Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
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Группа :: Графические оболочки/Icewm
Пакет: icewm

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Патч: themes.patch

--- icewm-1.2.28/src/default.h.bak	2006-11-11 02:49:21 +0700
+++ icewm-1.2.28/src/default.h	2006-11-11 03:09:48 +0700
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 XSV(const char *, winMenuItems,                 "rmsnxfhualyticw")
 XIV(bool, showTaskBar,                          true)
-XIV(bool, taskBarAtTop,                         false)
 XIV(bool, taskBarKeepBelow,                     false)
 XIV(bool, taskBarShowClock,                     true)
 XIV(bool, taskBarShowApm,                       false)
@@ -53,7 +52,6 @@
 XIV(bool, taskBarShowAllWindows,                false)
 XIV(bool, taskBarShowWindowIcons,               true)
 XIV(bool, taskBarAutoHide,                      false)
-XIV(bool, taskBarDoubleHeight,                  true)
 XIV(bool, taskBarWorkspacesLeft,                true)
 XIV(bool, pagerShowPreview,                     true)
 XIV(bool, pagerShowWindowIcons,                 true)
@@ -247,7 +245,6 @@
     OBV("AutoReloadMenus",                      &autoReloadMenus,               "Reload menu files automatically"),
     OBV("ShowTaskBar",                          &showTaskBar,                   "Show task bar"),
-    OBV("TaskBarAtTop",                         &taskBarAtTop,                  "Task bar at top of the screen"),
     OBV("TaskBarKeepBelow",                     &taskBarKeepBelow,              "Keep the task bar below regular windows"),
     OBV("TaskBarAutoHide",                      &taskBarAutoHide,               "Auto hide task bar after delay"),
     OBV("TaskBarShowClock",                     &taskBarShowClock,              "Show clock on task bar"),
@@ -274,7 +271,6 @@
     OBV("TaskBarShowCPUStatus",                 &taskBarShowCPUStatus,          "Show CPU status on task bar (Linux             & Solaris)"),
     OBV("TaskBarShowNetStatus",                 &taskBarShowNetStatus,          "Show network status on task bar (Linux only)"),
     OBV("TaskBarShowCollapseButton",            &taskBarShowCollapseButton,     "Show a button to collapse the taskbar"),
-    OBV("TaskBarDoubleHeight",                  &taskBarDoubleHeight,           "Use double-height task bar"),
     OBV("TaskBarWorkspacesLeft",                &taskBarWorkspacesLeft,         "Place workspace pager on left, not right"),
     OBV("PagerShowPreview",                     &pagerShowPreview,              "Show a mini desktop preview on each workspace button"),
     OBV("PagerShowWindowIcons",                 &pagerShowWindowIcons,          "Draw window icons inside large enough preview windows on pager (if PagerShowPreview=1)"),
--- icewm-1.2.28/src/themable.h.bak	2006-11-11 03:11:48 +0700
+++ icewm-1.2.28/src/themable.h	2006-11-11 03:13:22 +0700
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
 XIV(bool, titleBarJoinRight,                    false)
 XIV(bool, showFrameIcon,                        true)
+XIV(bool, taskBarAtTop,                         false)
+XIV(bool, taskBarDoubleHeight,                  false)
 XIV(int, wsBorderX,                             6)
 XIV(int, wsBorderY,                             6)
 XIV(int, wsDlgBorderX,                          2)
@@ -153,6 +157,10 @@
     OBV("TaskBarClockLeds",                     &prettyClock,                   "Task bar clock/APM uses nice pixmapped LCD display (but then it doesn't display correctly in many languages anymore, e.g. for Japanese and Korean it works only when a real font is used and not the LEDs"),
     OBV("TrayDrawBevel",                        &trayDrawBevel,                 "Surround the tray with plastic border"),
+    OBV("TaskBarAtTop",                         &taskBarAtTop,                  "Task bar at top of the screen"),
+    OBV("TaskBarDoubleHeight",                  &taskBarDoubleHeight,           "Use double-height task bar"),
     OBV("TitleBarCentered",                     &titleBarCentered,              "Draw window title centered (obsoleted by TitleBarJustify)"),
     OBV("TitleBarJoinLeft",                     &titleBarJoinLeft,              "Join title*S and title*T"),
     OBV("TitleBarJoinRight",                    &titleBarJoinRight,             "Join title*T and title*B"),
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005