Группа :: Графические оболочки/KDE
Пакет: kdeaccessibility
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%undefine __libtoolize
%define unstable 0
%define qtdir /usr/lib/qt3
%add_findprov_lib_path %_libdir/kde3
Name: kdeaccessibility
Version: 3.3.2
Release: alt0.0.M24
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Summary: K Desktop Environment - accessibility programs
License: GPL
URL: http://www.kde.org
Requires: %name-kmag = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmousetool = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmouth = %version-%release
Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2
#Source: kdeaccessibility-3.0.98.tar.bz2
Patch1: 3.2.0-flags.patch
#BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel-cxx = %__gcc_version_base
# Automatically added by buildreq on Fri Mar 05 2004 (-bi)
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel XFree86-libs fontconfig freetype2 gcc-c++ kde-settings kdelibs-devel libarts-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libqt3-devel libstdc++-devel qt3-designer xml-utils zlib-devel
K Desktop Environment - accessibility programs
%package common
Summary: Common empty package for %name
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: kde-common >= 3.2
%description common
Common empty package for %name
%package kmag
Summary: A screen magnifier for KDE
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmag
Kmag is a KDE screen magnifier for the visually impaired.
%package kmousetool
Summary: KDE mouse manipulation tool
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmousetool
Kmousetool is a KDE mouse manipulation tool aimed to help
aid disabled people but useful for many. It includes features and
options that provide artificial intelligence on common mouse gestures
to perform actions.
%package kmouth
Summary: A type and say KDE front end for speech synthesizers
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmouth
Kmouth is a type and say KDE front end for speech synthesizers.
%setup -q
#%setup -q -nkdeaccessibility-3.0.98
%patch1 -p1
subst "s/\(Wl,--no-undefined\)/-Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols \1/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\-lkdeui/-lkdeui -lpthread/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\.la/.so/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs ||:
rm -rf %buildroot
export QTDIR=%qtdir
export KDEDIR=%prefix
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
export LDFLAGS="-L%buildroot/%_libdir -L%buildroot/%_libdir/kde3 -L%_libdir"
%configure \
%if %unstable
--enable-debug=full \
--disable-debug \
--enable-final \
--enable-shared \
--disable-static \
--disable-embedded \
--disable-palmtop \
--disable-rpath \
--with-gnu-ld \
--with-pic \
--with-xinerama \
%if %unstable
%set_strip_method none
export PATH=%_bindir:$PATH
%make_build install DESTDIR=%buildroot
# Create MDK menu structure
install -d %Kb_menudir/
%Kd2m %name-kmag Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmag.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmag kde
%Kd2m %name-kmousetool Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmousetool.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmousetool kde
%Kd2m %name-kmouth Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmouth.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmouth kde
%post kmag
%postun kmag
%post kmousetool
%postun kmousetool
%post kmouth
%postun kmouth
%files common
%files kmag
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmag
%files kmousetool
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmousetool
%files kmouth
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmouth
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь
%define unstable 0
%define qtdir /usr/lib/qt3
%add_findprov_lib_path %_libdir/kde3
Name: kdeaccessibility
Version: 3.3.2
Release: alt0.0.M24
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Summary: K Desktop Environment - accessibility programs
License: GPL
URL: http://www.kde.org
Requires: %name-kmag = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmousetool = %version-%release
Requires: %name-kmouth = %version-%release
Source: %name-%version.tar.bz2
#Source: kdeaccessibility-3.0.98.tar.bz2
Patch1: 3.2.0-flags.patch
#BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel-cxx = %__gcc_version_base
# Automatically added by buildreq on Fri Mar 05 2004 (-bi)
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel XFree86-libs fontconfig freetype2 gcc-c++ kde-settings kdelibs-devel libarts-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libqt3-devel libstdc++-devel qt3-designer xml-utils zlib-devel
K Desktop Environment - accessibility programs
%package common
Summary: Common empty package for %name
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: kde-common >= 3.2
%description common
Common empty package for %name
%package kmag
Summary: A screen magnifier for KDE
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmag
Kmag is a KDE screen magnifier for the visually impaired.
%package kmousetool
Summary: KDE mouse manipulation tool
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmousetool
Kmousetool is a KDE mouse manipulation tool aimed to help
aid disabled people but useful for many. It includes features and
options that provide artificial intelligence on common mouse gestures
to perform actions.
%package kmouth
Summary: A type and say KDE front end for speech synthesizers
Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
Requires: %{get_dep kdelibs}
Requires: %name-common = %version-%release
%description kmouth
Kmouth is a type and say KDE front end for speech synthesizers.
%setup -q
#%setup -q -nkdeaccessibility-3.0.98
%patch1 -p1
subst "s/\(Wl,--no-undefined\)/-Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols \1/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\-lkdeui/-lkdeui -lpthread/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
subst "s/\.la/.so/g" admin/acinclude.m4.in
make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs ||:
rm -rf %buildroot
export QTDIR=%qtdir
export KDEDIR=%prefix
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
export LDFLAGS="-L%buildroot/%_libdir -L%buildroot/%_libdir/kde3 -L%_libdir"
%configure \
%if %unstable
--enable-debug=full \
--disable-debug \
--enable-final \
--enable-shared \
--disable-static \
--disable-embedded \
--disable-palmtop \
--disable-rpath \
--with-gnu-ld \
--with-pic \
--with-xinerama \
%if %unstable
%set_strip_method none
export PATH=%_bindir:$PATH
%make_build install DESTDIR=%buildroot
# Create MDK menu structure
install -d %Kb_menudir/
%Kd2m %name-kmag Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmag.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmag kde
%Kd2m %name-kmousetool Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmousetool.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmousetool kde
%Kd2m %name-kmouth Applications/Accessibility %Kbapplnk/Applications/kmouth.desktop %Kb_menudir/%name-kmouth kde
%post kmag
%postun kmag
%post kmousetool
%postun kmousetool
%post kmouth
%postun kmouth
%files common
%files kmag
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmag
%files kmousetool
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmousetool
%files kmouth
%doc %_docdir/HTML/en/kmouth
Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь