Группа :: Разработка/Perl
Пакет: perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI
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%define module CGI-SpeedyCGI
Name: perl-%module
Version: 2.22
Release: alt0.M24.2
Summary: perl-%module module
License: GPL
Group: Development/Perl
Packager: Igor Vlasenko <viy at altlinux.ru>
Source: http://www.cpan.org/authors/H/HO/HORROCKS/%module-%version.tar.gz
# Automatically added by buildreq on Wed Nov 06 2002
BuildRequires: perl-devel
SpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which usually makes
them run much more quickly because it avoids the overhead of starting
up a new perl interpreter and compiling the perl code. It is most
often used for CGI scripts but it can be used to speed up most perl
%setup -q -n %module-%version
# Hackaround for SMP build
%doc COPYING Changes README* docs
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь
Name: perl-%module
Version: 2.22
Release: alt0.M24.2
Summary: perl-%module module
License: GPL
Group: Development/Perl
Packager: Igor Vlasenko <viy at altlinux.ru>
Source: http://www.cpan.org/authors/H/HO/HORROCKS/%module-%version.tar.gz
# Automatically added by buildreq on Wed Nov 06 2002
BuildRequires: perl-devel
SpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which usually makes
them run much more quickly because it avoids the overhead of starting
up a new perl interpreter and compiling the perl code. It is most
often used for CGI scripts but it can be used to speed up most perl
%setup -q -n %module-%version
# Hackaround for SMP build
%doc COPYING Changes README* docs
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь