Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1618005
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Пакет: emacs21

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Патч: emacs-21.2-Meta-Alt-Ctrl-Hyper-super-discard-state.patch

--- emacs-21.2.92/src/xterm.c.ctrl	2002-11-08 22:05:22 +0300
+++ emacs-21.2.92/src/xterm.c	2002-11-08 23:09:30 +0300
@@ -10406,13 +10406,22 @@
 		  /* make_lispy_event turns chars into control chars.
 		     Don't do it here because XLookupString is too eager.  */
-		  event.xkey.state &= ~ControlMask;
-		  event.xkey.state &= ~(dpyinfo->meta_mod_mask
-					| dpyinfo->super_mod_mask
-					| dpyinfo->hyper_mod_mask
-					| dpyinfo->alt_mod_mask);
+		  /* make CMsHA behave the same no matter what the rest of the 
+		     state is (particularly important for multilingual XKBmaps
+		     when we still want the latin letters appear in the "control"
+		     sequences; would be nice if we also could choose an independent
+		     map for each buffer like xxkb does for windows: the the problem with
+		     smth like C-h f in Russian mode would be solved); discard
+		     all mods save shift. (imz@altlinux.ru, 2002 Nov 8,
+		     fixing #852 at bugs.altlinux.ru) */
+		  if (event.xkey.state & ( ControlMask
+					   | dpyinfo->meta_mod_mask
+					   | dpyinfo->super_mod_mask
+					   | dpyinfo->hyper_mod_mask
+					   | dpyinfo->alt_mod_mask))
+		    event.xkey.state &= (ShiftMask | dpyinfo->shift_lock_mask);
 		  /* In case Meta is ComposeCharacter,
 		     clear its status.  According to Markus Ehrnsperger
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005