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Патч: cyrus-sasl-2.1.10-ldap_auxprop.patch

--- ./plugins/Makefile.am.orig	Fri Dec  6 16:24:05 2002
+++ ./plugins/Makefile.am	Sun Dec 29 20:47:40 2002
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 ntlm_version = 2:15:0
 otp_version = 2:15:0
 srp_version = 2:15:0
+ldapauxprop_version = 2:15:0
 INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/lib -I$(top_srcdir)/sasldb
 LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ -module -export-dynamic -rpath $(plugindir)
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
 EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES = libplain.la libanonymous.la libkerberos4.la libcrammd5.la \
 	libgssapiv2.la libdigestmd5.la liblogin.la libsrp.la libotp.la \
-	libntlm.la libsasldb.la libmysql.la
+	libntlm.la libsasldb.la libmysql.la libldapauxprop.la
 libplain_la_SOURCES = plain.c plain_init.c $(common_sources)
 libplain_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(plain_version)
@@ -141,12 +142,19 @@
 libmysql_la_LIBADD = $(COMPAT_OBJS)
+# Auxprop Plugins Ldap 
+libldapauxprop_la_SOURCES = ldapauxprop.c ldapauxprop_init.c $(common_sources)
+libldapauxprop_la_LDFLAGS = -lldap -llber -version-info $(ldapauxprop_version)
+libldapauxprop_la_DEPENDENCIES = $(COMPAT_OBJS)
+libldapauxprop_la_LIBADD = $(COMPAT_OBJS)
 # Instructions for making the _init files
 init_src=anonymous_init.c crammd5_init.c digestmd5_init.c gssapiv2_init.c \
 kerberos4_init.c login_init.c plain_init.c srp_init.c otp_init.c ntlm_init.c \
-sasldb_init.c mysqlauxprop_init.c
+sasldb_init.c mysql_init.c ldapauxprop_init.c
--- ./plugins/makeinit.sh.orig	Tue Dec  3 19:47:19 2002
+++ ./plugins/makeinit.sh	Sun Dec 29 20:42:28 2002
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 " > ${mech}_init.c
-for mech in sasldb mysql ; do
+for mech in sasldb mysql ldapauxprop ; do
 echo "
 #include <string.h>
--- ./plugins/ldapauxprop.c.orig	Sun Dec 29 20:39:55 2002
+++ ./plugins/ldapauxprop.c	Sun Dec 29 20:39:55 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+** ldap Auxprop plugin
+**   by Simon Loader
+** $Id$
+**  Auxiliary property plugin for Sasl 2.1.0
+**  Note: This was tested against openldap-2.0.21 with
+**     no cyrus-sasl support. If compiled with cyrus-sasl
+**     it seemed to try and use cyrus-saslv2 as if they are
+**     version 1. So in theory when openldap becomes saslv2
+**     compliant all should work.
+**   The plugin uses the following options in the
+** sasl application config file ( usually in /usr/lib/sasl2 )
+**  ldap_user: <username to login as>
+**  ldap_passwd: <password to use>
+**  ldap_hostnames: < comma separated host list >
+**  ldap_filter: < filter to get to users password >
+**  ldap_basedn: <basedn for the search>
+**  ldap_verbose:  ( if it exists will print select statement to syslog )
+**   The filter used in the option ldap_filter is parsed
+** for 2 place holders %u and %r they are replaced with username
+** and realm required respectively.
+**   %u is the username the user logged in as
+**   %r is the realm which could be the kerbros realm, the FQDN of the 
+**     computer the sasl app is on or what ever is after the @ on a username.
+**   %% is replaced with %
+**   %<char> is left as is
+**  e.g
+**   ldap_filter: uid=%u
+**      or feasibly uid=%s,domain=%r,o=SURF
+**               ldap_basedn: c=UK
+**   if something matches the filter the code
+**  will try and retrieve all properties requested.
+**  Usually  userPassword and cmusaslsecretMECHNAME where
+**  MECHNAME is the name of a mechanism.
+**  ldap_hostnames: tries to be clever and is can understand url type input.
+**      e.g. ldap:ldap.surf.org.uk:344,ldaps:secureldap.surf.org.uk
+**  put in verbose mode if you want to see what the filter is looking
+**  for and what it got.
