Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
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Пакет: lft

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25 августа 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> 2.5-alt1

  • 2.5
  • upstream changelog:
     + Added -z option to pseudo-randomize source port
     + Added behavior to automatically select the most appropriate interface
       based on routing (this was on the most wanted list)
     + Improved OpenBSD compatibility (IP length nonzero)
     + OpenBSD is now detected by autoconf (for configuring the above)
     + Darwin is now detected by autoconf and its definition disables
       some BSD features to make it compatible with MacOS X and Darwin
     + LFT now indicates it has reached the target by printing a 'T'
       character in the status display (if status is enabled)
     + Cleanups were made to the verbose output levels (-VVV)
     + Significantly revamped whois framework makes it easy to include
       whois functionality into other programs
     + Added -C and -R and -r options to force alternate ASN sources:
       * (r)IPE RIS
       * (C)ymru
       * (R)ADB
     + Default ASN source (-A) is now Prefix WhoIs (see pwhois.org)
     + LFT now queries for ASNs in bulk format after completing
       a trace if pwhois (default), RIPE NCC RIS, or Cymru is selected
     + Added dst/src port autoselection based on user-supplied hostname
     + Vastly improved standalone whois client "whob" see whob.8 (whob manpage)
     + Makefile now installs 'whob' no-frills whois client (try ./whob)
     + "Smart" mode is now referred to as "Adaptive" mode (-E)

25 августа 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> 2.5-alt0.M24.1

  • built for ALM2.4

17 января 2005 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru> 2.31-alt1

  • 2.31 (#5883)
  • updated project URL

1 февраля 2004 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru> 2.2-alt2

  • rebuilt with libpcap-0.8.x

16 августа 2003 Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru> 2.2-alt1

  • built for ALT Linux
  • control(8) support

20 апреля 2003 Nils McCarthy <nils at shkoo.com>

  • Incorporated changes from Dag Wieers <dag@wieers.com> cleaning up
  • a lot of the build process.

6 марта 2003 Nils McCarthy <nils at shkoo.com>

  • revised to work with autoconf

28 октября 2002 Florin Andrei <florin at sgi.com>

  • first version
  • v2.0-1
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005