Репозиторий ALT Linux backports/2.4
Последнее обновление: 9 июля 2008 | Пакетов: 497 | Посещений: 1625315
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Группа :: Система/Серверы
Пакет: apache

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id серьёзность приоритет статус разрешение сообщено описание
15691 major P1 NEW   iadzhubey at rics.bwh.harvard.edu htpasswd by default generates passwords rejected by apache
15146 major P2 NEW   mike at altlinux.org /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts-perl.d missing from the package
16561 enhancement P2 NEW   misha at altlinux.org п■п╣я└п╬п╩я┌п╫я▀п╧ VirtualHost п╡ п╫п╟я┤п╟п╩я▄п╫п╬п╧ п╨п╬п╫я└п╦пЁя┐я─п╟я├п╦п╦
5903 normal P2 ASSIGNED   vod at elecom.ru README needs a warning about /etc/httpd/conf permissions
2941 major P2 CLOSED   rider at altlinux.org п≤я│п╨п╩я▌я┤п╦я┌я▄ RA п©п╟я┌я┤ п╦п╥ я│п╠п╬я─п╨п╦ п©п╬ я┐п╪п╬п╩я┤п╟п╫п╦я▌
5263 enhancement P2 CLOSED   raorn at altlinux.org Build DSO mod_perl
16346 normal P2 RESOLVED FIXED solo at altlinux.org Wrong path in rpm macros
9321 enhancement P2 RESOLVED FIXED mike at altlinux.org [FR] rework default webpage
3507 critical P1 CLOSED FIXED maxman at yourline.ru п©п╬п╩п╫п╟я▐ п╫п╣я─п╟п╠п╬я┌п╬я│п©п╬я│п╬п╠п╫п╬я│я┌я▄ mod_perl
441 critical P4 CLOSED FIXED rider at altlinux.org п·я┬п╦п╠п╨п╟ п╡ п╨п╬п╫я└п╦пЁ-я└п╟п╧п╩п╣
5435 major P1 CLOSED FIXED shalupov at altlinux.org update to 1.3.33
5002 major P1 CLOSED FIXED crux at altlinux.org п╫п╣п╡п╣я─п╫я▀п╣ п©я─п╟п╡п╟ п╢п╬я│я┌я┐п©п╟ п╫п╟ п╦я│п©п╬п╩п╫я▐п╣п╪я▀я┘ я└п╟п╧п╩п╟я┘
2950 major P1 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org broken reload in initscripts
4994 major P2 CLOSED FIXED tma at altlinux.org apache and apache-mod_perl in proxied mode dont work
4235 major P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org п╩п╣п╥п╣я┌ п╨я┐п╢п╟ п╫п╣ п©я─п╬я│я▐я┌
3846 major P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org mod_usertrack dumps core (apache #24483)
3153 major P2 CLOSED FIXED dfo at antex.ru after rotating logs apache continues logging to deleted file, but not in newly created one
2920 major P2 CLOSED FIXED vsu at altlinux.org wrong permissions for /var/log/httpd
644 major P3 CLOSED FIXED dlebkov at altlinux.org п²п╣п╡п╣я─п╫п╬ я│п╬п╠я─п╟п╫ п©п╟п╨п╣я┌. п²п╣ п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╟п╣я┌я│я▐ httpd-perl.
4719 major P4 CLOSED FIXED usishev at yandex.ru Typo in spec breaks build for M22
2461 major P4 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org suexec compile-time setup broken
935 major P4 CLOSED FIXED sbolshakov at altlinux.org TMPDIR handling
12141 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED mithraen at altlinux.org Dupes in mime-types
10055 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED Usischev at gmail.com ServerSignature misconfiguration
6351 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED dfo at altlinux.org п·я┌я│я┐я┌я│я┌п╡п╦п╣ delaycompress п╡ /etc/logrotate.d/apache
4859 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED ru_classic at mail.ru п÷я─п╦ я┐я│я┌п╟п╫п╬п╡п╨п╣ п©п╟п╨п╣я┌п╟ apache-common п╫п╣ я│п╬п╥п╢п╟я▒я┌я│я▐ пЁя─я┐п©п©п╟ webmaster
3715 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED gritzko at altlinux.org README needs a warning: don't use /var/www/html
3549 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED migor at altlinux.org п╫п╣п╢п╬я│я┌п╟я┌п╬я┤п╫п╬ п©я─п╟п╡ п╢п╩я▐ я┤я┌п╣п╫п╦я▐ п╩п╬пЁп╬п╡
2928 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org httpd startup while httpd-perl running may lead to confusion
2921 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED vsu at altlinux.org wrong permissions for /var/cache/httpd
2904 normal P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org new init script
57 normal P4 CLOSED FIXED vsu at altlinux.org typo in Summary
2373 normal P5 CLOSED FIXED pilot at altlinux.org APACHE_HEADER_INSTALL=0
2468 minor P4 CLOSED FIXED dfo at antex.ru п╫п╣я┌ ogg я│я─п╣п╢п╦ mime types
1254 minor P4 CLOSED FIXED sergei at dolmatov.dsb.ru apxs-perl contains wrong INCLUDEDIR
987 minor P4 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org mod_proxy enabled per default
12898 trivial P2 CLOSED FIXED erthad at altlinux.org п╡ п╨п╬п╫я└п╦пЁп╣ п©п╬ я┐п╪п╬п╩я┤п╟п╫п╦я▌ п╡п╨п╩я▌я┤п╣п╫я▀ п╦п╫п╢п╣п╨я│я▀