+#include <config.h>
+/* checkpw stuff */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "sasl.h"
+#include "saslutil.h"
+#include "saslplug.h"
+#include <ldap.h>
+#include <lber.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "plugin_common.h"
+typedef struct ldap_settings {
+	char *ldap_user;
+	char *ldap_passwd;
+	char *ldap_hostnames;
+	char *ldap_basedn;
+	char *ldap_filter;
+	int ldap_verbose;
+	int have_settings;
+	int ldap_alias_deref;
+} ldap_settings_t;
+/* ldap_host_connect
+** takes: hosts a string of hosts separeted by commas
+** e.g
+LDAP *ldap_host_connect(char *hosts) {
+	const char *rfc_port = "389";
+ 	char *cur_ldap_host;
+  char *next_ldap_host;
+  char *host_dup_ptr;
+  char *port;
+  int ssl_mode = 0;
+#ifdef LDAP_OPT_X_TLS
+	int tls_option;
+  LDAP *ld = NULL;
+  host_dup_ptr = strdup(hosts);
+  next_ldap_host = cur_ldap_host = host_dup_ptr;
+  while ( cur_ldap_host != NULL ) {
+    ssl_mode = 0;
+    /* find first , and set to null */
+    next_ldap_host = strchr(next_ldap_host,',');
+    if ( next_ldap_host != NULL ) {
+      next_ldap_host[0] = 0x00;
+      /* be nice ignore white space */
+      while (!isalnum(next_ldap_host[0]))
+        next_ldap_host++;
+    }
+    /* ok so we need to know hostname/ip, ldaps or ldap
+    ** and port number if set ???
+    */
+    if ( strstr(cur_ldap_host,"ldaps:") != NULL ) {
+      cur_ldap_host += 6;
+      ssl_mode = 1;
+    }
+    if ( strstr(cur_ldap_host,"ldap:") != NULL ) {
+      cur_ldap_host += 5;
+      ssl_mode = 0;
+    }
+    /* if it doesnt have either we presume ldap */
+    /* now to get the port */
+    if ( (port = strchr(cur_ldap_host,':')) != NULL ) {
+      port[0] = 0x00;
+      port++;
+    } else {
+      port = (char *)rfc_port;
+    }
+    ld = ldap_init(cur_ldap_host,atoi(port));
+    if ( ssl_mode ) {
+#ifdef LDAP_OPT_X_TLS
+      ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS, (void *)&tls_option);
+			/* ++++ Print an error saying no TLS support but TLS requested */
+    }
+    if ( ld != NULL ) {
+	    break;
+    }
+    cur_ldap_host = next_ldap_host;
+  }
+  free(host_dup_ptr);
+  return(ld);
+**  ldap_create_filter
+**   uses select line and allocate memory to replace
+**  Parts with the strings provided.
+**   %% = %
+**   %u = user
+**   %r = realm
+**   %<char> = left as is
+**  Note: calling function must free memory.
+** Better memory copy and proper allocation for muliple %u\%r
+** by Birger Toedtmann birger-takatukaland.de
+static char *ldap_create_filter(sasl_server_params_t *sparams,char *select_line,char *user,char *realm)
+  char *buf,*ptr;
+  char *buf_ptr,*line_ptr;
+  int filtersize = 0;
+	/* ++++ this could be modulised more */
+  /* calculate memory needed for creating 
+  the complete filter string. */
+  buf = select_line;
+	/* we can use strtok to get all vars */
+	while ( (ptr = strchr(buf,'%')) ) {
+		buf = ++ptr;
+		switch ( buf[0] ) {
+				case '%':
+					filtersize--;  /* we are actully deleting a character */
+					break;
+				case 'u':
+					filtersize += strlen(user)-2;
+					break;
+				case 'r':
+					filtersize += strlen(realm)-2;
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+		}
+	}
+/* alloc mem */
+  filtersize = filtersize+strlen(select_line)+1; /* don't forget the trailing 0x0 */
+ /* ok, now try to allocate a chunk of that size */
+  if ( (buf = (char *)sparams->utils->malloc(filtersize)) == NULL ) {
+         /* ummm couldnt get the memory something must be up */
+         return NULL;
+  }
+buf_ptr = buf;
+line_ptr = select_line;
+/* replace the strings */
+	while ( (ptr = strchr(line_ptr,'%')) ) {
+		/* copy what ever we have not done so already */
+		memcpy(buf_ptr,line_ptr,ptr - line_ptr); /* -1 we dont want the % */
+		buf_ptr += ptr - line_ptr;
+		ptr++;
+		switch (ptr[0]) {
+				case '%':
+					buf_ptr[0] = '%';
+					buf_ptr++;
+					break;
+				case 'u':
+					memcpy(buf_ptr,user,strlen(user));
+					buf_ptr += strlen(user);
+					break;
+				case 'r':
+					memcpy(buf_ptr,realm,strlen(realm));
+					buf_ptr += strlen(realm);
+					break;
+				default:
+					buf_ptr[0] = '%';
+					buf_ptr[1] = ptr[0];
+					buf_ptr += 2;
+					break;
+		}
+		ptr++;
+		line_ptr = ptr;
+	}
+	/* now copy the last bit */
