Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1622715
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Группа :: Разработка/C++
Пакет: boost

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%set_strip_skiplist */lib*-d-*.so.*
%define libsuffix 1_33_1
%ifarch x86_64
%define jamdir tools/build/jam_src/bin.linux
%define jamdir tools/build/jam_src/bin.linuxx86

Name: boost
Version: 1.33.1
Release: alt1.M24.1
Epoch: 1

Summary: Boost libraries
License: Boost Software License
Group: Development/C++
Url: http://www.boost.org

Packager: Damir Shayhutdinov <damir at altlinux.ru>

Source: %{name}_1_33_1.tar.bz2
Source1: regex-config.in
Source2: python-config.in
Source3: thread-config.in
Source4: signals-config.in
Patch0: boost-1.31.0-make.patch
Patch1: boost-1.32.0-alt-symlink.patch

BuildPreReq: python-devel = 2.3

# Automatically added by buildreq on Thu Aug 14 2003

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel zlib-devel bzlib-devel

The Boost web site provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. One
goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations
so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of
the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards
Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
Although Boost was begun by members of the C++ Standards Committee Library
Working Group, membership has expanded to include nearly two thousand members
of the C++ community at large.

%package devel
Summary: Boost libraries
Group: Development/C++
License: free for use and distribute

%description devel
The Boost web site provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. One
goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations
so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of
the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards
Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
Although Boost was begun by members of the C++ Standards Committee Library
Working Group, membership has expanded to include nearly two thousand members
of the C++ community at large.

%package jam
License: GPL
Summary: Boost Jam is a replacement for make
Group: Development/Other

%description jam
Boost Jam is a build tool based on FTJam, which in turn is based on Perforce
Jam. It contains significant improvements made to facilitate its use in the
Boost Build System, but should be backward compatible with Perforce Jam.

%package datetime
License: BSD
Summary: Date-Time Library.
Group: Development/C++

%description datetime
Programming  with  dates  and  times  should  be  almost as simple and
natural  as  programming  with strings and integers. Applications with
lots  of temporal logic can be radically simplified by having a robust
set  of operators and calculation capabilities. Classes should provide
the ability to compare dates and times, add lengths or time durations,
retrieve dates and times from clocks, and work naturally with date and
time intervals.

%package datetime-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Date-Time Library. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-datetime = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description datetime-devel
Programming  with  dates  and  times  should  be  almost as simple and
natural  as  programming  with strings and integers. Applications with
lots  of temporal logic can be radically simplified by having a robust
set  of operators and calculation capabilities. Classes should provide
the ability to compare dates and times, add lengths or time durations,
retrieve dates and times from clocks, and work naturally with date and
time intervals.

%package datetime-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Date-Time Library. Static development files
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-datetime-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description datetime-devel-static
Programming  with  dates  and  times  should  be  almost as simple and
natural  as  programming  with strings and integers. Applications with
lots  of temporal logic can be radically simplified by having a robust
set  of operators and calculation capabilities. Classes should provide
the ability to compare dates and times, add lengths or time durations,
retrieve dates and times from clocks, and work naturally with date and
time intervals.

%package filesystem
License: BSD
Summary: Filesystem Library
Group: Development/C++

%description filesystem
The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
manipulate paths, files, and directories.

%package filesystem-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Filesystem Library. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-filesystem = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %version-%release

%description filesystem-devel
The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
manipulate paths, files, and directories.

%package filesystem-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Filesystem Library. Static development files
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-filesystem-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description filesystem-devel-static
The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
manipulate paths, files, and directories.

%package iostreams
License: BSD
Summary: I/O streams Library
Group: Development/C++

%description iostreams
The Boost Iostreams Library provides various iostreams support

%package iostreams-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Iostreams Library. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-iostreams = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %version-%release

%description iostreams-devel
The Boost Iostreams Library provides various iostreams support

%package iostreams-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Iostreams Library. Static development files
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-iostreams-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description iostreams-devel-static
The Boost Iostreams Library provides various iostreams support

%package wave
License: BSD
Summary: Boost.Wave Library
Group: Development/C++

%description wave
The Boost Wave Library

%package wave-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Wave Library. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-wave = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %version-%release

%description wave-devel
The Boost Wave Library

%package wave-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Wave Library. Static development files
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-wave-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description wave-devel-static
The Boost Wave Library

%package test
License: BSD
Summary: Test Library
Group: Development/C++

%description test
The Boost Test Library provides a matched set of components for writing test
programs, organizing tests in to simple test cases and test suites, and
controlling their runtime execution. The Program Execution Monitor is also
useful in some production (non-test) environments.

