Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1619447
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Пакет: ejabberd-jit

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Патч: ejabberd-jit-1.1.7-search.patch

--- jit/jit/src/SNAC-SRV.cpp.orig	2003-01-10 00:41:56 +1200
+++ jit/jit/src/SNAC-SRV.cpp	2006-11-30 15:27:01 +1200
@@ -216,32 +216,66 @@
     b << (unsigned short)2000	/* type 9808 */
       << (unsigned short)m_requestID /* low word of the request ID */
-      << (unsigned short)0x0533;	/* subtype wp-full-request */
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_firstname);
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_lastname);
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_nickname);
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_email);
-    b << (unsigned short)m_min_age;		// minimum age
-    b << (unsigned short)m_max_age;		// maximum age
-    b << (unsigned char)m_sex;			// sex
-    b << (unsigned char)m_language;             // language
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_city);             // city
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_state);            // state
-    b << (unsigned short)m_country;             // country
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_company_name);	// company name
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_department);	// department
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_position);		// position
-    b << (unsigned char)0x00;			// occupation
-    b << (unsigned short)0x0000;		// past info category
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull("");			//           description
-    b << (unsigned short)0x0000;		// interests category
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull("");			//           description
-    b << (unsigned short)0x0000;		// affiliation/organization
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull("");			//           description
-    b << (unsigned short)0x0000;		// homepage category
-    b.PackUint16TranslatedNull("");			//           description
-    b << (unsigned char)(m_only_online ? 0x01 : 0x00);
-                                                // only-online flag
+      << (unsigned short)0x055f;     /* subtype wp-full-request */
+    Buffer::marker m3;
+    if (m_firstname.size()) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x0140;
+      m3 = b.getAutoSizeShortMarker();
+      b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_firstname);
+      b.setAutoSizeMarker(m3);
+    }
+    if (m_lastname.size()) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x014A;
+      m3 = b.getAutoSizeShortMarker();
+      b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_lastname);
+      b.setAutoSizeMarker(m3);
+    }
+    if (m_nickname.size()) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x0154;
+      m3 = b.getAutoSizeShortMarker();
+      b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_nickname);
+      b.setAutoSizeMarker(m3);
+    }
+    if (m_email.size()) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x015e;
+      m3 = b.getAutoSizeShortMarker();
+      b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_email);
+      b.setAutoSizeMarker(m3);
+    }
+    if (m_min_age < m_max_age) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x0168
+        << (unsigned short)0x0004
+        << (unsigned short)m_min_age    // minimum age
+        << (unsigned short)m_max_age;   // maximum age
+    }
+    if (m_sex) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x017c
+        << (unsigned short)0x0001
+        << (unsigned char)m_sex;        // sex
+    }
+//  b << (unsigned char)m_language;    // language
+    if (m_city.size()) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x0190;
+      m3 = b.getAutoSizeShortMarker();
+      b.PackUint16TranslatedNull(m_city);
+      b.setAutoSizeMarker(m3);
+    }
+    if (m_only_online) {
+      b << (unsigned short)0x0230
+        << (unsigned short)0x0001
+        << (unsigned char)0x01;         // only-online flag
+    }
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005