+	memcpy(buf_ptr,line_ptr,strlen(line_ptr)+1); /* need the null */
+  	return(buf);
+void ldap_get_settings(const sasl_utils_t *utils,void *glob_context) {
+	struct ldap_settings *settings;
+	char *verbose_test;
+	settings = (struct ldap_settings *)glob_context;
+	if ( settings->have_settings == 0 ) {
+		/* do I have to allocate memory for the vars only testing will tell */
+		/*( probably )*/
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP","ldap_verbose",(const char **)&verbose_test,NULL);
+ 	 	if ( verbose_test != NULL ) {
+ 	 	  settings->ldap_verbose = 1;
+ 	 	  utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "ldap auxprop plugin has been initilizsed\n");
+ 	 	} else {
+ 	 	  settings->ldap_verbose = 0;
+ 	 	}
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP","ldap_user",(const char **)&settings->ldap_user,NULL);
+ 	 	if ( settings->ldap_user == NULL ) {
+ 	 	  /* set it to a blank string */
+ 	 	  _plug_strdup(utils,"",&settings->ldap_user,NULL);
+ 	 	}
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP", "ldap_passwd", (const char **) &settings->ldap_passwd, NULL);
+ 	 	if ( settings->ldap_passwd == NULL ) {
+ 	 	  _plug_strdup(utils,"",&settings->ldap_passwd,NULL);
+ 	 	}
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP", "ldap_hostnames", (const char **) &settings->ldap_hostnames, NULL);
+ 	 	if ( settings->ldap_hostnames == NULL ) {
+ 	 	  _plug_strdup(utils,"",&settings->ldap_hostnames,NULL);
+ 	 	}
+/* this probably came in in openldap v2 so lets not have it unless it exists */
+		/* get alias deref type but set to default first */
+		settings->ldap_alias_deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER;
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP", "ldap_alias_deref", (const char **) &verbose_test, NULL);
+ 	 	if ( verbose_test != NULL ) {
+			if (*verbose_test == 'n' || *verbose_test =='N') 
+				{ settings->ldap_alias_deref=LDAP_DEREF_NEVER; }
+			if (*verbose_test == 's' || *verbose_test =='S') 
+				{ settings->ldap_alias_deref=LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING; }
+			if (*verbose_test == 'f' || *verbose_test =='F') 
+				{ settings->ldap_alias_deref=LDAP_DEREF_FINDING; }
+			if (*verbose_test == 'a' || *verbose_test =='A') 
+				{ settings->ldap_alias_deref=LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS; }
+ 	 	}
+#endif /* LDAP_OPT_DEREF */
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP", "ldap_filter", (const char **) &settings->ldap_filter, NULL);
+ 	 	if ( settings->ldap_filter == NULL ) {
+ 	 	  _plug_strdup(utils,"",&settings->ldap_filter,NULL);
+ 	 	}
+ 	 	utils->getopt(utils->getopt_context,"LDAPAUXPROP", "ldap_basedn", (const char **) &settings->ldap_basedn, NULL);
+ 	 	if ( settings->ldap_basedn == NULL ) {
+ 	 	  _plug_strdup(utils,"",&settings->ldap_basedn,NULL);
+ 	 	}
+		settings->have_settings = 1;
+	}
+/* returns the realm we should pretend to be in */
+static int parseuser(const sasl_utils_t *utils,
+                     char **user, char **realm, const char *user_realm, 
+                     const char *serverFQDN, const char *input)
+	int ret;
+	char *r;
+	if(!user || !serverFQDN) {
+		PARAMERROR( utils );
+		return SASL_BADPARAM;
+	}
+	r = strchr(input, '@');
+	if (!r) {
+		/* hmmm, the user didn't specify a realm */
+		if(user_realm && user_realm[0]) {
+			ret = _plug_strdup(utils, user_realm, realm, NULL);
+		} else {
+			/* Default to serverFQDN */
+			ret = _plug_strdup(utils, serverFQDN, realm, NULL);
+		}
+		if (ret == SASL_OK) {
+			ret = _plug_strdup(utils, input, user, NULL);
+		}
+	} else {
+		r++;
+		ret = _plug_strdup(utils, r, realm, NULL);
+		*--r = '\0';
+		*user = utils->malloc(r - input + 1);
+		if (*user) {
+			strncpy(*user, input, r - input +1);
+		} else {
+			MEMERROR( utils );
+			ret = SASL_NOMEM;
+		}
+		*r = '@';
+	}
+	return ret;
+/* from Scot W. Hetzel <hetzels at westbend.net>
+**   this is for comptabilty with openldap 1 and 2
+#define SASL_ldap_search_ext_s(ld, base, scope, filter, attrs, attrsonly, serverctrls, clientctrls, timeout, sizelimit, res) \
+       ldap_search_ext_s(ld, base, scope, filter, attrs, attrsonly, serverctrls, clientctrls, timeout, sizelimit, res)
+#define SASL_ldap_memfree(dn) ldap_memfree(dn)