%package test-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Test Library. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-test = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description test-devel
The Boost Test Library provides a matched set of components for writing test
programs, organizing tests in to simple test cases and test suites, and
controlling their runtime execution. The Program Execution Monitor is also
useful in some production (non-test) environments.

%package test-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Test Library. Static development files
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-test-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description test-devel-static
The Boost Test Library provides a matched set of components for writing test
programs, organizing tests in to simple test cases and test suites, and
controlling their runtime execution. The Program Execution Monitor is also
useful in some production (non-test) environments.

%package regex
License: BSD
Summary: Regular expressions library for C++
Group: Development/C++
Obsoletes: boost-regex-gcc2, boost-regex-gcc3
Provides: boost-regex-gcc2 = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-regex-gcc3 = %epoch:%version-%release

%description regex
Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often used in text
processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix utilities grep, sed and
awk, and the programming language perl, each of which make extensive use of
regular expressions. Traditionally C++ users have been limited to the POSIX C
API's for manipulating regular expressions, and while regex++ does provide
these API's, they do not represent the best way to use the library. For example
regex++ can cope with wide character strings, or search and replace operations
(in a manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
libraries can not do.

%package regex-devel
License: BSD
Summary: Regular expressions library for C++. Development files.
Group: Development/C++
Obsoletes: boost-regex-gcc2-devel, boost-regex-gcc3-devel, boost-regex-common-devel
Provides: boost-regex-gcc2-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-regex-gcc3-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-regex-common-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Requires: boost-regex = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description regex-devel
Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often used in text
processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix utilities grep, sed and
awk, and the programming language perl, each of which make extensive use of
regular expressions. Traditionally C++ users have been limited to the POSIX C
API's for manipulating regular expressions, and while regex++ does provide
these API's, they do not represent the best way to use the library. For example
regex++ can cope with wide character strings, or search and replace operations
(in a manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
libraries can not do.

%package regex-devel-static
License: BSD
Summary: Regular expressions library for C++
Group: Development/C++
Requires: boost-regex-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description regex-devel-static
Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often used in text
processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix utilities grep, sed and
awk, and the programming language perl, each of which make extensive use of
regular expressions. Traditionally C++ users have been limited to the POSIX C
API's for manipulating regular expressions, and while regex++ does provide
these API's, they do not represent the best way to use the library. For example
regex++ can cope with wide character strings, or search and replace operations
(in a manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
libraries can not do.

%package python
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Python Library (Boost.Python)
Obsoletes: boost-python-gcc2, boost-python-gcc3
Provides: boost-python-gcc2 = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-python-gcc3 = %epoch:%version-%release

%description python
Use the Boost Python Library to quickly and easily export a C++ library to
Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It
is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you
should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with
Boost.Python. The system should simply ``reflect'' your C++ classes and
functions into Python.

%package python-devel
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Python Library (Boost.Python)
Obsoletes: boost-python-gcc2-devel, boost-python-gcc3-devel, boost-python-common-devel
Provides: boost-python-gcc2-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-python-gcc3-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-python-common-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Requires: boost-python = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description python-devel
Use the Boost Python Library to quickly and easily export a C++ library to
Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It
is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you
should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with
Boost.Python. The system should simply ``reflect'' your C++ classes and
functions into Python.

%package python-devel-static
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Python Library (Boost.Python)
Requires: boost-python-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description python-devel-static
Use the Boost Python Library to quickly and easily export a C++ library to
Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It
is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you
should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with
Boost.Python. The system should simply ``reflect'' your C++ classes and
functions into Python.

%package thread
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Threads Library (Boost.Threads)
Obsoletes: boost-thread-gcc2, boost-thread-gcc3
Provides: boost-thread-gcc2 = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-thread-gcc3 = %epoch:%version-%release

%description thread
Boost.Threads allows C++ programs to execute as multiple, asynchronous,
independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
including program instruction counter and registers. Programs which execute as
multiple threads are called multi-threaded programs to distinguish them from
traditional single-threaded programs. Definitions gives a more complete
description of the multi-threading execution environment.

