Группа :: Разработка/Perl
Пакет: perl-libwww
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21 февраля 2006 Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru> 5.803-alt0.M24.3
- backport to ALT Linux M24 (by rpmbph script)
- fixed alt-deps-ftp.patch (breakage reported by Ivan Adzhubey)
- patched to clarify dependencies on Compress::Zlib, Net::FTP, and Net::SSL
- 5.79 -> 5.803
- renamed: perl-libwww-perl -> perl-libwww
- manual pages not packaged (use perldoc)
- 5.76 -> 5.79
- 5.76
- 5.75
- mdk-empty_header.patch merged upstream, alt-syntax.patch needed no more
- alt-makefile.patch updated (not to read media.types of already installed
package when running tests)
- 5.72
- syntax.patch: fix syntax error
- makefile.patch:
+ don't run "live" tests
+ don't look for the existing installation
- skip dependencies in:
+ LWP/Authen/Ntlm.pm (requires Authen/Ntlm.pm)
+ HTTP/Cookies/Microsoft.pm (requires Win32.pm)
+ LWP/Protocol/GHTTP.pm - specfile cleanup
- 5.69
- rebuilt for perl-5.8 with new rpm macros
- 5.65
- 5.64
- 5.63
- 5.53
- Rebuilt with perl-5.6.1
- Some spec cleanup
- Updated:
+ version 5.50 - Changed:
+ spec file adapted for Sisyphus - Fixed:
+ perl path in LWP/Debug.pm
- changed file list and installation
- added description from README
- force build architecture to noarch
- fixed release tag
- remove file list
- rebuild for 5.6.0
- final cleanup for Mandrake 7
- updated to 5.47
- bzip2'd sources
- updated to 5.44
- Spec file was autogenerated.