Группа :: Разработка/Python
Пакет: python
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30 ноября 2005 Grigory Batalov <bga at altlinux.ru> 2.3.3-alt12.M24.2
- BuildRequires of bzlib-devel added to provide bz2 module.
- NMU by ALT Security Team:
+ applied fixes for CAN-2005-0089.
- Requires of tk added to tkinter;
- Into dev subpackage added requirements to be used by rpm-build-python
- __future__ module moved into python-base
- triggerpostun added to restore symbol-link after unregegister alternatives;
- Automatic provides n requires detect in module "test" forbidden;
- Added missing subpackage descriptions.
- Some errors observed during strict/relaxed switching fixed;
- Subpackage slight renamed into relaxed;
- Conditional packaging operators excluded (don't need any more);
- Requirement of bundlebuilder is ignored now;
- Using libdb2 excluded
- Rebuild with new rpm/python macros
- Rebuild with new rpm/python macros
- Fix new python policy compatibility
- Fix some inner dependences;
- Split devel package on devel and test (because of differences in AutoReq
politics); - Ready to rebuild with rpm-build-python (AutoReq, AutoProv);
- Split package python on -base, -modules, -modules-*;
- Some documentation added into python-info package;
- Subpackages python-slight, python-strict created;
- Package rebuilded with libdb4.2
- Package splitted on python-tools-idle, python-tools-pynche and python-tools-modulator
- Package with i18n tools added (python-tools-i18n)
- Package with webchacker added (python-tools-webchecker)
- koi8-u encoding added (thanks to Maxim Tyurin);
- Clause "Conflict py21" added
- Add documentation in info
- New version
- Library libpython is built as shared now;
- Relocated emacs site-start.d file to /etc/emacs/site-start.d/.
- Emacs python-mode files are renamed ( "$" <- "23$" ) to avoid conflict
- Emacs python-mode files are included into alternatives
- Fix some problems on replace idle with idlelib and so on
- Modulator and Pynche moved into python/tools
- Some unused pathes excluded
- Emacs python-mode file temporary abandoned
- Old patches customized and applied.
- Renamed to python23.
- new version (first try...)
- new alternatives config format
- PreReq fixes
- moved to new alternatives scheme
- 2.2.2 (bugfix release).
- rebuilt with tcl 8.4
- rebuilt with new tcl layout
- Patched to link with libtinfo.
- 2.2.1 (bugfix release).
- Fixed build (do not require db1, db3, db4).
- fixed alternatives
- return pyexpat.so to package
- now we don't use pathfix.py 'cause we want to build python without python
- Added buildreq substitution rules.
- fixed compileall module.
- fixed alternatives for the pydoc.
- Renamed to python22.
- added Provides for PYTHON
- 2.2
- we must made some changes in package structure later
- Segregated python-docs into a separate package
- Added emacs to buildreqs
- 2.1.1
- Light spec cleanup.
- new version
- Explicit set strip methods.
- Added few patches from
- Fix build with new expat-devel.
- Specfile cleanup.
- Enabled bsddbmodule.
- Added /usr/lib/%namever/xml.
- Recompiled modules with the correct directory paths.
- Automatically added BuildRequires.
- build for RE
- corrected BuildReq
- 2.0 (95 tests OK. 12 tests skipped: test_al test_cd test_cl test_dl test_gl test_imgfile test_largefile
test_linuxaudiodev test_nis test_sunaudiodev test_winreg test_winsound) - added emacs mode
- html doc.
- removed dependency on tkinter for python to avoid loop.
- fixed some hardcoded paths (Geoffrey Lee).
- removed menu entry for interpreter.
- fixed typo %updates_menus -> [ -x /usr/bin/update-menus ] && /usr/bin/update-menus ||:
- automatically added BuildRequires
- Merge rh patch.
- Macros.
- compile with new tcl.
- added locale module.
- menu
- idle 0.5.
- compiled with optimization.
- added a BuildRequires.
- add idle, pynche and modulator in the package
- Merge with redhat changes.
- added modulator, and pynche to the python-tools package(r)
- using a files list in the %files section for python-tools(r)
- added conflicts/requires between subpackages so that you cannot
have an older tkinter installed with a new python.(r) - added more tools(r)
- rebuild to fix broken tkinter.(r)
- fixed bogus /usr/local/bin/python requirements.(r)
- added patch to import global symbols until we get libtool patched(r)
- updated to 1.5.2
- updated patches
- use macro %_arch instead of %_target_cpu for file paths
- Remove the dbm support (doen't work with GLBC2.1)
- Mandrake adaptions
- add de locale
- fix handling of RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- added mpzmodule at user request (uses gmp)
- added bsddbmodule at user request (uses db 1.85 interface)
- add --with-threads at user request
- clean up spec file
- New libc changes ndbm.h to db1/ndbm.h and -ldb to -ldb1
- recompile for RH 5.2.
- python-docs used to require /usr/bin/sed. Changed to /bin/sed instead
- fixed the spec file for version 1.5.1
- buildroot (!)
- updated to python 1.5.1
- created our own Python-Doc tar file from 1.5 to substitute for the
not-yet-released Doc package. - build _tkinter properly
- use readline again
- build crypt module again
- install rand replacement module
- added a few modules
- updated to python 1.5
- made /usr/lib/python1.5 file list automatically generated
- Fixed dependencies for python and tkinter
- pulled out tk-related stuff into tkinter package
- bunches of scripts used /usr/local/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python
- updated for tcl/tk 8.0
- built against glibc