5754 trivial P2 CLOSED FIXED vvk at altlinux.org п▓ п╢п╣я└п╬п╩я┌п╫п╬п╪ httpd.conf п╢п╩я▐ п╢п╬п╨я┐п╪п╣п╫я┌п╬п╡ п╡ /var/www/html/addon-modules п╥п╟п╢п╟п╫п╟ п╨п╬п╢п╦я─п╬п╡п╨п╟ iso8859-1
1067 trivial P4 CLOSED FIXED evgenik at diamonds.ru п©я─п╦ п╬п╠п╫п╬п╡п╩п╣п╫п╦п╦ п©п╣я─п╣п╥п╟п©п╦я│я▀п╡п╟п╣я┌я│я▐ index.shtml
93 trivial P4 CLOSED FIXED rider at altlinux.org warnings п©я─п╦ п©п╣я─п╣п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╣ apache
42 trivial P4 CLOSED FIXED voins at altlinux.org wrong text in version string
36 trivial P4 CLOSED FIXED voins at altlinux.org bug in startup script
3245 trivial P5 CLOSED FIXED gorev at sitronicsts.com Require service >= 0.5-alt1
11461 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED lakostis at altlinux.org Add support for sis/sisx MIME types
11053 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED lakostis at altlinux.org LogFormat must be <IFModule>'ed in httpd.conf
10308 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED raorn at altlinux.org Add vhosts config for mod_perl
10088 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED linux at balabanovo.ru more mimetypes
10038 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED thresh at altlinux.org decrease version reporting verbosity
9928 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED vvk at altlinux.org [FR] Minor enhancement of mod_realip.conf
8489 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org [FR] add backup files protection to default configuration
8385 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED Usischev at gmail.com More hints on vhosts in default configs
8029 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED tema at sema.ru Build with mod_accel support
5989 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org [FR] provide more detailed locations for temporary storage and use them
5983 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org [FR] more performance-related options to default httpd.conf
5748 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED misha at altlinux.org п²п╟п╢п╬ п©я─п╬п©п╦я│я▀п╡п╟я┌я▄ ulimits п©я─п╦ я┐я│я┌п╟п╫п╬п╡п╨п╣
5634 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED ns at altlinux.org п≤я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥п╬п╡п╟я┌я▄ п╢п╩я▐ п╡п╦я─я┌я┐п╟п╩я▄п╫я▀я┘ я┘п╬я│я┌п╬п╡ п╬я┌п╢п╣п╩я▄п╫я┐я▌ п©п╟п©п╨я┐
5309 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org restrict /usr/sbin/suexec ?
2905 enhancement P2 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org RFP: mod_deflate
7704 enhancement P3 CLOSED FIXED mike at altlinux.org [FR] UseCanonicalName off
4987 enhancement P3 CLOSED FIXED crux at altlinux.org п╫п╣п©п╬п╩п╫п╟я▐ п©я─п╬п╡п╣я─п╨п╟ п╡ mod_cgi п╡п╬п╥п╪п╬п╤п╫п╬я│я┌п╦ п╥п╟п©я┐я│п╨п╟ cgi-п©я─п╦п╩п╬п╤п╣п╫п╦п╧
2463 enhancement P4 CLOSED FIXED ujo at altlinux.org need macros like %_webdir
1331 enhancement P4 CLOSED FIXED migor at altlinux.org Add MIME-types need
1735 enhancement P5 CLOSED FIXED migor at altlinux.org п■п╬п╠п╟п╡п╦я┌я▄ п╬п©я├п╦я▌ п╡ п╢п╣я└п╬п╩я┌п╫я▀п╧ п╨п╬п╫я└п╦пЁ
9382 normal P2 CLOSED WONTFIX eostapets at altlinux.org Crash with error_log big that 2Gb
10084 enhancement P2 CLOSED WONTFIX migor at altlinux.org FR: allow users execute scripts owned by root
2907 enhancement P2 CLOSED WONTFIX mike at altlinux.org [4.1] spurious message in error_log while startup
988 enhancement P4 CLOSED WONTFIX mike at altlinux.org update to 1.3.24?
5251 enhancement P2 RESOLVED LATER dfo at altlinux.org Translation tables not available for regular users
2464 major P4 RESOLVED DUPLICATE ujo at altlinux.org need convenient control under system directories
6437 critical P2 CLOSED DUPLICATE combr at yandex.ru mod_proxy in apache don't proxying to apache-mod_perl
917 normal P4 CLOSED DUPLICATE mike at altlinux.org Is mod_perl compiled with Apache::Table?
2510 minor P4 CLOSED DUPLICATE dfo at antex.ru /var/www/html/index.html п╥п╟п╪п╣п╫я▐п╣я┌я│я▐ п©я─п╦ я┐я│я┌п╟п╫п╬п╡п╨п╣
5984 enhancement P2 CLOSED DUPLICATE mike at altlinux.org [FR] more performance-related options to default httpd.conf
2848 enhancement P5 CLOSED DUPLICATE mike at altlinux.org some mime types missing
6164 normal P2 RESOLVED WORKSFORME tema at sema.ru п·я┬п╦п╠п╨п╟(?) п╡ п╨п╬п╢п╣ п╪п╬п╢я┐п╩я▐ CGI
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