Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1618564
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Группа :: Архивирование/Создание CD
Пакет: k3b

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Патч: k3b-0.12.10-format_dvd_+-_rw.patch

diff -U 10 -Nr k3b-0.12.10.old/libk3b/jobs/k3bdvdformattingjob.cpp k3b-0.12.10/libk3b/jobs/k3bdvdformattingjob.cpp
--- k3b-0.12.10.old/libk3b/jobs/k3bdvdformattingjob.cpp	2005-12-15 16:09:12 +0300
+++ k3b-0.12.10/libk3b/jobs/k3bdvdformattingjob.cpp	2005-12-21 21:18:30 +0300
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@
 void K3bDvdFormattingJob::setForceNoEject( bool b )
   d->forceNoEject = b;
 QString K3bDvdFormattingJob::jobDescription() const
-  return i18n("Formatting DVDб╠RW");
+  return i18n("Formatting DVD+-RW");
 QString K3bDvdFormattingJob::jobDetails() const
   if( d->quick )
     return i18n("Quick Format");
     return QString::null;
diff -U 10 -Nr k3b-0.12.10.old/libk3b/projects/datadvd/k3bdvdbooktypejob.cpp k3b-0.12.10/libk3b/projects/datadvd/k3bdvdbooktypejob.cpp
--- k3b-0.12.10.old/libk3b/projects/datadvd/k3bdvdbooktypejob.cpp	2005-12-15 16:09:03 +0300
+++ k3b-0.12.10/libk3b/projects/datadvd/k3bdvdbooktypejob.cpp	2005-12-21 21:15:45 +0300
@@ -77,21 +77,21 @@
 void K3bDvdBooktypeJob::setForceNoEject( bool b )
   d->forceNoEject = b;
 QString K3bDvdBooktypeJob::jobDescription() const
-  return i18n("Changing DVDб╠R(W) Booktype");
+  return i18n("Changing DVD+-R(W) Booktype");
 QString K3bDvdBooktypeJob::jobDetails() const
   return QString::null;
 void K3bDvdBooktypeJob::start()
diff -U 10 -Nr k3b-0.12.10.old/src/k3b.cpp k3b-0.12.10/src/k3b.cpp
--- k3b-0.12.10.old/src/k3b.cpp	2005-12-15 16:08:58 +0300
+++ k3b-0.12.10/src/k3b.cpp	2005-12-21 21:18:50 +0300
@@ -260,21 +260,21 @@
 					    actionCollection(), "view_dir_tree");
   actionViewContentsView = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Contents"), 0, this, SLOT(slotShowContentsView()),
 					     actionCollection(), "view_contents");
   actionViewDocumentHeader = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Document Header"), 0, this, SLOT(slotViewDocumentHeader()),
 					       actionCollection(), "view_document_header");
   actionToolsBlankCdrw = new KAction( i18n("&Erase CD-RW..."), "erasecd", 0, this, SLOT(slotBlankCdrw()),
 				      actionCollection(), "tools_blank_cdrw" );
-  /*KAction* actionToolsFormatDVD = */(void)new KAction( i18n("&Format DVDб╠RW..."), "formatdvd", 0, this, SLOT(slotFormatDvd()),
+  /*KAction* actionToolsFormatDVD = */(void)new KAction( i18n("&Format DVD+-RW..."), "formatdvd", 0, this, SLOT(slotFormatDvd()),
 							 actionCollection(), "tools_format_dvd" );
   actionToolsDivxEncoding = new KAction(i18n("&Encode Video..."),"gear", 0, this, SLOT( slotDivxEncoding() ),
 			    actionCollection(), "tools_encode_video");
   actionToolsWriteCdImage = new KAction(i18n("&Burn CD Image..."), "burn_cdimage", 0, this, SLOT(slotWriteCdImage()),
 					 actionCollection(), "tools_write_cd_image" );
   (void)new KAction(i18n("&Burn DVD ISO Image..."), "burn_dvdimage", 0, this, SLOT(slotWriteDvdIsoImage()),
 		    actionCollection(), "tools_write_dvd_iso" );
   actionCdCopy = new KAction(i18n("&Copy CD..."), "cdcopy", 0, this, SLOT(slotCdCopy()),
 			     actionCollection(), "tools_copy_cd" );
diff -U 10 -Nr k3b-0.12.10.old/src/k3bemptydiscwaiter.cpp k3b-0.12.10/src/k3bemptydiscwaiter.cpp
--- k3b-0.12.10.old/src/k3bemptydiscwaiter.cpp	2005-12-15 16:08:58 +0300
+++ k3b-0.12.10/src/k3bemptydiscwaiter.cpp	2005-12-21 21:19:05 +0300
@@ -103,21 +103,21 @@
   grid->addColSpacing( 1, 20 );
   grid->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Found media:"), plainPage() ), 0, 2 );
   grid->addWidget( d->labelFoundMedia, 0, 3 );
   grid->addMultiCellWidget( d->labelRequest, 1, 1, 2, 3 );
   grid->setRowStretch( 2, 1 );
   grid->setColStretch( 3, 1 );
