Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1633007
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Группа :: Разработка/Python
Пакет: python2.3-module-serial

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# This spec for backport to M24 is autogenerated. Do not edit it.
# -*- mode: rpm-spec; coding: utf-8 -*-
%define version 2.1
%define release alt3
%define source_version 2.1
%define source_name pyserial
%setup_python_module serial

%def_without doc_package
%def_without win32
%def_without jython

Version: %version
Release: alt0.M24.3

Summary: Serial port access for python
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): п■п╬я│я┌я┐п© п╨ п©п╬я│п╩п╣п╢п╬п╡п╟я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬п╪я┐ п©п╬я─я┌я┐ п╦п╥ python
Name: %packagename
Source: %source_name-%source_version.tar.bz2
License: Python
Group: Development/Python
Prefix: %_prefix
Url: http://pyserial.sf.net

Packager: Igor Zubkov <icesik at altlinux.ru>

Provides: %{__python_module_prefix}-pyserial
Obsoletes: %{__python_module_prefix}-pyserial

%if_without doc_package
Provides: %{__python_module_prefix}-pyserial-doc
Obsoletes: %{__python_module_prefix}-pyserial-doc

BuildRequires: rpm-build-compat >= 0.4

pyserial capsulates the access for the serial port. It provides
backends for standard Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly
any POSIX compilant system) and Jython. The module automaticaly
selects the appropriate backend.

This module contains POSIX compatible serial port access.
It's built for python 2.3

%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8
п║ п©п╬п╪п╬я┴я▄я▌ п╪п╬п╢я┐п╩п╣п╧ pyserial п╪п╬п╤п╫п╬ я─п╟п╠п╬я┌п╟я┌я▄ я│ п©п╬я│п╩п╣п╢п╬п╡п╟я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫я▀п╪ п©п╬я─я┌п╬п╪ п╡
я│я┌п╟п╫п╢п╟я─я┌п╫п╬п╪ Python, п╥п╟п©я┐я┴п╣п╫п╫п╬п╪ п╫п╟ Windows, Linux, BSD (п╡п╬п╥п╪п╬п╤п╫п╬, п╩я▌п╠п╬п╧
POSIX-я│п╬п╡п╪п╣я│я┌п╦п╪п╬п╧ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪п╣) п╦п╩п╦ Jython. п°п╬п╢я┐п╩я▄ п╟п╡я┌п╬п╪п╟я┌п╦я┤п╣я│п╨п╦ п╡я▀п╠п╦я─п╟п╣я┌
п©п╬п╢я┘п╬п╢я▐я┴п╦п╧ п╢п╩я▐ п╢п╟п╫п╫п╬п╧ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪я▀ п╪п╣я┘п╟п╫п╦п╥п╪ п╢п╬я│я┌я┐п©п╟.

п╜я┌п╬я┌ п╪п╬п╢я┐п╩я▄ я│п╬п╢п╣я─п╤п╦я┌ п╪п╣я┌п╬п╢я▀ п╢п╬я│я┌я┐п©п╟ п╨ п©п╬я│п╩п╣п╢п╬п╡п╟я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬п╪я┐ п©п╬я─я┌я┐, п©я─п╦пЁп╬п╢п╫я▀п╣
п╢п╩я▐ POSIX-я│п╬п╡п╪п╣я│я┌п╦п╪я▀я┘ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪.
п·п╫ я│п╬п╠я─п╟п╫ п╢п╩я▐ Python п╡п╣я─я│п╦п╦ 2.3

%if_with jython
%package jython
Summary: Jython compatible serial port access
Group: Development/Python

%description jython
This module capsulates the access for the serial port. It provides
backends for standard Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly
any POSIX compilant system) and Jython. The module automaticaly
selects the appropriate backend.

This module contains Jython compatible serial port access.
It's built for python 2.3

# Do we really need this?

%if_with win32
%package win32
Summary: Win32-specific serial port access
Group: Development/Python
AutoReqProv: yes, python

%description win32
This module capsulates the access for the serial port. It provides
backends for standard Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly
any POSIX compilant system) and Jython. The module automaticaly
selects the appropriate backend.

This module contains Win32-specific serial port access.
It's built for python 2.3

%if_with doc_package
%package -n python-%modulename-doc
Summary: %modulename documentation and example programs
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): п■п╬п╨я┐п╪п╣п╫я┌п╟я├п╦я▐ п©п╬ API п╦ п©я─п╦п╪п╣я─я▀ п©я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪ п╢п╩я▐ %modulename
Group: Development/Python
Prefix: %_prefix
Requires: python-%modulename = %version

%description -n  python-%modulename-doc
%modulename provides portable way to access serial ports in various
systems. Install python-%modulename-doc if you need API documentation
and examples for this module

%description -n  python-%modulename-doc -l ru_RU.UTF-8
%modulename п©я─п╣п╢п╬я│я┌п╟п╡п╩я▐п╣я┌ я┐п╫п╦я└п╦я├п╦я─п╬п╡п╟п╫п╫я▀п╧ п╢п╬я│я┌я┐п© п╨ п©п╬я│п╩п╣п╢п╬п╡п╟я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬п╪я┐
п©п╬я─я┌я┐ п╡ я─п╟п╥п╫я▀я┘ я│п╦я│я┌п╣п╪п╟я┘. пёя│я┌п╟п╫п╬п╡п╦я┌п╣ python-%modulename-doc, п╣я│п╩п╦ п▓п╟п╪
я┌я─п╣п╠я┐п╣я┌я│я▐ п╢п╬п╨я┐п╪п╣п╫я┌п╟я├п╦я▐ п©п╬ API п╦ п©я─п╦п╪п╣я─я▀ п©я─п╬пЁя─п╟п╪п╪п╦я─п╬п╡п╟п╫п╦я▐ я│
п╦я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥п╬п╡п╟п╫п╦п╣п╪ п╢п╟п╫п╫п╬пЁп╬ п╪п╬п╢я┐п╩я▐.


%setup -q -n %source_name-%source_version


echo "*** Creating package %name ***"
%__python setup.py build

CFLAGS="%optflags" %__python setup.py \
install --optimize=2 \
--root=%buildroot \

%__subst '/java/d' INSTALLED_FILES
%__subst '/win32/d' INSTALLED_FILES

%doc CHANGES.txt README.txt

%if_with doc_package
%files -n python-%modulename-doc
%doc examples

%if_with jython
%files jython -f JAVA_INSTALLED_FILES

%if_with win32
%files win32 -f WIN32_INSTALLED_FILES


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005