Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1631673
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Группа :: Система/Серверы
Пакет: ngircd

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Патч: ngircd-0.10.0_default_config.patch

Index: doc/sample-ngircd.conf
--- doc/sample-ngircd.conf.orig
+++ doc/sample-ngircd.conf
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 	# Text file with the "message of the day" (MOTD). This message will
 	# be shown to all users connecting to the server:
-	;MotdFile = /usr/local/etc/ngircd.motd
+	;MotdFile = /etc/ngircd.motd
 	# A simple Phrase (<256 chars) if you don't want to use a motd file.
 	# If it is set no MotdFile will be read at all.
@@ -53,25 +53,25 @@
 	# server must have been started with root privileges! In addition,
 	# the configuration and MOTD files must be readable by this user,
 	# otherwise RESTART and REHASH won't work!
-	;ServerUID = 65534
+	ServerUID = ngircd
 	# Group ID under which the ngircd should run; you can use the name
 	# of the group or the numerical ID. ATTENTION: For this to work the
 	# server must have been started with root privileges!
-	;ServerGID = 65534
+	ServerGID = ngircd
 	# A directory to chroot in when everything is initialized. It
 	# doesn't need to be populated if ngIRCd is compiled as a static
 	# binary. By default ngIRCd won't use the chroot() feature.
 	# ATTENTION: For this to work the server must have been started
 	# with root privileges!
-	;ChrootDir = /var/empty
+	;ChrootDir = /var/lib/ngircd
 	# This tells ngircd to write its current process id to a file.
 	# Note that the pidfile is written AFTER chroot and switching uid,
 	# i. e. the Directory the pidfile resides in must be writeable by
 	# the ngircd user and exist in the chroot directory.
-	;PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/ngircd.pid
+	PidFile = /var/run/ngircd.pid
 	# After <PingTimeout> seconds of inactivity the server will send a
 	# PING to the peer to test whether it is alive or not.
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005