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Группа :: Сети/Почта
Пакет: fetchmail

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Патч: fetchmail-5.6.2-contrib.patch

--- fetchmail-5.6.2/contrib/runfetchmail~	Mon Feb  2 16:47:49 1998
+++ fetchmail-5.6.2/contrib/runfetchmail	Sat Jan 20 02:24:58 2001
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 # Trap errors
 trap "rm -f $TMP; echo ""Exiting at user request"" ; \
-test $TIMER -eq 1 && timer -stop -id $$ >/dev/null; exit 1" \
+test $TIMER -eq 1 && timer -stop -id $$ >/dev/null; exit 1" \
 2 3 4 15
 # Source the user's rc file if it exists
-test -e $HOME/.runfetchmailrc && . $HOME/.runfetchmailrc
+test -e $HOME/.runfetchmailrc && . $HOME/.runfetchmailrc
 { # This procedure tells me how many messages there are in each folder
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 { # Fetch the mail!
-test $TIMER -eq 1 && timer -start -id $$ -quiet
+test $TIMER -eq 1 && timer -start -id $$ -quiet
@@ -118,25 +118,25 @@
 echo "Now sleeping for $LATENT seconds..."
 echo -n "Zzz...Zzz...Zzz..."
 sleep $LATENT
-echo "wakeup time! <yawn>"
+echo "wakeup time! <yawn>"
 { # Prepare the statistics
 # Ensure we have a log file
-test ! -e $LOG &amp;&amp; touch $LOG  
+test ! -e $LOG && touch $LOG  
 echo -e "\n\t\t\t   $VERSION Statistics"
-test $MAILSTAT -eq 1 &amp;&amp; mailstat -k &lt;$LOG
+test $MAILSTAT -eq 1 && mailstat -k <$LOG
 echo ""
 num_mail $FOLDERS
-test $TIMER -eq 1 &amp;&amp; echo -e "\n`timer -stop -id $$ -quiet` have elapsed."
+test $TIMER -eq 1 && echo -e "\n`timer -stop -id $$ -quiet` have elapsed."
 { # Let's prepare our e-mail
-cat &lt;&lt;EOF &gt;$TMP
+cat <<EOF >$TMP
 X-Loop: $SELF
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@
 # Create and secure the temporary file
-test $E_MAIL -eq 1 &amp;&amp; { cat /dev/null &gt;$TMP; chmod 600 $TMP }
+test $E_MAIL -eq 1 && { cat /dev/null >$TMP; chmod 600 $TMP; }
 # Prepare the e-mail before the logs are added to it
-test $E_MAIL -eq 1 &amp;&amp; prepmail
+test $E_MAIL -eq 1 && prepmail
 # See if we are downloading every message or not
 if test "$1" = "-every"
@@ -165,18 +165,17 @@
 # Fetch the mail and have the output written to stdout and (optionally) $TMP
-test $E_MAIL -eq 1 &amp;&amp; getmail $@ 2&gt;&amp;1 |tee -a $TMP || getmail $@
+test $E_MAIL -eq 1 && getmail $@ 2>&1 |tee -a $TMP || getmail $@
 # Do the same thing with the statistics
-test $E_MAIL -eq 1 &amp;&amp; stats $@ 2&gt;&amp;1 |tee -a $TMP || stats $@
+test $E_MAIL -eq 1 && stats $@ 2>&1 |tee -a $TMP || stats $@
 # Now send $TMP to myself and clean up the mess
-test $E_MAIL -eq 1 &amp;&amp; { cat $TMP |$SENDMAIL; rm -f $TMP }
+test $E_MAIL -eq 1 && { cat $TMP |$SENDMAIL; rm -f $TMP; }
 # cleanup the log file for next time
 rm -f $LOG
 # The End
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005