+#define SASL_ldap_search_ext_s(ld, base, scope, filter, attrs, attrsonly, serverctrls, clientctrls, timeout, sizelimit, res) \
+        ldap_search_st(ld, base, scope, filter, attrs, attrsonly, timeout, res)
+#define SASL_ldap_memfree(dn) sparams->utils->free(dn)
+static void ldap_auxprop_lookup(void *glob_context,
+																sasl_server_params_t *sparams,
+																unsigned flags,
+																const char *user,
+																unsigned ulen) 
+	char *userid = NULL;
+	/* realm could be used for something clever */
+	char *realm = NULL;
+	const char *user_realm = NULL;
+	const struct propval *to_fetch, *cur;
+	char value[8192];
+	size_t value_len = 0;
+	char *user_buf;
+	char *cur_prop;
+	char *filter = NULL;
+	struct ldap_settings *settings;
+  LDAP *ld = NULL;
+	int attrs_index = 0;
+	LDAPMessage	*result,*entry;
+	BerElement *berptr;
+	struct berval **berval = NULL;
+	char *attrs[100];
+	if(!sparams || !user) return;
+	/* setup the settings */
+	settings = (struct ldap_settings *)glob_context;
+	ldap_get_settings(sparams->utils,glob_context);
+	/*  MOVE BELOW TO PARSEUSER function */
+	user_buf = sparams->utils->malloc(ulen + 1);
+	if(!user_buf)
+		goto done;
+	memcpy(user_buf, user, ulen);
+	user_buf[ulen] = '\0';
+	if(sparams->user_realm) {
+		user_realm = sparams->user_realm;
+	} else {
+		user_realm = sparams->serverFQDN;
+	}
+	if ( parseuser(sparams->utils, &userid, &realm, user_realm,
+								 sparams->serverFQDN, user_buf) != SASL_OK ) goto done;
+	/*************************************/
+	/* find out what we need to get */
+	/* this corrupts const char *user */
+	to_fetch = sparams->utils->prop_get(sparams->propctx);
+	if(!to_fetch) goto done;
+	/* now loop around hostnames till we get a connection 
+	** it should probably save the connection but for 
+	** now we will just disconnect eveyrtime
+	*/
+	/***************************************/
+	/* Make a connection to an ldap server */
+	if ( settings->ldap_verbose )
+	  sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN,
+												"ldap plugin trying hostnames %s\n",settings->ldap_hostnames);
+	if ( (ld = ldap_host_connect(settings->ldap_hostnames)) == NULL ) {
+		sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "ldap plugin failed to connect to a server\n");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* Ok lets set the dereferensing alias mode */
+	if (ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, (void *) &settings->ldap_alias_deref) != LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS) {
+		sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "ldap plugin failed to set dereferensing aliases mode\n");
+		goto done;
+	}
+#endif /* LDAP_OPT_DEREF */
+	if ( settings->ldap_verbose )
+	  sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN,
+												"ldap plugin trying binding as %s with %s\n",settings->ldap_user,settings->ldap_passwd);
+	/* bind as user given */
+  if (ldap_simple_bind_s(ld,settings->ldap_user,settings->ldap_passwd) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
+		sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "ldap plugin failed to bind as user given\n");
+    goto done;
+  }
+  /***************************************/
+  /* create a list of attributes we want */	
+	for(cur = to_fetch; cur->name; cur++) {
+		/* Only look up properties that apply to this lookup! */
+		if(cur->name[0] == '*' && (flags & SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID)) continue;
+		if(!(flags & SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID) && cur->name[0] != '*') {
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* If it's there already, we want to see if it needs to be
+		 * overridden */
+		if(cur->values && !(flags & SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE))
+	    continue;
+		else if(cur->values)
+	    sparams->utils->prop_erase(sparams->propctx, cur->name);
+    /* add it to the list */
+		/* +++++++ need to allocate some memory for all this */
+		if ( settings->ldap_verbose )
+			sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "looking for value %s\n",cur->name);
+		if(!(flags & SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID) && cur->name[0] == '*' ) {
