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2 мая 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav at altlinux.ru> 1.2.1-alt0.M24.2
- fix libpw-plugins requires
- backport for Master2.4
- new version (patches from FC3)
- new version
- disable howl (there is too old version in Sisyphus)
- NMU: remove support for old alternatives
(this alternatives wasn't work)
- rebuild with correct libopenh323
- change group to Chat
- new version
- add require to needed version of libxml2
- remove COPYING from doc
- new version
- build with gcc3.3
- new version
- rebuild with libpw
- remove directfb requires
- add generic name to menu
- spec cleanup
- rebuild with libspeex
- new version 0.94.1
- new icons
- move to the video group
- several new fixes/adaptions (from Fri Oct 25 2002 Florin <florin@mandrakesoft.com> 0.94-0.1.1mdk)
- adapted for pwlib (libpwlib), openh323 (libopenh323)
- spec cleanup, summary and description are translated in russian
- Speex codec support exist but temporary disabled
- updated ru.po from Leon Kanter <leon@asplinux.ru>
- rebuilt with new directfb
- spec file cleanup
- new version
- new version
- new version
- first build for Sisyphus
- 0.11
- BuildRequires: gettext-devel
- Remove redundant BuildRequires
- added dynamic desktop entry
- update the versions in Requires & Buildrequires sections
- use /usr/include/openh323 instead of /usr/include/oh323
- use -lh323_linux_x86_r instead if -loh323
- 0.11PRE3
- add the versions in the Require section
- fix the permissions of some doc files
- Fix menu entry for applet support
- Add missing directory
- rebuild due too pwlib fixes
- update the xpm icons
- new modified sources
- slighlty modified sources
- don't need the old patches anymore
- add the ptlib patch because of pwlib
- added patches (more elegant)
- first Mandrake release