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Пакет: glukalka
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20 ноября 2006 Motsyo Gennadi <drool at altlinux.ru> 0.90-alt0.M24.5
- fix spec to Backports 2.4 Policy
- cleanup spec
- fix filesystem intersections in spec
- update BuildRequires
- Fix SPEC-file to clean $RPM_BUILD_ROOT after building
- Moving directoryes "icons" and "resources" to programm's directory
- Version 0.90
- Created in GIMP and added icons glukalka.xpm (16x16, 32x32 and 48x48)
- Added menu-file
- build without configure and Makefile
- static-optimize.patch: static declarations (based on gprof stats)
- m{arch,cpu}=i686: optimization problems discovered; dropped to bare -O2
- initial revision; various minor enhancements (to my mind)