+			attrs[attrs_index++] = (char *)cur->name+1;
+		} else {
+			attrs[attrs_index++] = (char *)cur->name;
+		}
+		if ( attrs_index > 99 ) {
+		  sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN, "ldap plugin more than 100 properties\n");
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* make the last bit null to signify end as not all 
+	** unices null memory
+	** bug found by 
+  ** by Birger Toedtmann birger-takatukaland.de
+	*/
+	attrs[attrs_index++] = NULL;
+	/*****************************************/
+	/* create a filter to find the user info */
+	filter = ldap_create_filter(sparams,settings->ldap_filter,userid,realm);
+	if ( settings->ldap_verbose )
+		sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN,
+												"ldap plugin doing filter %s\n",filter);
+	/* run this filter and get the properties */
+	/* Now do the search */
+  if (SASL_ldap_search_ext_s(ld,settings->ldap_basedn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter,
+														 attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, LDAP_NO_LIMIT, 1, &result) !=
+		sparams->utils->free(filter);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* Get the property name and value for everything */
+	/* Now get the entry from the search results */
+	if ( (entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, result)) ==NULL) {
+		sparams->utils->free(filter);
+		SASL_ldap_memfree(result);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* free filter */
+	sparams->utils->free(filter);
+	/* now get the results set value and value_len */
+	cur_prop = ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry,&berptr);
+	while ( cur_prop != NULL ) {
+		berval = ldap_get_values_len(ld,entry,cur_prop);
+		strncpy(value,berval[0]->bv_val,8190);
+		value_len = berval[0]->bv_len;
+		if ( settings->ldap_verbose )
+			sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_WARN,
+													"ldap plugin setting property %s to value %s\n",cur_prop,value);
+		sparams->utils->prop_set(sparams->propctx, cur_prop,
+														 value, value_len);
+		ldap_value_free_len(berval);
+		cur_prop = ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, berptr);
+	}
+	ber_memfree(berptr);
+ done:
+  if (ld) ldap_unbind(ld);
+	if (userid) sparams->utils->free(userid);
+	if (realm)  sparams->utils->free(realm);
+	if (user_buf) sparams->utils->free(user_buf);
+static void ldap_auxprop_free(void *glob_context, const sasl_utils_t *utils) {
+  struct ldap_settings *settings;
+  settings = (struct ldap_settings *)glob_context;
+	utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_DEBUG, "ldap freeing meme\n");
+  utils->free(settings->ldap_user);
+  utils->free(settings->ldap_passwd);
+  utils->free(settings->ldap_hostnames);
+  utils->free(settings->ldap_filter);
+  utils->free(settings);
+static sasl_auxprop_plug_t ldap_auxprop_plugin = {
+	0,           /* Features */
+	0,           /* spare */
+	NULL,        /* glob_context */
+	ldap_auxprop_free,        /* auxprop_free */
+	ldap_auxprop_lookup, /* auxprop_lookup */
+	NULL,        /* spares */
+int ldapauxprop_auxprop_plug_init(const sasl_utils_t *utils,
+																	int max_version,
+																	int *out_version,
+																	sasl_auxprop_plug_t **plug,
+																	const char *plugname) 
+	struct ldap_settings *settings;
+	if(!out_version || !plug) return SASL_BADPARAM;
+	/* We only support the "LDAP" plugin */
+	if(plugname && strcmp(plugname, "ldapauxprop")) return SASL_NOMECH;
+	if(max_version < SASL_AUXPROP_PLUG_VERSION) return SASL_BADVERS;
+	*plug = &ldap_auxprop_plugin;
+	/* should I get config values here or not 
+	** only testing will tell
+	** ok we need to get some options
+	**
+	*/
+	settings = (struct ldap_settings *)utils->malloc(sizeof(struct ldap_settings));
+	ldap_auxprop_plugin.glob_context = settings;
+	settings->have_settings = 0;
+	return SASL_OK;
--- ./lib/staticopen.h.orig	Tue Sep 10 18:17:37 2002
+++ ./lib/staticopen.h	Sun Dec 29 20:51:40 2002
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
@@ -169,6 +172,9 @@
--- ./doc/options.html.orig	Mon Dec 30 22:15:57 2002
+++ ./doc/options.html	Sun Dec 29 22:20:01 2002
@@ -130,6 +130,59 @@
 valid value for "<tt>mysql_statement</tt>".
