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Пакет: modutils

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Патч: modutils-2.4.2-rh-prepost.patch

--- modutils-2.4.2/util/alias.h.prepost	Tue Mar  6 18:24:18 2001
+++ modutils-2.4.2/util/alias.h	Wed Mar  7 12:35:40 2001
@@ -227,6 +227,28 @@
+ * This is the list of pre-defined "post-install"s,
+ * used to execute commands after loading modules.
+ * /etc/modules.conf can add entries but not remove them.
+ */
+char *post_install[] =
+	"binfmt_misc /bin/mount -t binfmt_misc binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:",
+ * This is the list of pre-defined "pre-remove"s,
+ * used to execute commands before unloading modules.
+ * /etc/modules.conf can add entries but not remove them.
+ */
+char *pre_remove[] =
+	"binfmt_misc /bin/umount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc >/dev/null 2>&1 ||:",
  * This is the list of pre-defined "prune"s,
  * used to exclude paths from scan of /lib/modules.
  * /etc/modules.conf can add entries but not remove them.
--- modutils-2.4.2/util/config.c.prepost	Thu Jan  4 20:45:19 2001
+++ modutils-2.4.2/util/config.c	Tue Mar  6 18:24:18 2001
@@ -691,6 +691,20 @@
 		if (all && aliaslist[0])
 			n_aliases = build_list(aliaslist, &aliases, version, 0);
+		/*
+		 * Build predef postinstalls
+		 */
+		if (all && post_install[0])
+			for (i=0 ; post_install[i] ; i++ )
+				decode_exec(xstrdup(post_install[i]), EXEC_POST_INSTALL);
+		/*
+		 * Build predef preremoves
+		 */
+		if (all && pre_remove[0])
+			for (i=0 ; pre_remove[i] ; i++ )
+				decode_exec(xstrdup(pre_remove[i]), EXEC_PRE_REMOVE);
 		/* Order and priority is now: (MODPATH + modules.conf) || (predefs + modules.conf) */
 		if ((envpath = getenv("MODPATH")) != NULL && !safemode) {
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005