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Группа :: Система/Интернационализация
Пакет: mova

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Патч: mova-4.0-alt-dont_beep.patch

diff -Naur usr/local/bin/movaMTK usr.ext/local/bin/movaMTK
--- usr/local/bin/movaMTK	Mon Feb  5 02:32:32 2001
+++ usr.ext/local/bin/movaMTK	Mon Feb  5 02:33:45 2001
@@ -97,9 +97,6 @@
 proc Mova {arg} {
 global word argv0 DIC DIR
 if {[catch {set word [selection get]} error] != 0} {
-bell -displayof .
-puts "Let us mark a word by the mouse and then run:\n$argv0 OPT DICTIONARY\nWhere OPT is \"-W\" or \"-B\" or \"-S\" or \"-T\". DICTIONARY - name of
- dictionary (if the one was't set, you will use default dictionary from \"~/.movarc\"). Let us run \"mova\" for explanation of OPT.\n"
 } else {
 set word [string tolower [string trimleft $word "       \"\(\{"]]
 .word insert 0.0 "$word\n\n"
diff -Naur usr/local/bin/movaTK usr.ext/local/bin/movaTK
--- usr/local/bin/movaTK	Mon Feb  5 02:32:32 2001
+++ usr.ext/local/bin/movaTK	Mon Feb  5 02:36:08 2001
@@ -155,8 +155,7 @@
 proc Mova {arg} {
 global word argv0 index_dic
 if {[catch {set word [selection get]} error] != 0} {set word " "
-bell -displayof .
-puts "Let us mark a word by the mouse and then run:\n$argv0 OPT DICTIONARY\nWhere OPT is \"-W\" or \"-B\" or \"-S\" or \"-T\". DICTIONARY - name of dictionary file (if the one was't set, you will use default dictionary from \"~/.movarc\"). Let us run \"mova\" for explanation of OPT.\n"}
 set word [string tolower [string trimleft $word "       \"\(\{"]]
 set hash_word [string index $word 0][string index $word 1]
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005