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Пакет: firefox

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Патч: firefox-1.0-alt-prefs-tuning.patch

--- mozilla/browser/app/profile/firefox.js.tuning	2004-11-05 12:10:05 +0300
+++ mozilla/browser/app/profile/firefox.js	2005-01-06 18:04:33 +0300
@@ -57,36 +57,36 @@ pref("app.version", 
 #expand __APP_VERSION__
 pref("app.extensions.version", "1.0");
 #expand __BUILD_ID__
 // App-specific update preferences
-pref("app.update.enabled", true);               // Whether or not app updates are enabled
-pref("app.update.autoUpdateEnabled", true);     // Whether or not background app updates 
+pref("app.update.enabled", false);               // Whether or not app updates are enabled
+pref("app.update.autoUpdateEnabled", false);     // Whether or not background app updates 
                                                 // are enabled
 pref("app.update.url", "chrome://mozapps/locale/update/update.properties");
 pref("app.update.updatesAvailable", false);
 pref("app.update.interval", 86400000);          // Check for updates to Firefox every day
 pref("app.update.lastUpdateDate", 0);           // UTC offset when last App update was 
                                                 // performed. 
 pref("app.update.performed", false);            // Whether or not an update has been 
                                                 // performed this session. 
 // Symmetric (can be overridden by individual extensions) update preferences.
 // e.g.
 //  extensions.{GUID}.update.enabled
 //  extensions.{GUID}.update.url
 //  extensions.{GUID}.update.interval
 //  .. etc ..
-pref("extensions.update.enabled", true);
-pref("extensions.update.autoUpdateEnabled", true);
+pref("extensions.update.enabled", false);
+pref("extensions.update.autoUpdateEnabled", false);
 pref("extensions.update.url", "chrome://mozapps/locale/extensions/extensions.properties");
 pref("extensions.update.autoUpdate", false);    // Automatically download and install 
                                                 // updates to themes and extensions. 
                                                 // Does nothing at present. 
 pref("extensions.update.interval", 604800000);  // Check for updates to Extensions and 
                                                 // Themes every week
 pref("extensions.update.lastUpdateDate", 0);    // UTC offset when last Extension/Theme 
                                                 // update was performed. 
--- mozilla/modules/libpref/src/init/all.js.tuning	2005-01-06 06:47:15 +0300
+++ mozilla/modules/libpref/src/init/all.js	2005-01-06 17:47:23 +0300
@@ -153,16 +153,18 @@ pref("browser.link.open_external", 1);
 pref("browser.link.open_newwindow", 2);
 pref("browser.link.open_newwindow.ui", 3); // prefs UI version
 pref("browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction", 0); // values from GlobalWindow
 // view source
 pref("view_source.syntax_highlight", true);
 pref("view_source.wrap_long_lines", false);
+pref("nglayout.initailpaint.delay", 0);
 // dispatch left clicks only to content in browser (still allows clicks to chrome/xul)
 pref("nglayout.events.dispatchLeftClickOnly", true);
 // whether or not to use xbl form controls
 pref("nglayout.debug.enable_xbl_forms", false);
 // size of scrollbar snapping region
 pref("slider.snapMultiplier", 6);
@@ -494,32 +496,32 @@ pref("network.http.use-cache", true);
 // HTTP traffic.  an empty value indicates the normal TCP/IP socket type.
 pref("network.http.default-socket-type", "");
 pref("network.http.keep-alive", true); // set it to false in case of problems
 pref("network.http.proxy.keep-alive", true);
 pref("network.http.keep-alive.timeout", 300);
 // limit the absolute number of http connections.
-pref("network.http.max-connections", 24);
+pref("network.http.max-connections", 48);
 // limit the absolute number of http connections that can be established per
 // host.  if a http proxy server is enabled, then the "server" is the proxy
 // server.  Otherwise, "server" is the http origin server.
-pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
+pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
 // if network.http.keep-alive is true, and if NOT connecting via a proxy, then
 // a new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
 // connections to the server is less then max-persistent-connections-per-server.
-pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 2);
+pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 4);
 // if network.http.keep-alive is true, and if connecting via a proxy, then a
 // new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
 // connections to the proxy is less then max-persistent-connections-per-proxy.
-pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 4);
+pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 8);
 // amount of time (in seconds) to suspend pending requests, before spawning a
 // new connection, once the limit on the number of persistent connections per
 // host has been reached.  however, a new connection will not be created if
 // max-connections or max-connections-per-server has also been reached.
 pref("network.http.request.max-start-delay", 10);
 // http specific network timeouts (XXX currently unused)
@@ -536,21 +538,21 @@ pref("network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferr
 // Maximum number of consecutive redirects before aborting.
 pref("network.http.redirection-limit", 20);
 // Enable http compression: comment this out in case of problems with 1.1
 // NOTE: support for "compress" has been disabled per bug 196406.
 pref("network.http.accept-encoding" ,"gzip,deflate");
-pref("network.http.pipelining"      , false);
-pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", false);
+pref("network.http.pipelining"      , true);
+pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
 // Max number of requests in the pipeline
-pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" , 4);
+pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" , 8);
 // </http>
 // This preference controls whether or not internationalized domain names (IDN)
 // are handled.  IDN requires a nsIIDNService implementation.
 pref("network.enableIDN", true);
 // This preference specifies a list of domains for which DNS lookups will be
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005