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Группа :: Сети/Передача файлов
Пакет: gift-plugin-openft

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15 мая 2005 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • New version
    * Fixed a bug where full parents could trigger an assertion failure.
    * Index tokens database by array index instead of by pointer (should improve space efficiency, especially on 64-bit platforms).
    * Clean up the database properly.  Not only does this avoid leaving huge temporary files lying around, but potentially allows the db to be shutdown and restarted at will.
    * Avoid unaligned memory accesses, which cause problems on some RISC platforms.
    * Don't die on malformed URLs.
    * Major search database rethink: shares are keyed by host plus a unique identifier instead of by hash.  Hopefully this will improve space efficiency (and reduce I/O), and also eliminate the (non-)handling of duplicate hashes that existed previously.
    * New tokenization API.
    * Removed support for hidden searches due to new improved hashing algorithm.
    * New searching functionality: exclusion tokens and quoted queries.
    * Moved local shares into search database.  This should reduce CPU usage with a large number of shares.
    * Improved documentation about search node configuration.
    * Fixed two bugs in stats initialization.
    * Added Bloom filter support, which is currently unused but may eventually be used to optimize query routing.
    * Temporarily backed out of cleaning up the database environment on exit, because it would try to sync the entire database to disk.  This will be fixed properly later when individual children are tracked within ft_search_db.c.
    * Implemented automatic compressed stream handling for unbounded data (currently search queries and forwarded search results).  This reduces bandwidth usage significantly, sometimes by as much as 50%.
    * Increased maximum packet size, although this is currently unused for compatibility reasons.

15 мая 2005 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • Backport to Master 2.4

10 февраля 2005 ALT QA Team Robot <qa-robot at altlinux.org>

  • Updated libdb4 build dependencies.
  • Rebuilt with libdb4.3.

2 февраля 2005 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • Group changed to Networking/File transfer

27 сентября 2004 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • New version
  • Fixed a signedness bug that could cause problems with non-ASCII characters on some platforms.
  • Fixed a packet handling bug that could cause an infinite loop.
  • Minor networking tweaks.
  • Fixed clipping of the nodes cache.

20 мая 2004 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • rename to gift-plugin-openft
  • some spec clean

19 мая 2004 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • New version
  • Add russian summary

12 февраля 2004 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • rebuild with libdb4.2

5 января 2004 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • New version
  • Fixed a problem that would improperly cast the result of recv() to size_t
        before testing for a negative return value.
  • Improved URL encoding correctness.  This code is likely to be phased out
        entirely with the introduction of giFT 0.12.x, *sigh*.
  • Added HEAD request method support.  This is a server-side only change and
        is not currently being utilized by this code base.
  • Minor internal cleanups regarding the use of FT_SELF' as a valid
        FTNode object.
  • Major logic improvements regarding class changes.
  • Turned off incoming search verification by default.
  • Massive search database redesign and internal code cleanups.  Added
        an additional non-persistent index for efficient removal (similar to
        what was used before but greatly cluttered the memory pool cache and
        persisted for the life of the child connection).  This improvement
        manifests itself in the form of a drop of n file descriptors actively
        opened where n is the number of children the search node is currently
  • Added a simple test-case system for benchmarking and testing
        ft_search_db.c tweaks.
  • Search node defaults have been adjusted to better facilitate the
        increased search node distribution and lower the system requirements for
        more casual search nodes.
  • Minor search node optimization which avoids port verification for nodes
        that can't possibly become our child (even if they think they can).  This
        optimization should eventually be built into the network by allowing
        users to dynamically adjust their firewalled status based on the
        verification results from remote search peers.
  • Automatically detect and adjust the fd limit of the process space
        OpenFT is running in using getrlimit/setrlimit when available.  This
        should greatly improve some operating system's ability to function as
        a search node.
  • Avoid a fatal assertion when giFT [mistakenly] calls p->download_start
        consecutively, with no p->download_stop in-between.
  • Major win32 portability improvements.  Thanks pretender :-)

5 декабря 2003 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • Rebuild with new libgift

1 декабря 2003 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • Rebuild with new libgift

7 октября 2003 Vasya Borisov <vasy at altlinux.ru>

  • Initial release for Sisyphus
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005