Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1610083
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Группа :: Сети/Чат
Пакет: gaim

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Патч: gaim-0.78-oscar.patch

*** gaim-0.78/src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c~	2004-05-30 21:04:55.000000000 +0400
--- gaim-0.78/src/protocols/oscar/oscar.c	2004-06-05 22:14:22.000000000 +0400
*** 3019,3024 ****
--- 3019,3025 ----
  	GError *err = NULL;
  	struct buddyinfo *bi;
  	const char *iconfile;
+ 	char *charset;
  	bi = g_hash_table_lookup(od->buddyinfo, gaim_normalize(account, userinfo->sn));
  	if (!bi) {
*** 3103,3108 ****
--- 3104,3110 ----
  		 * gaim (everything before 0.60) and other broken clients
  		 * that will happily send ISO-8859-1 without marking it as
  		 * such */
  		if (args->icbmflags & AIM_IMFLAGS_ISO_8859_1)
  					   "Received ISO-8859-1 IM\n");
*** 3110,3119 ****
  		if (!args->msg || !args->msglen)
  			return 1;
! 		tmp = g_convert(args->msg, args->msglen, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", NULL, &convlen, &err);
  		if (err) {
! 			gaim_debug_info("oscar",
! 					   "ISO-8859-1 IM conversion: %s\n", err->message);
  			tmp = g_strdup(_("(There was an error receiving this message)"));
--- 3112,3122 ----
  		if (!args->msg || !args->msglen)
  			return 1;
! 		charset = gaim_account_get_string(account, "plain_charset", "ISO-8859-1");		
! 		tmp = g_convert(args->msg, args->msglen, "UTF-8", charset, NULL, &convlen, &err);
  		if (err) {
!   			gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_INFO, "oscar",
!  					   "%s IM conversion: %s\n", charset, err->message);
  			tmp = g_strdup(_("(There was an error receiving this message)"));
*** 5133,5138 ****
--- 5136,5143 ----
  	GError *err = NULL;
  	const char *iconfile = gaim_account_get_buddy_icon(gaim_connection_get_account(gc));
  	char *tmpmsg = NULL, *tmpmsg2 = NULL;
+  	GaimAccount *account = gc->account;
+  	char *charset;
  	if (dim && dim->connected) {
  		/* If we're directly connected, send a direct IM */
*** 5233,5239 ****
  		len = strlen(tmpmsg);
! 		args.flags |= oscar_encoding_check(tmpmsg);
  		if (args.flags & AIM_IMFLAGS_UNICODE) {
  			gaim_debug_info("oscar", "Sending Unicode IM\n");
  			args.charset = 0x0002;
--- 5238,5245 ----
  		len = strlen(tmpmsg);
! 		if(!(gaim_account_get_bool(account, "send_plain", FALSE)))
! 			args.flags |= oscar_encoding_check(tmpmsg);
  		if (args.flags & AIM_IMFLAGS_UNICODE) {
  			gaim_debug_info("oscar", "Sending Unicode IM\n");
  			args.charset = 0x0002;
*** 5272,5278 ****
  		} else {
  			args.charset = 0x0000;
  			args.charsubset = 0x0000;
! 			args.msg = tmpmsg;
  		args.msglen = len;
--- 5278,5287 ----
  		} else {
  			args.charset = 0x0000;
  			args.charsubset = 0x0000;
! 			charset = gaim_account_get_string(account, "plain_charset", "ISO-8859-1");
! 			args.msg = g_convert(tmpmsg, len, charset, "UTF-8", NULL, &len, &err);
! 			if (err) gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_ERROR, "oscar",
! 						   "conversion error: %s\n", err->message);
  		args.msglen = len;
*** 7230,7235 ****
--- 7239,7255 ----
  	option = gaim_account_option_int_new(_("Auth port"), "port", 5190);
  	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options,
+ 	option = gaim_account_option_string_new(
+ 			_("Charset for plain text messages"),
+ 			"plain_charset", "ISO-8859-1");
+ 	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options,
+ 			option);
+ 	option = gaim_account_option_bool_new(
+ 			_("Send messages in plain text"),
+ 			"send_plain", FALSE);
+ 	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options,
+ 			option);
  	my_protocol = plugin;
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005