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Пакет: djvu
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18 июля 2006 Yury Aliaev <mutabor at altlinux.org> 3.5.17-alt0.1.M24.1
- ported back to Master 2.4
- cleanup requires for mozilla-plugin (closes #9621).
- 3.5.17.
- update %url.
- update desktop files entries.
- cleanup buildreq & .spec.
- fix issue with missing -lpthread in libdjvulibre (due --as-needed ld flag).
- latest cvs snapshot.
- add any2djvu.
- add static build switch.
- rename %name-devel -> lib%name-devel.
- rebuild with new qt.
- remove unwanted menu files.
- fix -devel package.
- spec cleanup.
- latest cvs snapshot.
- fix plugin location and naming.
- update package Buildreq/Req.
- spec cleanup.
- add -devel package.
- Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6.
- Rebuilt with libtiff.so.4.
- version 3.5.14.
- fix for bug #4137.
- fix for djview menu entry.
- spec cleanups.
- add icons and mime-types.
- fixed SMP build.
- updated BuildRequires.
- version 3.5.13
- ripped out docs to separate package.
- spec cleanups.
- CVS snapshot.
- initial build for Sisyphus.
- version 3.5.10-2
- prepared for version 3.5.10
- fixed logic for uninstalling nsdejavu links.
- copy stuff from the freshrpms spec file.
- added logic to install nsdejavu for mozilla.
- bumped to version 3.5.6-1
- changed group to Applications/Publishing
- * Tue Jan 22 2002 Leon Bottou <leonb@users.sourceforge.net> 3.5.4-2
- fixed for properly locating the man directory.
- * Fri Dec 7 2001 Leon Bottou <leonb@users.sourceforge.net> 3.5.2-1
- created spec file for rh7.x.