+<h4>Ldap auxprop options</h4><br>
+<p><b>important note:</b>The auxprop will crash (SEGV) if the ldap libraries
+   are compiled against cyrus sasl Version 1.(see code for details)<br>
+ <p>  The plugin uses the following options:-<br>
+  ldap_user: (username to login as)<br>
+  ldap_passwd: (password to use)<br>
+  ldap_hostnames: (comma separated host list)<br>
+  ldap_filter: (filter to get to users password)<br>
+  ldap_basedn: (basedn for the search)<br>
+  ldap_verbose: (if it exists will print information to syslog)<br>
+<p>The filter used in the option ldap_filter is parsed
+ for 2 place holders %u and %r they are replaced with username
+ and realm required respectively.
+<font color=red>DO NOT PUT "' quotes around the filter</font>
+   %u is the username the user logged in as<br>
+   %r is the realm which could be the kerbros realm, the FQDN of the
+     computer the sasl app is on or what ever is after the @ on a username.<br>
+   ldap_filter: uid=%u
+   ldap_filter: uid=%s,domain=%r,o=SURF
+   If something matches the filter the code
+  will try and retrieve all properties requested.
+  Usually  userPassword and cmusaslsecretMECHNAME where
+  MECHNAME is the name of a mechanism.
+  ldap_hostnames: Can understands url type input.
+      e.g. ldap:ldap.surf.org.uk:344,ldaps:secureldap.surf.org.uk
 Back to the <A href=index.html>index</a>
--- ./acconfig.h.orig	Tue Sep 10 18:17:32 2002
+++ ./acconfig.h	Sun Dec 29 21:56:19 2002
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
 #undef STATIC_SRP
+/* auxprop mechs we can link staticly? */
 /* This is where plugins will live at runtime */
--- ./configure.in.orig	Fri Dec  6 16:23:56 2002
+++ ./configure.in	Mon Dec 30 05:03:04 2002
@@ -646,6 +646,53 @@
+# Simon tries to do autoconf for ldap (has a book now)
+dnl LDAP
+AC_ARG_WITH(ldapauxprop, [  --with-ldapauxprop=PATH         enable authentication from LDAP [no] ],
+  with_ldapauxprop=$withval,
+  with_ldapauxprop=no)
+if test "$with_ldapauxprop" =  "yes"; then
+  for ldaploc in lib/ldap lib
+  do
+    if test -f ${prefix}/${ldaploc}/libldap.a; then
+      with_ldapauxprop="${prefix}"
+      break
+    elif test -f /usr/local/${ldaploc}/libldap.a; then
+      with_ldapauxprop="/usr/local"
+      break
+    elif test -f /usr/${ldaploc}/libldap.a; then
+      with_ldapauxprop="/usr"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+case "$with_ldapauxprop" in
+    no) true;;
+    *)
+       if test -d ${with_ldapauxprop}/include/ldap; then
+         CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${with_ldapauxprop}/include/ldap"
+         LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${with_ldapauxprop}/lib/ldap"
+     else
+         CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${with_ldapauxprop}/include"
+         LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${with_ldapauxprop}/lib"
+       fi
+       AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap, ldap_open,[
+              SASL_MECHS="$SASL_MECHS libldapauxprop.la"
+            SASL_STATIC_OBJS="$SASL_STATIC_OBJS ../plugins/ldapauxprop.o"
+            [AC_ERROR([LDAP libarary ldap and lber not found])],
+            [-llber -lssl -lcrypto]);;
 # simon finishes trying to do autoconf
design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005