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Пакет: postgresql
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Текущая версия: 7.4.8-alt4.M24.2
Время сборки: 17 августа 2005, 22:41 ( 1019.6 недели назад )
Размер архива: 9.99 Mb
Домашняя страница: http://www.postgresql.org/
Лицензия: BSD
О пакете: PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
Список всех майнтейнеров, принимавших участие
в данной и/или предыдущих сборках пакета: Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемый данным srpm-пакетом:
Время сборки: 17 августа 2005, 22:41 ( 1019.6 недели назад )
Размер архива: 9.99 Mb
Домашняя страница: http://www.postgresql.org/
Лицензия: BSD
О пакете: PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system
(DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs (including
transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions). The
postgresql package includes the client programs and libraries that
you'll need to access a PostgreSQL DBMS server. These PostgreSQL
client programs are programs that directly manipulate the internal
structure of PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server. These client
programs can be located on the same machine with the PostgreSQL
server, or may be on a remote machine which accesses a PostgreSQL
server over a network connection. This package contains the docs
in HTML for the whole package, as well as command-line utilities for
managing PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server.
If you want to manipulate a PostgreSQL database on a remote PostgreSQL
server, you need this package. You also need to install this package
if you're installing the postgresql-server package.
Текущий майнтейнер: Denis Smirnov (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs (including
transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions). The
postgresql package includes the client programs and libraries that
you'll need to access a PostgreSQL DBMS server. These PostgreSQL
client programs are programs that directly manipulate the internal
structure of PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server. These client
programs can be located on the same machine with the PostgreSQL
server, or may be on a remote machine which accesses a PostgreSQL
server over a network connection. This package contains the docs
in HTML for the whole package, as well as command-line utilities for
managing PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server.
If you want to manipulate a PostgreSQL database on a remote PostgreSQL
server, you need this package. You also need to install this package
if you're installing the postgresql-server package.
Список всех майнтейнеров, принимавших участие
в данной и/или предыдущих сборках пакета: Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемый данным srpm-пакетом:
- libecpg4
- libecpg4-devel
- libecpg4-devel-static
- libpgtcl2
- libpq3
- libpq3-devel
- libpq3-devel-static
- postgresql
- postgresql-contrib
- postgresql-devel
- postgresql-docs
- postgresql-perl
- postgresql-python
- postgresql-server
- postgresql-tcl