   // -----------------------------
   QToolTip::add( actionButton(KDialogBase::User1),
-		 i18n("Force K3b to continue if it seems not to detect your empty CD-R(W)/DVDб╠R(W).") );
+		 i18n("Force K3b to continue if it seems not to detect your empty CD-R(W)/DVD+-R(W).") );
   delete d;
 int K3bEmptyDiscWaiter::waitForDisc( int mediaState, int mediaType, const QString& message )
@@ -128,25 +128,25 @@
   d->wantedMediaState = mediaState;
   d->wantedMediaType = mediaType;
   d->dialogVisible = false;
   d->forced = false;
   d->canceled = false;
   if( (d->wantedMediaType & K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD) &&
 	   (d->wantedMediaType & K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_CD) )
-    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("CD-R(W) or DVDб╠R(W)");
+    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("CD-R(W) or DVD+-R(W)");
   else if( d->wantedMediaType & K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD_DL )
-    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("Double Layer DVDб╠R");
+    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("Double Layer DVD+-R");
   else if( d->wantedMediaType & K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE_DVD )
-    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("DVDб╠R(W)");
+    d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("DVD+-R(W)");
     d->wantedMediaTypeString = i18n("CD-R(W)");
   if( message.isEmpty() ) {
     // We do not cover every case here but just the once that really make sense
     if( (d->wantedMediaState & K3bDevice::STATE_COMPLETE) && (d->wantedMediaState & K3bDevice::STATE_INCOMPLETE) )
       d->labelRequest->setText( i18n("Please insert a complete or appendable %4 medium "
 				     "into drive<p><b>%1 %2 (%3)</b>.")
diff -U 10 -Nr k3b-0.12.10.old/src/main.cpp k3b-0.12.10/src/main.cpp
--- k3b-0.12.10.old/src/main.cpp	2005-12-15 16:26:24 +0300
+++ k3b-0.12.10/src/main.cpp	2005-12-21 21:15:58 +0300
@@ -50,22 +50,22 @@
         { "audiocd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new audio CD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "videocd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new video CD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "mixedcd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new mixed mode CD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "emovixcd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new eMovix CD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "datadvd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new data DVD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "emovixdvd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new eMovix DVD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "videodvd", I18N_NOOP("Create a new Video DVD project and add all given files"), 0 },
         { "copycd", I18N_NOOP("Open the CD copy dialog"), 0 },
         { "copydvd", I18N_NOOP("Open the DVD copy dialog"), 0 },
         { "cdimage", I18N_NOOP("Write a CD image to a CD-R(W)"), 0 },
-        { "dvdimage", I18N_NOOP("Write a DVD ISO9660 image to a DVDб╠R(W)"), 0 },
-        { "image", I18N_NOOP("Write a CD or DVD image to a CD-R(W) or DVDб╠R(W) depending on the size"), 0 },
+        { "dvdimage", I18N_NOOP("Write a DVD ISO9660 image to a DVD+-R(W)"), 0 },
+        { "image", I18N_NOOP("Write a CD or DVD image to a CD-R(W) or DVD+-R(W) depending on the size"), 0 },
 	{ "erasecd", I18N_NOOP("Erase a CDRW"), 0 },
 	{ "formatdvd", I18N_NOOP("Format a DVD-RW or DVD+RW"), 0 },
 	{ "lang <language>", I18N_NOOP("Set the GUI language"), 0 },
 	{ "nosplash", I18N_NOOP("Disable the splash screen"), 0 },
 	{ "ao <method>", I18N_NOOP("Set the audio output method (like arts or alsa depending on the installed plugins)"), 0 },
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005