%package thread-devel
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Threads Library (Boost.Threads)
Obsoletes: boost-thread-gcc2-devel, boost-thread-gcc3-devel, boost-thread-common-devel
Provides: boost-thread-gcc2-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-thread-gcc3-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Provides: boost-thread-common-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Requires: boost-thread = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Obsoletes: thread-devel-static < 1:1.31.0-alt1

%description thread-devel
Boost.Threads allows C++ programs to execute as multiple, asynchronous,
independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
including program instruction counter and registers. Programs which execute as
multiple threads are called multi-threaded programs to distinguish them from
traditional single-threaded programs. Definitions gives a more complete
description of the multi-threading execution environment.
%package thread-devel-static
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Threads Library (Boost.Threads)
Requires: boost-thread-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description thread-devel-static
Boost.Threads allows C++ programs to execute as multiple, asynchronous,
independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
including program instruction counter and registers. Programs which execute as
multiple threads are called multi-threaded programs to distinguish them from
traditional single-threaded programs. Definitions gives a more complete
description of the multi-threading execution environment.

%package signals
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Signals Library (Boost.Signals)

%description signals
The  Boost.Signals  library  is an implementation of a managed signals and
slots  system. Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and  are
also called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected to
some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event targets or
subscribers), which are called when the signal is "emitted."

%package signals-devel
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Signals Library (Boost.Signals)
Requires: boost-signals = %epoch:%version-%release
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description signals-devel
The  Boost.Signals  library  is an implementation of a managed signals and
slots  system. Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and  are
also called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected to
some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event targets or
subscribers), which are called when the signal is "emitted."
%package signals-devel-static
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Signals Library (Boost.Signals)
Requires: boost-signals-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description signals-devel-static
The  Boost.Signals  library  is an implementation of a managed signals and
slots  system. Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and  are
also called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected to
some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event targets or
subscribers), which are called when the signal is "emitted."

%package program-options
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Program_options Library (Boost.Program_options)
Obsoletes: program_options
Provides: program_options = %epoch:%version-%release

%description program-options
The program_options library allows program developers to obtain program
options, that is (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods
such as command line and config file.

%package program-options-devel
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Program_options Library (Boost.Program_options)
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Obsoletes: program_options-devel
Provides: program_options-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description program-options-devel
The program_options library allows program developers to obtain program
options, that is (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods
such as command line and config file.

%package program-options-devel-static
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Program_options Library (Boost.Program_options)
Requires: boost-program-options-devel = %epoch:%version-%release
Obsoletes: program_options-devel-static
Provides: program_options-devel-static = %epoch:%version-%release

%description program-options-devel-static
The program_options library allows program developers to obtain program
options, that is (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods
such as command line and config file.

%package serialization
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Serialization Library (Boost.Serialization)

%description serialization
Here, we use the term "serialization" to mean the reversible deconstruction of
an arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes. Such a system
can be used to reconstitute an equivalent structure in another program context.
Depending on this context, this might used implement object persistence, remote
parameter passing or other facility.  In this system we use the term "archive"
to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes. This could be a file
of binary data, text data, XML, or some other created by the user of this

%package serialization-devel
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Serialization Library (Boost.Serialization)
PreReq: boost-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description serialization-devel
Here, we use the term "serialization" to mean the reversible deconstruction of
an arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes. Such a system
can be used to reconstitute an equivalent structure in another program context.
Depending on this context, this might used implement object persistence, remote
parameter passing or other facility.  In this system we use the term "archive"
to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes. This could be a file
of binary data, text data, XML, or some other created by the user of this

%package serialization-devel-static
Group: Development/C++
Summary: The Boost Serialization Library (Boost.Serialization)
Requires: boost-serialization-devel = %epoch:%version-%release

%description serialization-devel-static
Here, we use the term "serialization" to mean the reversible deconstruction of
an arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes. Such a system
can be used to reconstitute an equivalent structure in another program context.
Depending on this context, this might used implement object persistence, remote
parameter passing or other facility.  In this system we use the term "archive"
to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes. This could be a file
of binary data, text data, XML, or some other created by the user of this

%setup -q -n boost_1_33_1
chmod u+w -R *
find ./ -type f -exec chmod a-x '{}' ';'
#%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

cd tools/build/jam_src
sh ./build.sh
cd -
%jamdir/bjam -sPYTHON_ROOT=%_prefix -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.3

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_bindir
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_includedir
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_libdir

%jamdir/bjam -sPYTHON_ROOT=%_prefix -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.3 \
--prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_prefix install

#install jam

install -m 755 %jamdir/bjam $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_bindir/jam

ln -s %name-%libsuffix/%name $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_includedir

