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Пакет: ispell-fr
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1 сентября 2005 Igor Vlasenko <viy at altlinux.ru> 1.0-ipl12mdk.M24.15
- bport for M24
- fixed #7663 (rebuild with new ispell);
- sync with 1.0-15mdk;
- removed noarch due to byte order
- rebuild
- RE adaptation
- BuilRequires: ispell
- Small fix to the spec, no output on buildhash.
- Cleaned up the spec and moved to standard template.
- BM
- adapted to new Group: naming
- added Provides: ispell-dictionary
- added Obsoletes: for easier installation over other rpms of same language
- changed the name to ispell-fr to standardize naming of ispell files
- argh, another stupid symlink problem
- I alos made it obsoletes "ispell-french" (name used by Red Hat for the
same package)
- provided compatibility name 'french' (used by LaTeX/LyX)
- fixed permissions problem of /usr/doc/ispell-fr
- build with ispell-3.1.20-7mdk (which uses a MASKBITS of 64)
- First version for Mandrake.