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Пакет: foo2zjs
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10 января 2007 Motsyo Gennadi <drool at altlinux.ru> 20061224-alt0.M24.2
- remove from Requires printer-drivers-utils
- remove post/postun scripts
- fix exclude for ALT Linux 2.4 Master
- new version build for ALT Linux 2.4 Master
- actually *excluded* and not just mentioned in changelog (#10223):
(thanks Artem Zolochevskiy <azol@> for bringing this up)
- excluded these due to file conflict with foomatic-db-3.0.2-alt3:
(if you happen to miss them, check current foomatic-db)
- built for Sisyphus (NMU or takeover?)
- NB: it's older snapshot, there are new features in the newer one
but I can't test (and don't need) them; so leaving 2006-06-25 alone
(if you have HP2600 or udev troubles with HP10xx, try that too;
please note the ICM file has different copyright terms, see the
website and/or use getweb script)
- 20060523 tarball
+ should support HP LaserJet 1018 and 1022 - updated patch2
- excluded HP1022 PPD (conflicts with foomatic-db-3.0.2-alt1.20050404)
- added hotplug/udev support
- patched hotplug script and makefile to play nice to packaging
- moved usb_printerid back to /bin (as intended)
- updated to 2006-04-16 tarball (judging on ChangeLog)
- spec cleanup
+ moved actual build to %build section
+ borrowed a couple of things from Conectiva spec - extended makefile patch (handle athlon, fix add'l binaries installation)
- added groff-ps to buildrequires so that groff works during build
- added foo2zjs, foo2hp ICM profiles
- added PPDs
- exclude a bunch of Foomatic XML by default since it collides
with foomatic-db-3.0.2-alt1.20050404
- first build for sisyphus