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Пакет: leafnode
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26 апреля 2006 Alexey Borovskoy <alb at altlinux.ru> 1.11.5-alt0.M24.1
- 1.11.5.
- 1.11.4
- Change Url to leafnode.sf.net
- 1.11.3
+ fix CVE CAN-2005-1911
- 1.11.2 (minor security fixes)
- merged in changelog entries from spec in backports/2.4
- 1.11.1
- 1.11.0
- Bugfixes
+ Fix snprintf test
- 1.10.8
- Backport to Master 2.4
- 1.10.4 (major bugfixes)
- 1.10.3 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.10.2 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.10.1 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.10.0 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.54 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.52 (major bugfixes)
- removed patch0
- 1.9.49 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.48 (minor security fixes)
- added missing binaries (newsq and leafnode-version)
- added missing docs
- removed extra config.example
- updated filters.example
- spec cleanup
- 1.9.47
- 1.9.46 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.45 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.44 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.43
- note that 1.9.3 to 1.9.41 inclusive were vulnerable a bit
- 1.9.42
- major bugfixes
- 1.9.41 (major bugfixes)
- 1.9.40 (minor bugfixes)
- 1.9.39 (major bugfixes)
- 1.9.38 (minor bugfixes)
- due to changes in upstream, spool is now owned by 'news' user
- 1.9.36 (major bugfixes)
- seems that (mis)sync bug was fixed
- 1.9.35 (bugfixes)
- 1.9.34.rel
- 1.9.33 (major bugfixes)
- 1.9.31 (major bugfixes)
- WARNING: 1.9.20 through 1.9.29 were vulnerable (DoS; 100% CPU)
- cleaned up BuildRequires (tcp_wrappers)
- 1.9.30 (minor bugfixes)
- fixed typo in %_sysonfdir/cron.d/texpire
- fixed perms on /var/spool/news (was 755,root,news; now 775,root,news
so leafnode can create directories for newsgroups automatically) - #1615 is closed
- spec cleanup
- 1.9.29 (major bugfixes)
- slight adaptations in default config
- 1.9.27
- major bugfixes
- 1.9.26 (minor bugfixes)
- new version (nightly fixes)
- new (significantly fixed) version
- new version
- additionally fixed/tightened permissions on sbin files and spool
- (inger) modify texpire script (bug #??? in BTS)
- new release
- can post to NewsCache servers
- pay attention to changes in 1.9.20 when upgrading:
- FQDN required!
- running without access control deprecated
- no longer enabled by default in xinetd configuration
- patch: don't use quickmkdir as it's broken WRT non-root builds
(would try to set ownership/permissions of files&dirs or die) - spec cleanup
- RE adaptation
- new and shiny source.
- remove CHANGES from the filelist (no such file or directory).
- build for mandrake-linux
- add leafnode-buildroot.patch