%ifarch x86_64
%__mv %buildroot%_prefix/{lib/*,%_lib/}

#install docs

mkdir -p $docdir
mkdir -p $docdir/doc
mkdir -p $docdir/status
mkdir -p $docdir/libs
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/python
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/regex
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/signals
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/thread
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/date_time
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/filesystem
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/graph
mkdir -p $docdir/libs/test

cp README LICENSE* *.css *.png *.htm $docdir

cp libs/*.htm libs/*.html $docdir/libs
cp -r doc/html/ $docdir/doc/
cp status/{*.html,*.gif,*.txt} $docdir/status/
cp -r more people libs $docdir
ln -s ../../../include/boost $docdir/boost

#fix symlinks in %%_libdir

for f in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_libdir/*; do
if test -L $f; then
dest=`basename $(readlink $f)`
rm -f $f && ln -s $dest $f

for f in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_libdir/*-gcc.so; do
if test -L $f; then
dest=`basename $f -gcc.so`.so
ln -s `basename $f` $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_libdir/$dest

%files devel
%dir %_includedir/%name-%libsuffix
%dir %_includedir/%name-%libsuffix/%name
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version/doc
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version/libs
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/doc/html
#doc %_docdir/%name-%version/doc/html/images/*
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/boost
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/more
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/people
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/status
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/README
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/*.css
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/*.png
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/*.txt
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/index.htm
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/*.xml
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/platform_maintainers.txt
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/[abcghilmnouv]*
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/disjoint_sets
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/dynamic_bitset
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/detail
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/format
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/function
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/functional
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/pool
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/preprocessor
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/property_map
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/parameter
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/random
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/range
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/rational
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/smart_ptr
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/static_assert
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/spirit
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/timer
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/tokenizer
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/ptr_container
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/tuple
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/type_traits

%files jam
%doc tools/build/jam_src/*.html tools/build/jam_src/README
%doc tools/build/jam_src/RELNOTES tools/build/jam_src/Porting

%files regex

%files regex-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/regex

%files regex-devel-static

%files python

%files python-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/python

%files python-devel-static

%files thread

%files thread-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/thread

%files thread-devel-static

%files signals

%files signals-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/signals

%files signals-devel-static

%files datetime

%files datetime-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/date_time

%files datetime-devel-static

%files filesystem

%files filesystem-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/filesystem

%files filesystem-devel-static

%files iostreams

%files iostreams-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/iostreams

%files iostreams-devel-static

%files test

%files test-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/test

%files test-devel-static

%files program-options

%files program-options-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/program_options

%files program-options-devel-static

%files serialization

%files serialization-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/serialization

%files serialization-devel-static

%files wave

%files wave-devel
%doc %_docdir/%name-%version/libs/wave

%files wave-devel-static

%post regex -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun regex -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post python -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun python -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post thread -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun thread -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post signals -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun signals -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post datetime -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun datetime -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post filesystem -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun filesystem -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post iostreams -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun iostreams -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post serialization -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun serialization -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post test -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun test -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post program-options -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun program-options -p /sbin/ldconfig

%define r_link %_includedir/%name
%define r_dir %_includedir/%name-%libsuffix/%name

%pre devel
if [ -d "$f" -a ! -L "$f" ]; then
%__rm -rf "$f"
/bin/touch "$f.RPMLOCK"

%post devel
if [ -f "$f.RPMLOCK" -a -d "$f" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"
%__rm "$f.RPMLOCK"

%triggerpostun devel -- %name-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun regex-devel -- %name-regex-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun regex-devel -- %name-regex-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun python-devel -- %name-python-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun python-devel -- %name-python-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun thread-devel -- %name-thread-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun thread-devel -- %name-thread-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun signals-devel -- %name-signals-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun signals-devel -- %name-signals-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun datetime-devel -- %name-datetime-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun datetime-devel -- %name-datetime-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun filesystem-devel -- %name-filesystem-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun filesystem-devel -- %name-filesystem-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"

%triggerun test-devel -- %name-test-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -L "$f" -a  -d "$d" -a ! -d "$d.RPMSAVE" ]; then
%__mv "$d" "$d.RPMSAVE"

%triggerpostun test-devel -- %name-test-devel < 1:1.31.0-alt1
if [ -d "$d.RPMSAVE" -a ! -d "$d" ]; then
%__mv "$d.RPMSAVE" "$d"


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005