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials.
It can be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting
the PC or to debug system code.
* User mode emulation (Linux host only). In this mode, QEMU can launch
Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. It can be used
to launch the Wine Windows API emulator or to ease cross-compilation
and cross-debugging.
As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy
to use.
%package -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
Summary: Linux %kmodule_name modules sources
License: EULA
Group: Development/Kernel
%description -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
%kmodule_name modules sources for Linux kernel
%setup -q -a1
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p0
%__cp -a kqemu kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
%__cp -a %SOURCE2 kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver/PERMISSION
%__tar -cjf %_builddir/%name-%version/kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver.tar.bz2 kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
./configure --prefix=%_prefix --enable-adlib --with-kqemu --enable-gtk
# XXX asm error with CFLAGS='%optflags'
# XXX segfault with LDFLAGS=
%ifarch %ix86
cd tests
%__subst -p s/-static//g Makefile
%make_install install DESTDIR=%buildroot
%__install -m644 -D %_builddir/%name-%version/kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver.tar.bz2 \
%doc Changelog README TODO qemu-doc.html qemu-tech.html
%files -n kernel-source-%kmodule_name-%kqemuver
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь