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Пакет: lightsquid

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Патч: lightsquid.cfg.patch

--- lightsquid/lightsquid.cfg.orig	2006-12-04 09:48:45 +1200
+++ lightsquid/lightsquid.cfg	2006-12-04 12:23:58 +1200
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
 # -------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES  ---------------------------
 #path to additional `cfg` files
-$cfgpath             ="/var/www/html/lightsquid";
+$cfgpath             ="/etc/lightsquid";
 #path to `tpl` folder
-$tplpath             ="/var/www/html/lightsquid/tpl";
+$tplpath             ="/usr/share/lightsquid/tpl";
 #path to `lang` folder
-$langpath            ="/var/www/html/lightsquid/lang";
+$langpath            ="/usr/share/lightsquid/lang";
 #path to `report` folder
-$reportpath          ="/var/www/html/lightsquid/report";
+$reportpath          ="/var/lib/lightsquid";
 #path to access.log
 $logpath             ="/var/log/squid";
 #path to `ip2name` folder
-$ip2namepath         ="/var/www/html/lightsquid/ip2name";
+$ip2namepath         ="/usr/share/lightsquid/ip2name";
 #path to `lockfile` ;-)
-$lockpath            =$reportpath;
+$lockpath            ="/var/lock/lightsquid";
 #if lockfile older $maxlocktime second, remove old lock file.
 $maxlocktime	     = 30*60;
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 #see `lang` folder (avaible: bg,eng,fr,hu,it,pt_br,ru,sp)
-$lang                ="eng";
+$lang                ="ru";
 #html template name
 #see template folder `tpl/$templatename/`
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005